View Full Version : RAW Results - 10th Jul 2006

07-11-2006, 05:12 AM
RAW Results - 10th Jul 2006
Location - Sioux City, Iowa

Quick Results:
- John Cena def. Shelton Benjamin
- Melina def. Trish Stratus
- The Highlanders def. Rob Conway and Matt Striker
- Randy Orton def. Val Venis
- Handicap: Eugene def. Mr. McMahon and Shane McMahon

We see footage from last week’s title match where Edge defeated Rob Van Dam and John Cena to become the new WWE Champion. We are live from Sioux City, Iowa and your announcers are Jim ‘Corn Fed’ Ross and Jerry ‘Farmer’s daughters’ Lawler. Lillian Garcia introduces the new WWE champion, Edge and he comes out with Lita. Edge spins his belt and he walks with Lita to the Rated R Announce Table. Edge asks Jim and Jerry what they think about the announce table. Edge says that he is going to scout his opponent for Saturday night.

John Cena vs. Shelton Benjamin
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Shelton with a side head lock but Cena reverses. Cena with a shoulder tackle and then he gets Benjamin up but Benjamin escapes the hold and slaps Cena. Benjamin puts the referee between himself and John Cena and that allows Benjamin to connect with a kick. Cena with a series of punches and an Irish whip but Cena misses a charge. Benjamin tries to suplex Cena to the floor but Cena blocks it.

Mid-match notes:
Benjamin lands on his feet on a Cena suplex attempt and he hits a neck breaker for a two count. Benjamin with a suplex for a two count. Benjamin with a choke on Cena. Cena misses a cross body press when Benjamin moves out of the way. Benjamin with a series of elbow drops for a near fall. Cena gets Benjamin up on his shoulders for an Electric Chair drop and a two count. Cena goes up top but he gets distracted by Edge and Cena hits a jumping spin kick and Cena goes to the floor. We are back and Benjamin continues to work on Cena’s neck. Cena gets to his feet and he backs Benjamin into the turnbuckles but Benjamin holds on to the choke. Benjamin and Cena exchange punches with Cena getting the advantage.

The Finish:
Cena with clotheslines and a flying clothesline followed by a side slam and then it is time for the five knuckle shuffle. Cena sets for the FU but Benjamin lands on his feet and then Benjamin gets a two count with a Samoan Drop. Benjamin gets Cena up but Cena escapes. Benjamin misses a splash into the corner and Cena hits the FU and then he puts Benjamin in the STFU and Benjamin taps out.

Winner: John Cena

The Aftermath:
After the match, John Cena dives over the Rated R Announce Table and he slams Edge’s head into the table. Cena rolls Edge into the ring but Lita holds Cena’s leg. Edge punches Cena. Edge continues the attack with more punches and forearms. Edge hits the Impaler DDT and then he sets up for and hits a spear. Edge gets on the mic and he says that he would rather be anywhere but the arena so they are going to go to their hotel to watch the rest of the show. He says that he will see Cena on Saturday night. We go to commercial.

Outside the arena:
We go to the loading dock as we await the arrival of DX. Jim Ross reminds us that DX is welcome into the arena. Lawler says that there are two things you do not want and those are an IRS audit and an open invitation from Vince McMahon.

We go to the interview area where Eugene is watching with Gene Snitsky and Torrie Wilson. Eugene liked the video and he turns around to see Vince McMahon and ‘his son’ Shane. Vince asks Eugene if it was funny and Eugene wants to know if Vince can do the thing with his voice any more. Eugene runs through some catchphrases before Vince cuts him off. Vince says that the McMahons are going to get even and are looking for an opponent in a handicap match. Eugene mentions Dr. Isaac Yankem and Shane tells Eugene that is wrong and they will be facing Eugene. Shane says that they need to teach DX a lesson that the McMahons get the last laugh. We go to commercial.

