View Full Version : Ted DiBiase On Wanting To Be A Wrestler, Filming The Marine 2, Turning Babyface

08-15-2009, 07:01 PM
SLAM Wrestling has a new interview online with Ted DiBiase, Jr. Below are the highlights:

Wanting to be a wrestler: "I wanted to (be a wrestler) ever since I can remember... But it's something my father was adamant that I not do -- with the travel and the strain on your family life."

Filming The Marine 2: "(The movie) was an incredible experience... It was nice to be a hero for once. Instead of getting body-slammed or Batista-bombed, I got really blown up."

Possible babyface turn: "I am who I am... My boys are Randy and Cody. Movie or no movie, I'm going to be loyal. But crazier things have happened."

WWE Wellness Policy: "I give Vince (McMahon) props... The wellness policy is bulletproof. Guys are held accountable, it doesn't matter who you are. If you choose to screw up and misrepresent WWE, you are punished for it. And if you do it again, it's see you later, bye-bye. You can be replaced."

08-17-2009, 06:25 AM
wow thanks for the post John