View Full Version : ECW House Results - 9th Jul 2006 (Green Bay, Wisconsin)

07-11-2006, 04:50 AM
ECW House Results - 9th Jul 2006
Location - Green Bay, Wisconsin

Report by David Nordby

I just attended the ECW house show. About 1,500 people were there.

1) Al Snow defeated Stevie Richards in about 10 minutes. The crowd cheered both men but once the match started Richards played the heel excellently. The crowd really was into it and it was a decent opener.

2) Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke defeated The Basham Brothers in about 13 minutes. The Basham brothers have a new look and they got the most jeers of the night. The crowd couldn't stand them but overall a nice tag team match to keep the show going.

3) Vixen Body Contest - Kelly defeated Francine. Kelly easily won and actually got one of the biggest pops of the night. Francine teased she was going to take of Kelly's top when Mike Knox came out. Which lead to Balls Mahoney and an impromptu match.

4) Mike Knox defeated Balls Mahoney in about 12 minutes. Balls was really over with the crowd. Knox got the victory and he actually as bad in-ring as I thought.

5) Dueling Canes Match - The Sandman defeated Justin Credible in about 10 minutes. Sandman's entrance is alot of fun live and just like Stevie Richards, Credible was cheered before and after the match. Both of them took some very hard hits during the match and it was one of the best of the night.

20 Minute Intermission

6) CM Punk defeated Roadkill after about 12 minutes This was a very good match. CM Punk is alot of fun to see live. Alot of fans didnt like him. It seemed like the fans either loved him or hated him. It seemed like he was having alot of fun though goofing around with the fans who hated him and greeting the fans who did like him. I was very impressed with Roadkill's in-ring work he is a very good mover.

7) Test defeated Tommy Dreamer after about 15 minutes. Before the match Dreamer cut a very good in-Ring interview saying this ECW and you are the greatest fans in the world and I want you to say what ever the f*ck you want. Then a large F*ck you Vince chant starts up. Onto the match.......I actually thought that Test was very impressive with his work. He played one of the best hells of the night.

8) Extreme Rules - ECW Title - The Big Show defeated Sabu after about 12 minutes. This one was very fun match and had some nice back and forth action. Sabu had probably the best pop of the night while The Big Show didn't get near the heel heat I was expecting and a few cheers. They put each other through a few tables and Sabu put up a decent fight

Overall I thought it was a very good show. I had good seats. This wasn't ECW but the fans were loving every second of it regardless. There were very few this show sucks chants. The only regard that comes to mind is a fan behind me chanted 'Thank God I got my ticket for free'. They said they are coming back in the near future and I will probably attend again. When Sabu came out the lights went out which was very cool to see happen again.

Biggest Heel Heat:
Test, THe Bashams, and Justin Roberts

Loudest Cheers:
Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, and The Sandman

the madscotsman
07-11-2006, 02:56 PM
what moves is punk using as his finnish?