View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW Live Results, 8/10: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

08-11-2009, 10:07 AM
WWE SmackDown/ECW Live Event Results
August 10th, 2009 - Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Report by LordsofPain, Jeff Holden

Here is my report of the WWE Smackdown/ECW House Show that took place in Red Deer, Alberta on August 10th, 2009. This was my 3rd ever WWE event. The first two was in 1992 and 1994. This event was pretty entertaining, but ranks 3rd of the 3 though. A lot of the higher end guys were not at the event. No Jericho (since he was at RAW in Calgary), no Kane, Morrison, Hardy, Mysterio. So essentially it was almost a mid carders show. The Centrium in Red Deer seats 5987. I've attended many hockey games there, and counting floor seats, there was maybe 2000 people in total, IF that. Lots of kids in Cena and Hardy gear.

The event opened up with some new asian announcer, who was pretty hot as our ring announcer saying due to a scheduling conflict, Jericho vs. CM Punk had been changed to CM Punk vs. Great Khali, for a #1 Contenders match. Pretty pointless to say that considering Punk vs. Hardy is already made for Summerslam.

Match 1: Tommy Dreamer vs. Dolph Ziggler
-Lots of stalling to start this with Dolph working the crowd. Ziggler cut a promo, it was hard to hear, telling us how we'd remember the 1st time we met him. Funny bit with Dreamer putting Zigglers coat on. A ton of ECW chants to start the match. Dolph wins with his finisher.

Match 2: Melina & Maria vs. The Bella Twins
-All look fabulous in person, I got some good pictures. Melina got the win with her finisher. Typical Divas match.

Layla was in the upper deck with one of the few up there, some kid and his dad got moved front row. Good for them.

Match 3: Goldust vs. Vladimir Kozlov
-Kozlov won with his finisher. Some drunks around me telling Kozlov to go back to Russia.

Match 4: Mike Knox & Drew McIntrye vs. Cryme Tyme.
-Cryme Tyme won, JTG with the pin on McIntyre. CT was over

Match 5: ECW Championship: Christian vs. William Regal
-IMO, the best match of the night. Regal got some good heel heat basically from dissing Canada and Red Deer. Christian got a big pop for mentioning his peeps in Red Deer. Typical stuff. Chrisitan did the entire pointing at Regal to boos, then to him to cheers, to Regal getting boos, etc. Lots of "Regal Sucks chants." Chrisitan won after a top rope sunset flip. Post match Christian brought a kid in the ring to pose with Chrisitan.

Match 6: Finlay vs. Tyson Kidd.
-Kidd cut a promo telling us we couldn't jump on the Hart bandwaggon, playing a heel. Yet he still received cheers. He tried to get heel heat by saying how Red Deer doesn't have an NHL team or a CFL team. A Go Oilers Go chant was started. Finlay got the win after nailing Kidd with the Shaleleigh. Solid bout.

Match 7: Main Event: CM Punk vs. Great Khali
-Khali is massive in person, he was over with the crowd. Punk got some cheers at first, then cut a promo about being straight edge, and dissed the city a bit. Even ripped up someones sign and was jaw jacking with some idiot in the front row at the end. Me and my buddy were chanting "you can't wrestle" to Khali, kids in front told us that "yes he can" pretty funny sh##. Punk won with his top rope clothesline move.

After the match was done, Punk celebrated, and then Khali posed a bit for the crowd before leaving and that was it.

Top 5 Cheers:
1. Chrisitian
2. Cryme Tyme
3. The Great Khali
4. Tommy Dreamer
5. Finlay

Top 5 Heel Heat:
1. William Regal
2. CM Punk
3. Dolph Ziggler
4. Tyson Kidd
5. Vladimir Kozolv

08-11-2009, 05:41 PM
Eww, CM Punk vs. Khali???

Thanks for this Kellie