View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for August 6th, 2009

08-07-2009, 07:03 AM
WWE Superstars TV Report - August 6th, 2009
Report by PWInsider, Richard Trionfo

We start off tonight’s show with a Vintage Raw match.

Match Number One: Santino Marella versus Chris Masters

Santino rolls around and does some stretches. Santino kicks at air and then they lock up. Santino is sent to the mat and Santino pops up. They lock up again and the same result happens. Masters with a kick and punch. Santino with a forearm and a flying forearm but Masters does not budge. Masters with a clothesline and an elbow drop. Masters stomps on Santino’s head. Masters with knees and then he hits snake eyes before a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Masters with an arm bar and chin lock. Santino gets out of the hold and then Santino tries for a full nelson but Masters keeps him from applying it. Masters with punches to Santino. Masters returns to the arm bar and chin lock. Santino with a jawbreaker but Masters with a punch that knocks Santino back to the mat. Masters with kicks to Santino and then he slaps Santino in the head. Santino does the power walk of doom as he Hulks up. Santino punches Masters and then he avoids a punch. Santino with an elbow and hip toss. Santino misses a fist drop and then Masters with the Master Lock and Santino taps.
Winner: Chris Masters

Now it is time for the ECW match of the week.

Match Number Two: William Regal and Paul Burchill with Katie Lea versus Yoshi Tatsu and Tyler Reks

Yoshi and Burchill start things off and they lock up with Yoshi getting a waist lock but Burchill works on the arm with an arm bar and he pulls Yoshi to the mat by the hair. They lock up again and Yoshi works on the arm but Burchill with a punch to the midsection. Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag and another arm drag into an arm bar. Reks tags in and hits a slingshot sunset flip for a near fall. Reks punches Burchill’s arm and he continues to work on it. Reks with a knee drop to the arm for a near fall. Burchill with a forearm and then he tags in Regal. Regal punches Reks but Reks with a side head lock. Reks tries for a shoulder tackle but Regal stays up. Reks with a side head lock take down. Regal with a back elbow and a European uppercut. Regal works on the arm but Reks escapes and he floats over on an Irish whip but Regal with a back elbow and then he sends Reks to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Reks with an arm bar on Regal. Yoshi tags in and he hits an elbow from the turnbuckles. We see that they worked on Regal’s arm during the commercial break and they continue to do so with Reks and Yoshi making rapid tags and working on the arm. Burchill tags in and he connects with knees. Yoshi with a series of kicks. Burchill with an Irish whip but Burchill charges into an elbow. Regal distracts Yoshi on the apron and that allows Burchill to knock Yoshi off the turnbuckles. Burchill works on the leg. Burchill with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Regal tags in and he continues to work on the leg. Regal with a knee to the leg and he continues to apply pressure. Burchill tags in and he hits a European uppercut to the back and he gets a near fall. Burchill with a version of a single leg crab. Yoshi with chops while Burchill punches the leg. Yoshi misses an enzuigiri and Burchill knocks Reks down. Yoshi is able to tag in Reks who hits a few drop kicks on Regal and then hits a leg drop. Reks with a suplex to Regal and he gets a near fall. Reks hits a flying clothesline for a near fall and Burchill breaks it up. Yoshi with a clothesline that sends him and Burchill over the top rope to the floor. Reks hits a cross body but the momentum sends Regal on top for the three count.
Winners: William Regal and Paul Burchill

We see footage of John Cena at a Cubs game.

We are back and did you know that people prefer Superstars than VH-1 or ESPN.

We have a Vladimir Kozlov training video.

It is time for Jim Ross and Todd Grisham to talk about last week’s Smackdown before the Smackdown Rebound.

Match Number Three: Mike Knox versus Rey Mysterio

We have a guest commentator for this match and it is Dolph Ziggler.

They lock up and Knox backs Rey into the corner and he appears to make a clean break but he connects with a knee and then he works on Rey. Rey rolls away from Knox but Knox is able to hit a leg drop for a near fall. Rey with a series of kicks to Knox but Knox with a body block for a near fall. Knox with more kicks to Rey and then he stands on Rey’s chest. Knox with a knee to the back and he works on Rey’s arm. Knox charges at Rey and Rey moves so Knox goes to the floor. Rey with a seated senton to Knox from the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Knox continues to wear down Mysterio as he kicks him in the corner. Mysterio with a drop toe hold that sends Knox into the turnbuckles. Rey with a rana and Knox goes to the floor. Rey kicks Knox in the leg as he returns to the ring. Rey with a drop kick but he runs into a clothesline. Knox puts Rey on the turnbuckles and then he hits a bicycle kick that sends Rey to the floor. Rey barely gets back into the ring before the ten count but Knox makes Rey regret it by catapulting Rey into the middle rope and he gets a near fall. Knox with a bear hug on Rey. Rey with punches but Knox with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Knox with a splash and he gets a near fall. Knox with a back breaker and he stretches Rey on his knee. Rey kicks Knox in the head and then he moves when Knox charges at him in the corner. Rey with a springboard seated splash and then Rey with a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow for a two count. Knox with a slam and then he tries for a knee drop but Rey moves. Rey with a roundhouse kick for a near fall. Knox gets a near fall. Knox gets Rey up for a power slam but Rey counters with a DDT and he gets a two count. Rey with a drop kick to the back and guess where Knox goes. Rey with the 619 and then he tries for the springboard dive but Ziggler pulls Rey off the apron and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Rey Mysterio by disqualification

After the match, Dolph attacks Rey and they get into the ring but Ziggler misses a charge into the corner and Rey escapes Knox as well. We go to credits.