Melina vs. Trish Stratus
Referee: Jack Doan

The start:
Melina pushes Trish away as they lock up. They lock up again and Trish sends Melina face first to the mat. Melina goes to the apron and then she kicks Trish in the head. Melina throws Trish outside but Trish stays on the apron and Trish pulls Melina to the floor. Melina goes under the ring to allow Nitro to distract Trish and Melina attacks from behind. Melina with a drop kick to Trish’s back for a two count. Melina with a rear chin lock on Trish and follows that up with crossfaces. Melina with a front face lock.

The Finish:
Trish blocks a suplex attempt and she hits one of her own for a two count. Melina kicks Trish and follows that with an Irish whip and Trish favors her back. Melina with a forearm to the back in the corner. Melina goes to the second turnbuckle but Trish with forearms and then she hits the Handstandcanrana. Trish with forearms to Melina followed by chops. Trish with a kick and then she hits a giant swing and a spinebuster for a two count. Trish sets up for Stratusfaction but she hits a baseball slide on Nitro instead. Melina with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Melina

The Aftermath:
After the match, Trish goes after Melina but Nitro holds Trish for Melina. Carlito comes out and he goes after Nitro and they hit stereo Lou Thesz Press and drop kicks as Nitro and Melina leave the ring.

Edge at the Hotel:
We go to the hotel where Edge and Lita are at the front desk for their suite. Edge is given some bad news that his room is not ready. He is told that he can go to the bar. Edge asks if they get USA Network because he has some business to do. Edge tells Lita to get a drink and wait for him. After Lita leaves, Edge insults the man at the front desk as we go to commercial.

We are back and we are looking outside the building. There is no DX yet.

The Highlanders vs. Rob Conway and Matt Striker
Referee: Mickey Hensen

Rory gets on the mic and he talks about how they learned about the wonders of corn. Before they can continue, they are interrupted by their opponents.

The start:
Rory and Striker start things off and Striker with a take down and front face lock on Rory. Conway tags in and Rory with a waist lock but Conway with an elbow followed by punches in the corner. Conway with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow from Rory. Robbie tags in and they hit a battering ram head butt on Conway.

The Finish:
Conway with a kick to Robbie but Robbie goes after Striker but Matt is too fast for Robbie. Conway punches Robbie but Robbie responds with a drop kick. Rory works over Conway while Robbie is with the referee. Robbie with punches to Conway and then they hit a double shoulder tackle and the Scot Drop for the three count.

Winners: The Highlanders

Ric Flair is walking in the back and Maria stops him. She wants to know what Flair thinks about his match at Vengeance. He says that he is all business tonight. He is going to tell the truth about Mick Foley. We go to commercial.

In the arena:
We are back and Ric Flair comes to the ring. Flair woooos and then he says that at Vengeance, Mick Foley challenged Ric Flair to a traditional wrestling match. The truth is that he kicked Foley’s ass in two straight. He proved that Foley is nothing more than a glorified stuntman. Mick Foley is on the Titantron and he has a message for Ric Flair and it is a rebuttal. First, did he take the easy way out in the ring? Flair’s claim to authorship is talking out of the side of his ass while drinking for several days and have a ghostwriter put everything down before Flair puts his name on the book. Foley points out that he wrote out 760 pages for a New York Times Number 1 Bestseller where he claimed that Ric Flair was not an ideal person to work in the 1990s in WCW. Foley wants to talk about Munich, Germany in 1994 when Flair was his boss. On that night he got his head tangled in the ropes and he saw blood on the mats outside. He threw a punch and his ear fell off. A referee handed the ear to the ring announcer and the ear was handed to Flair. Flair suggested that the ear be put in a bag of ice. Flair saw Foley still in the ring. He traveled thousands of miles, sleeping in his car to learn the business. Then he gets accused of not knowing how to wrestle by a guy whose main wrestling hold these days is touching another man’s genitalia. Then Flair has the nerve to say that he wrestled every badass and Foley is not one. Did any of these badasses beat him up any more than Foley did. Foley tells Flair to find a new cliché. He saw Flair’s family crying and the space that Flair occupied in his mind for 14 years was gone. Flair no longer matters to him. Flair can brag about his titles, but Foley has title of his own. He is a hardcore legend, a three time WWE champion, two time New York Times Number One Best Seller, he has been interviewed two times by Katie Couric, and he is a personal friend of Melina. Foley tells Flair that he gets no rematch and he calls Flair a used up piece of crap.

