View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 8/1: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

08-03-2009, 01:03 AM
WWE RAW Live Event Results
August 1st, 2009 - Bethlehem, PA
Report by Kathy Ward

The first match was between Primo Colon and Chris Masters
. Decent pop for Primo, ok heat for Masters. Ok back and forth match. Primo won with springboard cross body. Masters argued the entire way out of the arena with the ref about the call.

Next match Evan Bourne versus Alex Riley. Riley came out claiming even tho' the fans don't know him, they would love him. Boos all around. Crowd behind Evan Bourne. Evan blocked superplex attempt which led to Bourne winning with shooting star press.

Next Miz came out to big heat. Grabbed a chair, sat in the ring saying he wanted to speak from the heart, not as his character blah, blah, blah The Miz is awesome. Santino came out to crowd cheers. Threatened to punch Mizin the face. Plenty of back and forth, Santino comical as always. Miz won with full nelson bulldog.

Next match, Carlito versus Kofi Kingston for the US title. Carlito came out to pretty decent heat. Big pop for Kofi. Ok match, started a little slow, plenty of two counts. Kofi retained title with Trouble in Paradise.


6 Diva tag match Beth Phoenix, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes vs Mickey James, Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly. Typical divas match, Kelly missed a few key moves. Mickey, Gail and Kelly won with an assist from Hornswoggle.

Next match was a "Raw Challenge". Jack Swagger came out to big heat, lots of you suck chants and signs. (including my "Thwagger you thuck" sign which got a reaction from him.) MVP came out to big cheers. Largest so far of the night. Good match, lots of back and forth and two counts. Swagger won with gut wrench power bomb.

Main event 3 on 2 handicap match. First out, Legacy. Huge heat. Followed by Randy Orton, by far biggest heat of the night. Mark Henry came out to good crowd reaction. The arena erupted when John Cenas music began. Tons of screaming kids. Legacy controlled for most of the match but then Mark Henry cleaned house. Finish came when Mark & John both hit their finishers. Cena on Cody, Mark on Ted. Both got the three count.

After Randy and Legacy left the ring, John Cena announced it was Senior Referee Mike Chioda birthday and the entire arena sang Happy Birthday
to him.

All in all a decent show.