View Full Version : Vince McMahon Shoves a Wrestler Into a Wall

08-21-2009, 07:10 AM
Former WWE Tag Team Champion Carl Ouellet had a tryout before agents at a recent SmackDown taping. In an interview with James Guttman, he gave a weird story regarding the experience. Ouellet said: "After the show, I asked Mike Rotunda, I said, 'Should I wait for their phone call or should I wait and thank Vince for the opportunity?' Mike said, 'No Carl. You should wait for Vince and thank him, so it'll be fresh in his memory, you know.' So I'm just waiting at the end of the Smackdown show. He's coming out and it's maybe 12:30 or 1 a.m. And I go, `Vince, I just want to...,' and he shoved me into the wall like I was a piece of crap. I felt pretty bad. Right after that, I got to my hotel room and called John Laurinaitis."


Y0UR Messiah
08-21-2009, 12:16 PM
Vince is a prick. Period.

08-21-2009, 07:17 PM
thats roid rage for ya