View Full Version : JR's Headed to Dallas...Randon Thoughts and Personal Opinions

09-05-2009, 08:23 AM
Here's hoping that everyone has a great Labor Day weekend and that my Sooners, without the best tight end in college football Jermaine Gresham, can win in Jerry's house in Dallas this Saturday night against BYU. I'll be roaming the sideline wearing my signature, black hat so keep an eye out on the ESPN Prime Time Broadcast. The BBQ'ed Random thoughts are ready to serve.....

Sorry that I haven't had time to update our Q&A section this week but I've been busier than a fruit merchant. Keep 'em coming as I will get on a roll soon and address all that make the cut. I suggest that you read some of the archived Q&A's not only for entertainment and informational purposes but to also make sure that you aren't wasting your time asking a question that has been beat to death like a Government Mule.

I can tell you that any questions regarding my contract status have been body slammed meaning I am not and will not address them. There is so much BS floating around about my employment status it has become embarrassing. WWE is pleased with my work and perceives me as an asset that they want to retain. Once we officially begin our negotiations we will see where it takes us. In the meantime, I have no apprehensions as to those negotiations as I have another business to help build in JR's Family BBQ and this website for that matter. I am stay extremely busy as many of you know and perhaps too busy as my smarter than me wife has reminded me several times in the past few weeks. She's right, for the record.

Plus, it's football season which is my favorite time of the year and I refuse to get immersed in any thing that takes my mind away from my work and the Sooners. End of story....for now.

Congrats to WWE for signing Nigel McGuinness who has been wrestling for Ring of Honor which is a helluva group of guys who obviously love the wrestling biz. McGuinness is a sound, in ring hand who can talk and will hopefully realize his dreams at the next level.

I read where The King and I have only done 3 appearances together which sounds about right as I rarely do personal appearances even though I like them. It's about having the time to do them which perhaps I can address in the years to come. Meeting wrestling fans has always been fun to me and I've certainly got a fair amount of catching up to do.

I was a little surprised to read of Steve Austin's "injury on the set" as I, perhaps erroneously, thought a gash in the head for Austin was like another day at the office. Steve certainly approached it that way but he is one of the tougher individuals that I have ever known. I hear great things about the two films that he now has in the can not including the film he shot with Sylvester Stallone called "The Expendables." Steve has immersed himself in his film work just as passionately has he did his ring work.

Love it when I read a report about a wrestling TV event and it merely clumps the broadcasters together as "the announcers." Yes, I'm biased but try watching a wrestling TV show with the sound muted. I suggest it might not be as entertaining. Even when we "announcers" screw up at times that provides many internet fans something more to bitch about.

When I read of some one writing about "the announcers" I think of the old lyric, "I've been thru the desert on a horse with no name."

WWE's three days in France in September, Nice and two days in Paris, are already sold out.

I was up at 5 Friday morning to make my KOKH Fox 25 morning news gig with my weekly football predictions. You can check it out on their website. Let me know your thoughts. Nice thing was I was back home a little after 7 as my piece of business airs live about 6:45 a.m.

Keep an eye on Drew McIntyre on Friday Night Smackdown this week and in upcoming weeks. McIntyre has potential and he will hopefully reach his potential and eventually more into main event status. McIntyre is from Scotland and has an athletic look.

Don't forget to check out my Wednesday at approximately 5 p.m. central time appearances on www.1560thegame.com in Houston with Sean and John. We'll talk wrestling and football every week for about 10-12 minutes. Notice that I did not call Sean and John "the announcers." They are also looking for your feedback. Some Texas fans were not enamored with my work last week which comes as no surprise as many of the 'Horns Haters dislike any thing Oklahoma. That's their prerogative but I refuse to become a "hater."

Hope to see many of you Sunday afternoon at the Dragon Gate event in Chicago. For me, as a fan, it's the chance to see some unique wrestling and one never knows if a future star will be displaying their wares on Sunday at 6 p.m.

Be well and please stop by our store if you have the time. We have finalized a deal to test market our sauces and ketchup in the Homeland Grocery store chain in Oklahoma soon which we hope will lead to bigger and better things in that area.

Boomer Sooner!