Flair wants Foley to quit crying about the past. He tells Foley to get into the ring to battle in a hardcore match. He says that he wished he stomped on Foley’s ear. Paul Heyman walks out and he apologizes for the interruption. He talks about how he made his peace with Mick Foley and they talked about how Flair made the same mistake again. It was probably because he never wrestled in ECW. Flair lumps everything into the same category like hardcore, garbage wrestling, and a glorified stunt show. Heyman says that he calls it ‘extreme entertainment’. Heyman mentions that there is a new ECW champion. We see footage of Big Show winning the ECW title last Tuesday night. Heyman says that it is his honor and privilege to introduce the ECW champion and the Big Show comes out. Show gets on the mic and he woooos for Ric Flair. He brings up the fact that Flair is a sixteen time World Champion, and maybe the greatest champion of all time. That is until now. Of all of Flair’s great accomplishments, there is one thing he has not done. There is only one man who has won the WCW, WWE, and ECW titles; and that man is Big Show. Show says that he wonders if Flair has it in him for one more. Show talks about how Flair mentions extreme, but there is nothing more extreme than standing in an ECW ring to look into Show’s eyes. Show challenges Flair for the ECW title tomorrow night. Show wants to know if Flair will accept. Flair accepts the challenge and they stand face to face. Heyman taps Flair on the shoulder and then Show with a neck breaker and then he tosses Flair out of the ring.

Vince McMahon and ‘his son’ Shane McMahon are in the McOffice. Vince says that he knows that DX will show up, but the question is when. There is a knock at the door and they get ready for DX, but it is only Eugene. They invite Eugene into the McOffice. Eugene wants to apologize to Vince and ‘his son’ Shane. Neither of them are mad nor offended. Vince says that they have a present for Eugene. Shane gives Eugene a DX shirt. Eugene says that green is his favorite color and then Shane pours green paint on Eugene. Vince yells at Eugene and then he clotheslines Eugene. Shane punches Eugene and then throws him into the wall. Shane sticks Eugene’s head into the toilet and then Vince flushes. Vince asks Shane if that sent a message. We go to commercial.

During The Break:
Paul Heyman and Big Show are in the back and Heyman is distracted by Candice. Paul asks Candice what she is doing tomorrow night. Candice wants to know what Paul is doing. Paul asks Candice if she wants to come to ECW and have a dance-off with Kelly. Candice says that she doesn’t want to dance against Kelly. She would rather dance with Kelly. Paul says that he will see Candice at ECW tomorrow. He asks Candice to spin for him as Paul walks away.

Viscera vs. Charlie HaasReferee: Chad Patton

The start:
Viscera with a biel to Haas and he seeks Lillian’s approval. Viscera with a shoulder tackle and then he chops Haas in the corner. Viscera steps on Haas’s back and then he tries to chop Haas but Haas moves out of the way. Haas punches Viscera and then he blows a kiss to Lillian. Haas charges into a boot from Viscera and then he wants Lillian’s approval.

Mid-match notes:
Haas drops Viscera across the top rope and then he hits a clothesline and Viscera drops to one knee. Haas goes up top and hits a missile drop kick and Haas gets a two count but Viscera presses Haas out of the ring. Haas kicks Viscera in the back and then he punches Viscera. Viscera with a Bossman Slam and then Viscera tries for the splash into the corner but Haas moves out of the way. Lillian gets in the ring and she tells them to stop. She wants to be friends with both of them . . . just friends.

The Finish:
Haas and Viscera say they don’t want to be friends and Haas rakes Viscera’s eyes. Viscera gives Lillian a Samoan drop and he does not realize what he has done until he sees Lillian on the mat. They call for medical attention to come to the ring for Lillian. While they provide medical attention to Lillian, Haas and Viscera leave the ring together.

