View Full Version : Second Report: WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (8/15/09) - Mankato, Minnesota

08-16-2009, 07:58 PM
1. Finlay vs. Mike Knox. A fun, hard hitting match. Knox got busted open. He also did the cross body. Finlay won with the shillelagh.

2. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Vladimir Kozlov. Suprisingly not a squash, as Yang got a lot of offense in before succumbing to the chokeslam for the win.

3. Maria and Melina defeated the Bellas.

4. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler. Most of this match was theatrics with Dolph not wanting to get in the ring, after trying to say "What's Up?" to the crowd and trying to get up on the turnbuckle, but getting booed before he could get there. Dolph was hilarious and demanded the fans chant "Dolph Ziggler Rocks!" before he would get in the ring. Once they started "Dolph Ziggler Sucks!", he got in the ring and they started. After a fast paced match, Dolph Ziggler got his finisher (The "Zig-Zag"?) and won the match.

5. Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme and Eve. Fun match, Cryme Tyme is really over here. Shad won with the STO.

6. CM Punk vs. John Morrison. Punk had an awesome match with Morrison that ended with a GTS. Punk wins

7. ECW Championship: Christian vs. Regal vs. Shelton vs. Tommy. Great match with some awesome high spots and all sorts of good stuff. Tommy Dreamer was surprisingly funny here, including biting Regal and saying, "Tastes like crap!" and giving a high pitched shriek when he did a clothesline Christian won with the Killswitch.. Afterwards, Christian brought a fan in the ring and took a picture of him with the ECW Championship.

8. Khali vs. Kane, Lumberjack match Good main event. Khali demolished the heels early on. Dolph was hilarious here too, clutching his heart when Kane kicked out, ("So close!"). Khali won with the chokebomb, then celebrated with Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, and Jimmy Wang Yang.