View Full Version : WWE Superstars Tapings for September 10th, 2009

09-08-2009, 07:23 AM
Courtesy of Rob Kol and ProWrestling.net, here are WWE Superstars spoilers from last night's RAW tapings in Chicago.

Josh Matthews and Matt Striker came to the ring and took their seats at the announcers' table.

1. Sheamus beat Yoshi Tatsu. Sheamus dominated this match and pinned Tatsu in about 5 minutes.

Lilian Garcia came out to a pretty big ovation. Next up was Michael Cole, who received lots and lots of boos. The King comes out next to a thunderous applause.

2. Jack Swagger and The Miz beat Primo and and Kofi Kingston. Wow does The Miz know how to rile up a crowd, I wish he would get more of a main event push. I sat in a good row. Lots of cheers for Kofi and fans chanting his name. The match ended with Miz pinning Kofi after his Skull Crushing Finale finisher. Lots of heat for Miz and Swagger on the way out.

After the match, AJ Pierzynski, Jermaine Dye, and a few other White Xox players emerged from the backstage area and walked to their seats.