View Full Version : Concern Over RAW Making New Superstars

08-13-2009, 01:25 AM
The theme of contradictions resumes backstage in WWE. Vince McMahon is reportedly very frustrated with the creative team’s inability to create new stars, yet RAW–the program in which he has the most involvement–continues to operate without concern for burying rising talent. Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters have all been booked to look weak in recent weeks.

The fact that SmackDown generates significantly more acclaim than RAW supports an insider’s point: “Vince and his current crop of generals are so inside a bubble that they cannot even define what is logical anymore.” McMahon is far more hands-on with RAW, and while the show is far and away the most popular–and is now generating mainstream attention by virtue of its guest hosting gimmick–the feeling is that it is gravely struggling in getting new in-ring sensations over.

To RAW’s credit, most insiders are going to dismiss non-wrestling segments (such as comedy bits and celebrity hosts) as proof that the show is “out of touch,” even if they actually produce improvements in viewership and press coverage.


08-13-2009, 07:04 AM
wow thanks for the post