View Full Version : JR's Headed to Alberta...Who's White and Not Hip?..

08-08-2009, 04:11 PM
Thanks for stopping by and visiting our site. Please visit our on line store as well as we have the best BBQ sauces in the land and the most unique and delicious Chipolte Ketchup you will find any where. I am working diligently on our BBQ biz and need your feedback. Would you pay $5 for shipping and handling for our products to be shipped to the USA and/or Canada? What about $12 shipping and handling for the UK? Again, I need your feedback as I prepare our site for the biggest clearance sale in its history. Now on the the beloved, BBQ'ed "dirt" that so many love to interpret in their own, unique ways as they regurgitate bits and pieces of my random B.S. on websites far and wide.

I had a great meeting today with the folks that make our sauces and the feedback that they are receiving within their industry is really amazing. As in really good amazing. I love our products and would not put my name on something to merely prostitute sales. If you haven't tried our products then you are missing out on some great eating. It's easy to see that I need to begin spending much more time on our brand as its potential is really significant.

Wow, I feel that I am much more knowledgeable of what movies are playing and why I should go see them after watching an abundance of wrestling this week. I have no major issues with movie promotion or any other paying promotion on a wrestling show but the ad agencies should at least have the common sense to change the commercials from time to time. After about he 3rd or 4th time one sees the ad it ceases to sell tickets. I started tapping on Tuesday.

Nice, overall Smackdown show Friday night. I read on the 'net where I was white and not hip. No kidding Einstein....that's a really insightful observation. Hey, so I didn't "connect" with Slam Master J. Is that so wrong? I guess I could pretend to be hip but that likely would get over like flatulence in church.

Oh my gosh....the Drew McIntyre entrance video has been "leaked" to the internet. There goes that beach front condo I had my eye on. Dammit!

Hurrah....Syracuse University has finally consented to allow WWE to promote an event in their beloved house of hoops, the Carrier Dome. I say "hoops" because Syracuse quit playing football in their Dome long ago. Perhaps little Bob (I should be the Commission of MLB) Costas will return to his alma mater and be the guest host and grab a few phone #'s while he's there. Seriously, this likely wouldn't have happened if WWE weren't PG and the economy wasn't in the toilet.

BTW what in the hell is Summerfest? Have I missed something. Has my sleep apnea affected my memory? Has my unhipness disconnected me from the target demo. Am I too old school? Is school out for summer?

C.M. (I have no clue as to what the initials mean this week) Punk is really evolving. Nice, slow, long lasting character development. Punk, Jericho, Ziggler and Morrison are really raising their game which means they could be be appearing on other 'rasslin shows in the future. Punk has capitalized on his opportunities.

Mike "Fort" Knox has "something" but it will be up to Knox to unleash the beast within and become something special and not just another athletic, big man. I still think Knox would be well served to watch some "vintage" (Thanks, Cole) Bruiser Brody tapes to observe Brody's timing and pacing of his brawls/matches. Knox had a nice week of WWE TV considering that he had been dormant for too long.

I hope to buy the Mildred Burke book this weekend, after I get my allowance from the Mrs, entitled "Queen of the Ring," I think. One can't navigate the future if they have no knowledge of the past. Wrestling isn't just about how many "man on the flying trapeze" maneuvers one can execute or how campy an actor one can be while reciting their verbal assignments. Wrestling can and at times is still about suspending one's disbelief just like a great movie does and nudging one into making an emotional investment in the product.

Any time there is a special guest ref or enforcer one knows that their official's shirt will be sleeveless. That's just 'rasslin.

Yes, the story that I blogged recently about the WWE NOT offering Brock Lesnar something like $40M for a seven year deal is accurate. Those numbers are not even close. Lesnar was likely offered a $1M guarantee with the opportunity to earn much more. There's a legit chance that Lesnar could have earned close to that much over a 7 year period as he made it north of the $1M mark faster than any one, I think, in WWE history. I think it would be cool to see WWE do a Lesnar DVD and pick up some of his comments from his WWE days and get comments from Lesnar's WWE peers about their thoughts on Brock then and Brock now. That's just a suggestion by the way so before the bus runs over me remember the key word here is "suggestion."

Just for my money and one guy's opinion, the best wrestling DVD's are of the documentary variety and not just match compilations.

This just in.....I got word Friday morning that I WILL be in Calgary Monday night to tape a WWE Superstars bout which will likely be done after Monday night Raw due to the early start time. I think my two fondest memories of traveling to Calgary was flying there once to do a series of vignettes with Bret Hart prior to his Ironman Match with Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania on a trip where Stu Hart had me in the dungeon "depriving blood from your brain." Plus, being in Calgary for the Calgary Stampede was really a great experience. Perhaps I can use an Ed Whalen line Monday night at some point ala "Malfunction at the Junction." After Raw, it's a lovely 3-4 hour car trip up to Edmonton which makes for a wonderful day. No worries, Grisham is a good driver. Oh yeah, if you don't know who Ed Whalen is then I suggest you Google the late, Calgary Stampede Wrestling announcer.

Is any one truly hotter and more popular with the fans on any WWE program than is Jeff Hardy these days? The TLC match that Hardy will have with Punk at Summerslam will be damned hard to follow.

Have you checked out my blog at www.wwe.com? It's on the Smackdown page.

I did an interview Friday evening for Sporting News Radio with my pal Todd Wright who is a knowledgeable WWE fan. BTW Todd loves Mickie James, for the record. We talked Oklahoma football and WWE. The Sooners started practice Wednesday and I plan to partake in the closed practice sessions Saturday and/or Sunday. I am "emotionally invested" in my favorite college football team in case you haven't noticed.

My wife has watched the "Sex and the City" movie so many times now on cable that I think that I have all the dialog memorized. That wasn't meant to be funny.

Here's a suggestion to many of the wrestlers I saw on TV this week, even out the faux tan. No one needs to look like a Sunkist product.

I have updated our Q&A section of this website and have answered the best questions posed to me. I have also deleted many emails as I refuse to address emails from men who profess their "love" to me or who tell me I'm handsome which we all know is a load of manure. O.K., perhaps "ruggedly handsome" but nothing more. I've been told so many times that people with Bells palsy don't work on TV that I realize that my modeling career is pretty much history. Perhaps, like George Costanza, I could be a "hand" model.

For the record, wrestling is still about selling logical storylines that are easy to understand and follow, reality based and that create an emotional investment.

My gosh, it feels as if the wrestling business has been so over analyzed this week or at least that's my opinion after surfing the 'net the past few days. I swear to goodness that this business isn't that difficult to navigate nor has the essence of it changed over the years. Long term planning and providing young men/women with the opportunity to carry the ball is a good place to start.

Now I strong suggest that you head to our store and buy some sauce, ketchup, shirts, caps, cookbooks, etc. I'm just saying.

Boomer Sooner!
