View Full Version : *Smackdown spoilers for 7-11-06*

King Placebo
07-12-2006, 06:16 AM
Credit: PWInsider & Bryan for the following:

*King Booker did a promo claiming he was going to win the WWE World title at the PPV. Rey Mysterio came out and they argued back and forth about the PPV.

*Matt Hardy defeated Ken Kennedy with a small package.

*Jamie Noble defeated Paul London after Kid Kash interfered. They announced a Tag Title match for the Great American Bash PPV.

*They did a Diva Boot Camp segment with the Diva Search contestants, which was won by Layla. Sylvan was backstage shaking his head at the Diva Search. They were pushing the Diva voting hard.

*Finlay defeated Lashley to win the WWE United States championship after the Little B****rd distracted Lashley.

*The Great Khali and Daivari were doing a promo by the stage. Undertaker appeared in the ring after the lights went off and on, then set off fireworks trying to spook Khali. Khali wanted to fight him, but Daivari held him back.

*There was a contract signing between Mark Henry and Batista. Batista discussed how he missed six months because of Henry and would get his revenge.

*WWE World champion Rey Mysterio defeated William Regal.

Post-ECW Dark Match:

*Rey Mysterio defeated Booker T and Finlay after Mysterio pinned Booker after hitting the 619 on each then hit a frog splash on Booker. Finlay appeared to be busted open after hitting the ring stairs.

Notes: Big Show and Ric Flair cut promos during a commercial break while in the ring...the venue was mostly full.
Finlay new US champ, sweet!

07-12-2006, 06:19 AM
It was an AWESOME SHOW!!!

People nearly rioted during ECW cuz most the time was spent standing around watching WWE Comercials...

And my section nearly hit the ring and ambushed the guy shooting shirts out cuz he didn't sent any our way...

Swamp Acid
07-15-2006, 09:19 PM
That sounded like an awesome show. I wasn't able to watch the show because I was studying for an examine that I won't take until thursday :hmm: .

Anyway, I think its pretty sweet Finaly(sp) finally got another MAJOR singles title, I think WCW 1996 or 1997 was he last singles title run when he was the Televison champion.

I find it kind of hard to believe that Hardy beat Kennedy though.