View Full Version : JR - Rey...Dusty...Jeff...TV Ads Inside Wrestling Programs..

08-31-2009, 06:08 PM
Not much going on this weekend which is a nice change of pace and the calm before the storm so to speak. Next week is the kickoff of college football season and "business definitely will pick up" until bowl season.

Business at J.R.'S Family BBQ has been good and our in store sales of sauces and ketchup has grown tremendously. We still hope to meet with various grocery store reps in the next few weeks to be able to put our products on their shelves.

I also some day would like to place our products in the WWE Niagara Falls complex but that is still a work in progress but would give them the exclusive for Canada on J.R.'s Sauces and Beef Jerky.

We do have some exciting things happening with our Beef Jerky distribution locally in Oklahoma and to be honest because we are such a small, home grown outfit, that's about all we can handle right now other than out growing website business.

We will be launching some new specials here on the site in a few days after the success of our last promotion. We are still in the learning phase of running a website sales operation and with a staff of three, including yours truly who is on the road a portion of every week, we are learning more each week on how to best ship our products as all major shipping entities are seemingly changing their rules on a weekly basis.

Nonetheless, your business is what keeps us alive here on this site and to those of you who shop and order with us we want to say thanks for the support. Here's a few, BBQ'ed Random Thoughts....

Just a little house cleaning and clarifications....

I NEVER said Jeff Hardy was the most popular Superstar in WWE ever. I said that Jeff Hardy, in my opinion, was the most popular Superstar in WWE over the past several MONTHS.

What about that did I not make clear? I realize that I'm not a skilled writer but that seems pretty clear to me. Perhaps not.

I mentioned that I was personally disappointed in Rey Mysterio's Wellness Program Suspension. That was and is true. Many of us have worked diligently to help make Friday Night Smackdown a better broadcast and have made an emotional investment in the show that ranks under Monday Night Raw in recognition and priority. Nonetheless, Rey was and will be again someday, a vital part of the success of the Friday night program. Mysterio is a legit Superstar that no company can snap their fingers and seamlessly replace. However, as one who has seen "it all" in this business and as The King has so often said, one can't grieve forever. Any time one door shuts in the wrestling biz another door opens. It's up to those still are still waiting in the wings or on the cusp of earning "their big break" to step up, be proactive, and turn heads whenever they get some "playing time."

I don't know any the details of Rey's suspension and there are multiple tales floating around the internet regarding this matter. If Rey is suspended for 30 days beginning next Wednesday, how could he perform in two weeks at Breaking Point? Just do the math as I wasn't "breaking a story" or "leaking any information" regarding this untimely and unfortunate matter. Rey Mysterio is a phenomenal star who will definitely be missed but as has been said for generations, "the show must go on."

Also, just for the record and to educate those that have it all figured out, a main eventer way back in the day, pre PPV era, might earn a six figure, annual income of which 99% came from the live event gates. Top, WWE stars these days, with all the income sources available, can easily earn &100K per month, all in.

Another fallacy is the tale of seeing a TV spot inside a wrestling broadcast and thinking that one has discovered an obscure nugget of information regarding upcoming creative direction. That's laughable. These spots are done so far in advance and long before creative plans are finalized. Plus these matches are usually for non televised bouts whose primary function is to sell tickets to a TV event. Key word here is "card subject to change." Another issue is how long it takes for cable systems and some TV outlets to change spots/ads with outdated info. That is one of the more frustrating issues that market reps and companies in general have to deal with in today's electronic media age.

I read on the 'net where WWE Superstars had just received or will be receiving $80K checks for the upcoming video game that hasn't even been released as of yet. Wow. Talents are paid royalties based on sales of a variety of products of which they are affiliated. How could royalties be paid on goods that are not being sold in stores as of yet? Pre orders? It doesn't work that way. Will WWE Superstars make some great extra cash on the sale of the Smackdown vs Raw video game when it is released? I would think so as they always have. The biggest sales period will be for the holidays which means that the benefactors of the video game sales will see their first, big money in 2010. This isn't new news and is the way the system has always worked. WWE having such an elaborate royalty system that rewards their talent for products and goods sold is one of the best facets as it relates to talent reimbursement to ever be established. Some alums of WWE still get royalty checks of varying amounts thanks to this system.

The "Dream interview" on Monday night Raw is for Guest G.M. Dusty Rhodes, a life long Texas Longhorn fan, to verbally interact with Jack Swagger, an alumnus of Oklahoma University, Texas' hated rival. Plus, both men have speech impediments which might severely challenge the person who handles the "closed captioning" on Monday Night Raw. I look for Dusty to do a great job on Raw because when Legends get the chance to stand in the spotlight one more time the great one's, and Dusty is a great one, usually take advantage of their opportunities.

We are still offering FREE SHIPPING to many areas on case prices of our BBQ Sauces and Chipolte Ketchup. Many customers are splitting a shipment with friends and family as the case is 12. 18 ounce, plastic bottles with shelf life of no less than one year.

Does any one regularly ship things to family or friends in the military that are stationed outside the United States? Any suggestions on this matter as we have several folks who want to ship JR's Beef Jerky to the armed forces. I think this is a great idea and the Jerky is light to ship and to carry and makes a great snack with a one year minimum shelf life.

For some reason, the Randy Couture-Antonio Nogueira UFC fight Saturday night in Portland somehow reminded me of the Ric Flair-Terry Funk rivalry of the late 80's. Two legends who some pundits thought were well past their prime getting it on on pay per view. Flair and Funk had one of the most entertaining rivalries of any generation and the two, proud and talented pro grapplers seized their moment and delivered when called upon. So did Couture and Nogueria Saturday night in Portland. Both men are proud, veteran warriors, especially Randy Couture who is 46 years young while Nogueria is 33 and arguably an "old 33." Both athletes proved that they still have fuel left in their tanks and both showed that they still possess the heart to continue inside the Octagon at least for the immediate future. Nogueria is apparently healthy again and his victory via unanimous decision over Couture, albeit bitter sweet, was without controversy from my vantage point.

Is Couture better off moving to 205? How will Nogueira navigate the heavyweight waters of the UFC in the days to come? More interesting days lie ahead for MMA. I plan on attending a UFC event in OKC coming in mid September as it falls on a Wednesday night. I hear that their advance ticket sales is over $500K which is a damn, nice number in any one's arena for a non PPV event.

How'd you like the NBC/Wrestlemania special Saturday night? I really enjoyed it and it was over before I knew it. It was very unique and fast paced. The amount of work that went into that production was scary.

Thanks for stopping by and spending a few moments with us. We had our biggest, sales week ever here last week and the thanks goes to those that placed orders. We appreciate you so much and hope that you will continue to shop with us in the future.

Monday afternoon I head to Cleveland to get ready for what should be an interesting Tuesday night taping of Smackdown.

Boomer Sooner!
