View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report with WWE Stars from 8/9/2009

08-10-2009, 06:31 AM
Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report - August 9th, 2009
Report by PWInsider, Richard Trionfo

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty Rhodes and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One: The Grand Royale Match

The rules of this multi level match is that it starts as a reverse battle royal with the wrestlers being given one minute to get into the ring. After that minute, it turns into a regular battle royal.

The wrestlers come to the ring. The bell rings and some men are in the ring, but most of them are fighting on the floor instead of trying to enter the ring. With 30 seconds left, there are about seven men in the ring. Time has run out on the first stage. The rest of the wrestlers go to the back.

After a frenzy in the last few seconds, the following wrestlers qualified for the next part of the match: Sweet Papi Sanchez, Gabriel, Dawson Alexander, Bo Rotundo, Joe Hennig, Ricky Ortiz, Justin Angel, Caylen Croft, Dylan Klein, Johnny Curtis, Yoshi Tatsu, and Vance Archer.

The second part of the match starts. Ortiz works on Hennig while Alexander and Gabriel work on Klein. Angel is on the apron but he rolls back into the ring. Bo Rotundo is eliminated by Sweet Papi Sanchez. Angel with a drop kick to Archer. Gabriel and Sanchez work on Ortiz while Archer, Hennig, and Alexander battle. Alexander with shoulders to Hennig in the corner. Sanchez with a forearm to Gabriel. Archer holds on after Yoshi Tatsu sends him to the apron. Yoshi with a kick that eliminates Archer. Alexander and Croft battle by the ropes. Gabriel is eliminated by Sanchez. Brisco eliminates Klein. Curtis and Angel eliminate Sanchez with a double clothesline. Curtis punches Hennig. Yoshi sends Ortiz over the top and he tries to skin the cat, but Angel with a drop kick that eliminates Ortiz. Curtis tries to eliminate Hennig and Hennig goes to the apron. Yoshi Tatsu is eliminated by Alexander.

We are down to the final five and they are Caylen Croft, Joe Hennig, Dawson Alexander, Justin Angel, and Johnny Curtis.

Alexander presses Angel out of the ring to eliminate him. Alexander with shoulder in the corner and then Curtis and Hennig go into the same corner. Alexander with an Irish whip to Croft while Curtis punches Hennig. Curtis tries to suplex Hennig over the top to the floor but Hennig with a suplex. We go to commercial.

We are back and Curtis tries to eliminate Hennig but Hennig holds on to the ropes. Croft has Alexander on the ropes but Alexander fights off. Alexander with a back elbow. Hennig rolls back into the ring. Alexander with a suplex to Croft. Alexander with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Hennig has Curtis on the apron but Curtis holds on. Hennig tries to kick Curtis to the floor. Croft with forearms to the chest of Alexander and then Croft attacks Hennig. Alexander punches Croft. Curtis tries to throw Hennig over the top rope but Hennig holds on. Alexander slams Croft. Hennig fights to stay in the match. Alexander with shoulders in the corner. Croft eliminates Alexander and we are now down to three men. Curtis punches Hennig and then Croft attacks Curtis from behind. Hennig punches Croft and then Curtis with a spinning heel kick. Croft eliminates Hennig and then Curtis eliminates Croft to win.
Winner: Johnny Curtis

We go to commercial.

We are back and Johnny Curtis in the ring and he is joined by Abraham Washington who comes to the ring with Rosa Mendes.

Washington says that he deserves General Manager of the Year for the last match. Washington says Johnny Curtis deserves special recognition for his accomplishments. He says that he does not see eye to eye with Curtis. He gives Curtis the General Manager’s Award. Johnny Curtis is now a part of the title match tonight so it will be a Triple Threat Match. They shake hands and we go to commercial.

We are back with a new Escobar video package.

Match Number Two: Dylan Klein versus Brett DiBiase

They lock up and DiBiase with a clean break. They lock up again and DiBiase with a side head lock and he turns it into a cravate and gets a side head lock take down. Klein with knees and forearms. The referee checks on DiBiase’s ribs and he appears to be injured. The referee signals that DiBiase is injured. Klein does not care and he works on the injury. Klein with a slam and then he kicks DiBiase in the ribs. Klein tries to disrupt DiBiase’s breathing. Klein with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. DiBiase tries for a drop kick but Klein holds on to the ropes and DiBiase is in more pain. Klein with a suplex and he is proud of his effort. Klein continues to work on the ribs and then he stretches DiBiase. Klein with a reverse chin lock and a waist lock. DiBiase with elbows but Klein with a belly-to-back suplex. Klein stands on DiBiase’s chest to add more pressure on the ribs. Klein with boots to the back. DiBiase with forearms but Klein with a gut buster from a fireman’s carry position. Klein is too cocky with his cover and DiBiase is able to counter and get the three count with a rollup.
Winner: Brett DiBiase

It is time to hear from Heath Slater. We see the cast on Slater’s arm. He asks if a broken hand is going to keep him down. He might be a little down, but when he gets knocked down, he gets right back up. He says that when he returns, you are going to see a new side of him.

Match Number Three: Johnny Curtis versus Alex Riley with Beverly versus Tyler Reks for the FCW Title

Riley goes after Reks but Reks moves. Curtis with a spinning heel kick and Riley goes to the floor. Reks with a rollup for a near fall on Curtis. Curtis with a side head lock and then he connects with an elbow to the head. Curtis with a suplex for a near fall. Reks with an Irish whip into the corner and a clothesline. Reks with a cross body for a near fall on Curtis. Riley throws Reks out of the ring and he focuses on Curtis. Riley with a suplex for a near fall. Riley with a snap mare and a kick to the back for a near fall. Riley with a knee drop to Curtis. Riley with an Irish whip and a running clothesline into the corner. Riley with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Riley with an Irish whip but Curtis with boots to a charging Riley. Curtis with a slingshot leg drop to Riley and then Reks with a springboard missile drop kick to Curtis.

Riley returns and he punches Reks and hits a suplex. Reks with punches and then he clotheslines Riley over the top rope and Reks goes over the top as well. Curtis returns to the ring and then he goes up top and hits a somersault splash and all three men are down. We go to commercial.

We are back and all three men are now in the ring. Reks blocks a Curtis suplex attempt on Riley by hitting Curtis in the back. Reks throws Curtis out of the ring and then he connects with forearms to Riley followed by a hard Irish whip. Riley punches Reks and hits a swinging neck breaker. Riley with a leg drop and then he works on the back. Reks with a punch and kick to Riley followed by an elbow and flying clothesline. Curtis breaks up the cover and then he drops a knee on Riley. Curtis tries for a sunset flip but Reks stops him and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Reks with an Irish whip to Curtis but Riley takes control on Reks. Riley puts Reks on the top turnbuckle and he hits a superplex. Curtis hits a leg drop that connects on both Riley and Reks. All three men are down in the ring. Curtis can only get a two count on Reks. Curtis with a Falcon Arrow on Riley but Reks breaks up the cover. Curtis and Reks push each other and then they exchange punches. Reks and Curtis go after Riley and Reks pushes Curtis into Riley. Riley hangs on the top rope while Reks gets the three count with a rollup on Curtis.
Winner: Tyler Reks