View Full Version : WWE House Show Results (8/1): Manchester, NH

08-02-2009, 08:00 PM
It was a fun show in front of about a 65% full house. There were a LOT of kids and they popped for everything that WWE wanted them to pop for.

Here are the results.

Finlay beat Big Zeke (a cross brand match). Both guys tried to use foreign objects but Finlay succeeded.

Eve and Maria beat Layla and Natalya.

Tommy Dreamer beat Sheamus. Most of the fans were into Tommy getting the win but I heard a few "smart marks" (and I use the term loosely) hating on Tommy, using inside lingo trying to sound smart. I hope that made them feel better about themselves because the people there that didn't think so highly of themselves liked the finish.

Eugene, doing the same gimmick he did before, returned to action beating Ricky Ortiz. A bunch of people told me that they didn't know he was back. I told them they should read PWInsider.com!

Vladimir Kozlov beat Goldust. It wasn't good.

Chris Jericho and Big Show beat Cryme Tyme in a tag title match. It was better than I expected. The fans loved Cryme Tyme.

Rey Mysterio continued to kill Dolph Ziggler's push by beating him yet again.