View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for July 30th, 2009

07-31-2009, 07:45 AM
WWE Superstars Report - July 30th, 2009
Report by ProWrestling.net target=_blank>ProWrestling.net, Chris Shore

[Q1]The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Todd Grisham welcomed us to Smackdown. He and Jim Ross are on commentary as Smackdown starts first. John Morrison made his ring entrance. The announce team hyped the Morrison/Hardy title match on Smackdown tomorrow night. The entire Hart Dynasty came out next…

1. John Morrison defeated Tyson Kidd (w/ DH Smith and Natalya) at 12:39. Tyson started with an armbar. Morrison reversed with a fireman’s takeover. Kidd backed Morrison into the corner and pushed him on the break. Morrison tried to attack but Kidd ran and hid in the ropes. Morrison locked in another armbar and broke when Kidd made it to the ropes.

They teased a test of strength and Kidd kicked Morrison. He cinched in a head lock as the crowd chanted USA. Morrison whipped out, but Kidd won the shoulder tackle challenge. Kidd ran the ropes and Morison hit a flapjack for two. Kidd rolled to the ropes. Morrison tried to get him back in, but Kidd hit a cheap shot. Kidd hit a neckbreaker on the apron through the second ropes. Cool spot.

Kidd rolled Morrison back in the ring and covered for two. Kidd went to the Chin Lock from Hell. Morrison fought out and hit a crucifix rollup for two. Kidd tossed him to the floor. While the ref admonished Kidd, Smith got a cheap shot in. Morrison recovered into the break.

Back from commercial at 8:27, Kidd was back to the chin lock. Morrison hit a back suplex to escape. Morrison tried for a kick, but Kidd tossed his leg down and Morrison hit the Pele kick. He hit a flying heel kick for two. Kidd kicked Morrison and ran to the rope. Morrison followed and clotheslined Kidd to the floor. Morrison went to the top, but Smith blocked his ability to jump. Morrison went to the floor and got in his face and the ref tossed Smith and Natalya from ringside. Morrison hit a corkscrew plancha and rolled Kidd back in for two.

Morrison tried for a moonlight Drive, but Kidd reversed into a drop kick for two. Kidd went back to attacking the neck. He whipped Morrison to the corner. Morrison jumped over him in the corner, but Kidd rolled him up. Morrison reversed the roll up for two. Kidd hit a kick and a low drop kick for two.

[Q2]Morrison reversed a whip, but Kidd grabbed the rope to stop. Morrison charged and Kidd tried to kick him. Morrison blocked the kick and flipped Kidd over the top to the apron. Kidd hit a sunset flip that Morrison rolled through and Morrison hit a sitting knee. He followed with Starship Pain for the win. Post match, Morrison celebrated while a video recapped the match and the announce team hyped the title match tomorrow night…

The announce team hyped and played the Ask a Diva video from WWE.com, where the WWE Universe can ask a Diva any question they want. Yes it was as bad as it sounds. The announce team hyped Orton in the main event…[C]

Back from commercial, William Regal made his ring entrance as Josh Matthews and Matt Striker took over. A video showed Yoshi Tatsu beating Regal on ECW. Yoshi made his entrance next…

2. William Regal defeated Yoshi Tatsu at 4:19. A surprise storm blew right at the start of the show. Our power flashed for just a moment and when I got cable back, Regal had Yoshi in a rest hold at 2:35. Yoshi tried to kick out, but Regal hit a double underhook butterfly suplex for two. He locked in a nerve pinch. Yoshi fought out and they traded blows. He hit a heel kick for two. Yoshi whipped Regal to the corner and climbed for ten punches. Regal pushed him off and hit his finisher for the win…Post match, a video recapped the match and the announce team hyped the main event…

[Q3][C]Back from commercial, a MVP video aired. Hey, I remember that guy. Whatever happened to him? I thought he went to Raw, but I haven’t seen him in a minute…Michael “Stone” Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler were next on commentary. They introduced a video that recapped Shaq’s time on Raw. After the video, they hyped Piven and Triple H vs. Legacy on the next Raw…

Backstage, Josh Matthews asked Orton what he thought about Cena winning the Beat the Clock challenge. Orton completely buried the Beat the Clock challenge. He said if you wanted to see what Cena won, watch his match with Primo tonight. He congratulated Cena for winning and then said he would beat Cena at SummerSlam…[C]

[Q4]Back from commercial, Randy Orton made his ring entrance. Primo was out next…

3. Randy Orton defeated Primo at 10:30. Orton started with a headlock that Primo whipped him out of. Orton shoulder tackled Primo across the ring. They played it again and Orton ran the ropes. Primo hit an arm drag. He followed with a headlock and Orton slapped on head scissors. Primo kipped out and hit two arm drags. Orton went to the floor and collected his thoughts. Back in the ring, he suckered Primo and kicked him in the gut to take control. He worked strikes and stomps on Primo. Primo hit a quick tackle and two drop kicks. He went for a third, but Orton grabbed the ropes and Primo missed. He rolled to the floor and recovered into the break…[C]

Back at 6:15 and the Randy Orton Chin Lock from Hell was in full effect. Primo tried to fight out, but Orton just beat him to the ground and stomped away. Orton hit his jumping knee drop for two. He hit another flying knee drop for two and went back to the deadly chin lock. Primo fought out and hit a surprise side Russian leg sweep. He hit two flying lariats and then a missile drop kick for two. Primo missed a springboard cross body and Orton followed with a RKO for the win. Post match, a video recapped the match as Orton celebrated on the stage to end the show…