View Full Version : Lily Allen reveals Ashes cricket crush

08-03-2009, 09:44 PM
Lily Allen has admitted that she has a crush on England cricketers Andrew Flintoff and Graham Onions.

The pop singer has been updating her Twitter blog with comments about the current Ashes series, offering her support to the England team.

One early message described Flintoff as "f**king fit", but she has now switched her attention to Durham fast bowler Onions.

"I think I fancy Graham Onions more than Freddie now," she said. "I've heard he goes for days." Later, she asked her Twitter followers: "Is Onions married? Anyone?"

Meanwhile, Allen also expressed an interest in cricket commentary, claiming that she may take it up when she finishes her singing career.

"Come on Onions! Commentator just described him as 'tall dark haired and pigeon toed'. Cricket commentary is another world," she joked.

BBC cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew responded to her Tweets, saying: "If you want some cricket commentary lessons, give me a shout!"