Winner: No Contest</B></CENTER>

At the Hotel:
Edge and Lita are in the hotel bar and they comment on what just happened. Edge comments on their drinks and they make a toast. Edge is told that the room will be ready in ten minutes. Edge returns to the toast.

In the arena:
Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin is here to be the master of ceremonies for Diva Search 3 . . . Yippee. The eight contestants come out and they show why they should be their pick. The Miz says that they will also be on Smackdown and their first competition is this Friday and it will be the return of Diva Boot Camp.

Shane is getting ready to do the Shane-O Shuffle in the back and Coach stops by. He tells Coach to let him know when DX arrives. Jim Duggan comes by and he tells Shane that he never showed any respect. Vince comes from behind and hits Duggan with a chair and so does ‘his son’ Shane. They hooooo to Duggan before going to commercial.

Randy Orton vs. Val Venis
Referee: Mickey Hensen

We are back and Randy Orton mentions that there will be a legendary figure at Saturday Night’s Main Event and that legend is Hulk Hogan. Orton says that everyone knows that Hogan is a legend among legends. He cannot wait to introduce himself to Hulk Hogan as the Legend Killer.

The match:
Orton attacks Val before the bell rings and hits him from behind. Orton hits the RKO for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

The Aftermath:
After the match, Orton says that there is one more thing. Hulk Hogan will be bringing his daughter Brooke to Saturday Night’s Main Event. Randy says that he is really looking forward to officially introducing himself to her too.

At the Hotel:
Edge and Lita are in the hotel suite and they comment on Orton’s comments about Hogan. Room service shows up and Edge has some complaints but he says the food looks good. Edge says that they need some champagne for the celebration. He gives them three minutes to get it. We go to commercial.

Back on RAW:
Edge and Lita are eating and there is a knock at their door. From out of nowhere, John Cena enters the room and he attacks Edge and throws him across the table and then punches him and then he feeds the champ. Cena throws Edge into the lamp and then he picks up the title belt. Cena hits Edge with the title belt and then he drops it on top of Edge. Cena rings the bell before he leaves. We go to commercial.

No Disqualification Handicap Match
Mr. McMahon and Shane McMahon vs. Eugene
Referee: Michael Chioda

We are back and Vince McMahon comes to the ring and he has a mic. Vince introduces his opponent, Eugene.

The start:
Shane attacks Eugene on the floor and the Spirit Squad come to ringside. Eugene is thrown out of the ring and the Spirit Squad helps Eugene back in. Shane punches Eugene and then he hits a neck breaker for a two count. Eugene ‘hulks’ up and he points at Shane. Shane punches Eugene and Shane goes down. Eugene with a big boot and then he goes for the leg drop of doom but he is tripped by the Spirit Squad and he is pulled out of the ring. Eugene is rolled into the ring and then the Spirit Squad tosses Eugene in the air. They do it another time.

The Finish:
Eugene is kicked out of the ring and Eugene is put on the Rated R Announce Table. Shane goes up top but before he can inflict any more damage to Eugene, DX’s music plays. Vince wants to know what took them so long because they have been expecting them. Vince tells them it is time to come down. Vince wants Shawn and Hunter to stand in the middle of the Rawest Stage in Sports Entertainment but they walk to the other side. Vince yells out ‘now’ but Shawn and Hunter step in front of where the net fell. Eugene rolls up Vince for the three count.

Winner: Eugene

The Aftermath:
After the match, Hunter rolls around on the ramp and laughs. Hunter says that until Saturday, he has two words for Vince. We go to credits.

Report by PWInsider.com

07-11-2006, 05:30 AM
It was a pretty good show... Bit predictable at times but it was good.

07-11-2006, 06:48 AM
Another classic promo from Mick Foley. Best part of the show. Too bad there will be no rematch, unless Foley shows up tomorrow night at ECW. (I could see an angle where Flair doesn't get a rematch with Foley, but starts a new feud with "Cactus Jack").

07-12-2006, 11:35 AM
RAW is cool :)