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08-30-2009, 07:28 AM
We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty ‘Did you know that I was on the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD’ Rhodes and Byron ‘Did you know that I bought the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD’ Saxton.

Match Number One: Mr. Tarver versus Sweet Papi Sanchez

Tarver goes to the apron as soon as the bell rings and he wants Sanchez to come to him. Tarver with a kick but Sanchez with a double thrust and clothesline. Sanchez with a hip toss. Tarver with a series of jabs and then he sends Sanchez’s hand into the ring post. Tarver with a key lock and a chin lock as well. Sanchez gets Tarver on his shoulder but Tarver escapes and then he clips Sanchez to get a near fall. Tarver returns to the key lock and chin lock before a wrist lock. Tarver with knees and a drop kick to the knee. Sanchez with a single leg trip and then Sanchez misses a leg drop. Tarver goes back to the wrist lock and chin lock. Sanchez gets Tarver up on his shoulder and then he hot shots Tarver and hits a clothesline. Sanchez with an elbow to the top of the head and then he goes for the running butt splash and running big boot. Sanchez with the splash but Tarver moves. Tarver misses a punch but Sanchez with a spinning back kick and the splash for the three count.
Winner: Sweet Papi Sanchez

Match Number Two: Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta versus Bo and Duke Rotundo in a Number One Contender Match

Duke and Beretta start things off but Beretta goes to the floor as soon as Duke charges at him. Croft gets tagged in while Duke stays on his hands and knees. Duke with a few clotheslines followed by a spinebuster. Duke receives a drop toe hold and goes into the ropes. Beretta hits Duke from the apron and then he tags in and hits a double sledge to the back as he comes off the turnbuckles. Beretta with a running knee into the corner followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Beretta with a chin lock and then he rakes the eyes. Duke with a power bomb to Beretta and both men are down. Bo tags in and he hits a flying clothesline and back elbow. Bo with a slam and a running clothesline into the corner followed by a bulldog for a near fall but Croft makes the save. Beretta runs Bo into the corner and Croft tags in and he connects with punches and elbows. Croft with a snap suplex for a near fall. Croft with a slam and then he tags in Beretta while standing on Bo’s hair. Beretta with a kick to the head and then he goes for the legs but Bo sends Beretta into the ropes and gets the three count out of nowhere with an inside cradle.
Winners: Bo and Duke Rotundo

Match Number Three: Fred Rosser versus Heath Slater

Slater keeps Rosser away as the bell rings and they lock up. Slater with a waist lock but Rosser with a wrist lock and Slater gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Rosser with a side head lock take over and Slater gets to the ropes. Slater with a kick and punches but Rosser with a sunset flip for a near fall. Slater with a flying forearm and a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Slater with a kick and forearm. Slater with a running knee lift and a knee drop for a near fall. Slater returns to the reverse chin lock. Slater charges into an elbow from Rosser and Rosser follows with punches and Slater goes down. Slater sends Rosser into the turnbuckles and then Slater with a baseball slide that sends Rosser to the floor. Slater misses a clothesline but Rosser connects with two of his own. Rosser follows that with a flying shoulder tackle. Rosser with a running power slam but Slater is able to kick out. Slater sends a charging Rosser onto the apron. Rosser with a forearm to Slater and then he tries for a slingshot move but Slater gets out of the way and then Slater with a leaping side reverse DDT for the three count.
Winner: Heath Slater

After the match, Angela interviews Slater and she asks why he is acting the way that he is. Slater says that everyone is asking him why. He says that everyone was asking him about Joe Hennig but he was the champion before the third generation superstars got her. Brett DiBiase comes out and attacks Slater. Vance Archer attacks DiBiase and then he puts DiBiase on the ring steps after Slater rearranges them. Slater is going to drop the steps on DiBiase but Joe Hennig makes the save.

Abraham Washington comes out to the ring and he is joined by Rosa Mendes, Fletcher Chase, and Troy Jackman. Washington brings out the best in FCW, the man who is the Florida Heavyweight Champion, Tyler Reks. Washington talks about how his guests have been disrespecting his show so he tells Reks to behave. He says that they haven’t seen eye to eye, but Reks is a fighting champion. Washington tells Reks that since he is a fighting champion, he will be defending his title in a very special match. Reks says that Washington has thrown everything at him, but he is still the champ. He asks if Washington is going to blindfold him or handcuff him? Reks says that no matter what Washington does, he will conquer Abe and his challengers. Reks says the fans have been behind him every step of the way. Washington says that Reks will defend the title in ‘The Match of Your Life’. Washington leaves the ring with his entourage.

On the floor, Washington decides to tell Reks what is going to happen next week. Reks will be in a Fatal Four Way Match against the members of Washington’s cabinet.

Match Number Four: Bo and Duke Rotundo versus Justin Angel and Kris Logan for the FCW Tag Titles

Logan and Bo start things off and Logan with a waist lock and some mat wrestling followed by a rollup for a near fall. Logan with an arm drag take down. Bo with a rollup and a back slide for a near fall. Bo with another rollup for a near fall. Bo with an arm drag into an arm bar. Duke tags in and hits a clothesline. Duke with a front face lock and then he rolls around the ring. Duke gets a near fall on Logan. Logan hits a clothesline on Duke and then he applies a front face lock. Angel tags in and hits a sunset flip for a near fall. Angel with a kick to the back followed by a forearm. Duke with a forearm to the back and Angel with a neck breaker. Angel and Logan with a double back elbow followed by a wheelbarrow slam onto Duke for a near fall. Logan with a cravate to Duke but Duke with a gutwrench suplex and Bo is tagged back in. Bo with a front face lock on Logan followed by a running clothesline in the corner. Bo tries for a bulldog out of the corner but Logan sends him off. Logan with a running forearm and then Angel is tagged back in. Angel and Logan with a double slam out of a double hip toss. Angel with a head lock and body scissors and we go to commercial.

We are back and Logan with a snap suplex to Bo for a near fall. Logan with a front face lock followed by a knee to the head. Logan with a slam and then Angel is tagged in. Logan power bombs Angel onto Bo for a near fall. Angel with a kick to the chest followed by a side Russian leg sweep into a version of an octopus. Angel with a kick to the head and a boot to the back. Angel with a knee as Bo tries to fight back. Logan is tagged back in and he kicks Bo in the corner. Logan with a snap mare and a scorpion like move. Angel tags in and he hits a leg drop. Angel with a key lock on Bo. Angel with a drop kick to Bo for a near fall. Logan tags back in and Angel with a slam. Logan with a European uppercut and forearm. Logan with a front face lock but Bo with a cross body for a near fall. Logan with a leg lariat for a near fall. Bo with an inside cradle for a near fall but Logan tags in Angel and Angel stands on Bo’s back and hits an elbow drop. Angel with a near fall and a front face lock as he applies additional pressure. Bo with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall and then Bo is able to tag in Duke. Duke with a shoulder tackle and a back elbow. Duke hesitates before he hits a splash into the corner. Duke with a power slam for a near fall. Angel misses a spin kick but he hits an enzuigiri. Logan tags in and hits a drop kick into the corner. Logan misses a double jump split legged moonsault. Angel tags in and Angel tries for a splash into the corner but Duke with a spear for a two count. Duke goes to the turnbuckles for a back senton but Angel moves out of the way. Angel goes up top but Bo distracts Angel. Duke hits the ropes and it crotches Angel. Duke goes up and Angel tries to knock him off. Duke with a superplex. Angel tries for an inside cradle but Duke counters and gets the three count.
Winners: Bo and Duke Rotundo