View Full Version : ECW on SyFy Report for September 8th, 2009

09-09-2009, 04:37 AM
We are live on tape from Rockford, Illinois and your announcers are Matt ‘I’m thinking of another four letter word starting with M’ Striker and Josh ‘Plinko’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Hurricane versus Paul Burchill with Katie Lea

They lock up and Burchill backs Hurricane into the turnbuckles and gives him a clean break. Hurricane with a waist lock and Burchill backs him into the corner. Burchill tries for a punch but Hurricane blocks it and he connects with some punches. Hurricane with an uppercut but he misses a clothesline. Hurricane with a cross body for a near fall and then Hurricane with a head scissors. Burchill escapes and hits an elbow drop. Burchill blocks a hip toss attempt but Hurricane with an arm drag. Hurricane with an Octopus but Burchill escapes and hits a back breaker. Burchill starts to work on the back and neck with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Burchill with a rear chin lock and Hurricane tries to escape but Burchill with a knee and clothesline for a near fall. Burchill hits the running knees into the corner but he can only get a two count. Burchill with a back breaker to Hurricane and then he applies an arm bar. Hurricane with punches and a rollup for a two count. Burchill tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Hurricane lands on his feet. Burchill with a devastating clothesline but he can only get a two count. Burchill charges at Hurricane but Hurricane ducks down and Burchill goes over the top rope to the floor. Hurricane with a pescado onto Burchill. Burchill sends Hurricane into the apron and then he hits a version of a Pele kick as we go to commercial.

We are back and Burchill with a reverse chin lock. Burchill with an Irish whip but Hurricane moves out of the way when Burchill charges and Burchill goes into the ring post. Both men are down but Burchill gets to his feet first. Hurricane with punches to Burchill followed by a Thesz Press and a neckbreaker for a near fall. Hurricane goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Hurricane with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Hurricane with punches and then he goes up top as well. Burchill with a super power slam from the turnbuckles and he rolls over but Hurricane kicks out at the last possible moment. Burchill with an Irish whip but Hurricane with an uppercut and a rana from the turnbuckles for a two count. Hurricane sets for the Shining Wizard but Katie gets on the apron. Hurricane sends Paul into his sister and Hurricane hits the Eye of the Hurricane for the three count.
Winner: Hurricane

Striker and Josh talk about Breaking Point and the way that Team Bromance (Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov) have been dealing with Christian and Tommy Dreamer so Regal made a challenge to Dreamer and Christian.

We go to Savannah who is with Tommy Dreamer and Christian. She asks them for their thoughts about the main event. Dreamer says that ECW has been a part of his life for 16 years and it also means a lot for Christian since he is the champ. He says that Regal, Kozlov, and Jackson cannot take over. Christian says that they are doing it for all ECW superstars. He says that they are taking a stand and they are ready for a fight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that lots of people watched ECW and more than some other networks too.

Match Number Two: Shelton Benjamin and Sheamus versus Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust

Goldust and Benjamin start off and Benjamin works on the arm but Goldust reverses and puts Benjamin in a side head lock before hitting a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Benjamin backs into the corner for a breather. Benjamin with a knee and forearm but Goldust with an Irish whip. Benjamin avoids a bulldog but he cannot avoid the drop down uppercut. Sheamus is tagged in and he punches Goldust. Goldust punches back and Yoshi is tagged in and he chops and kicks Sheamus. Yoshi with a back heel kick and then he floats over on an Irish whip. Benjamin distracts Yoshi long enough to allow Sheamus to hit a clothesline. Sheamus with a few elbow drops. Benjamin tags back in and he punches Yoshi and then he snap mares him and applies a rear chin lock. Yoshi with elbows and a sunset flip but Benjamin rolls through and tries for an elbow drop but misses. Yoshi sends Benjamin to the floor and he almost makes the tag but Benjamin pulls Goldust off the apron. The referee sends Goldust into the corner and that allows Benjamin to bring Yoshi into his corner to tag in Sheamus. Yoshi with a kick and then he makes the tag and Goldust punches Sheamus and hits a flying clothesline or two. Goldust with a reverse atomic drop and a kick to the head. Goldust knocks Shelton off the apron but Sheamus with a kick. Sheamus with a kick and then Shelton makes the blind tag to get the three count.
Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Sheamus

After the match, Shelton raises Sheamus’ hand but Sheamus wants none of it. Sheamus punches Shelton but Shelton with a double leg take down and they fight to the floor. They brawl at ringside and referees have to come out to separate them.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Zack Ryder versus Rory Fargo

They lock up and Ryder with a knee and forearm to the back. Ryder slaps Fargo and tries to slam him but Fargo gets a near fall with a rollup. Ryder with a knee and forearm across the face. Ryder chokes Fargo in the ropes and kicks him in the head. Fargo with a forearm but Ryder sends Fargo into the turnbuckles and then hits a running facewash. Ryder with a catapult into the turnbuckles followed by the Zack Attack for the three count.
Winner: Zack Ryder

It is time to talk about Breaking Point and the card is updated.

Tiffany is in the office with Tyler Reks and she is happy about his performance. William Regal and Team Bromance enter and Tiffany wants things to remain civil. Reks leaves. Regal asks Tiffany how she could have allowed Dreamer and Christian to attack Ezekiel and Vladimir with weapons. Tiffany says that she might have felt differently if they were not attacked by Regal, Jackson, and Kozlov. Regal vows to become the ECW Champion on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Team Bromance (Vladimir Koslov and Ezekiel Jackson) with William Regal versus Tommy Dreamer and Christian

Christian and Kozlov start things off and Kozlov with a waist lock but Christian blocks a take down attempt. Christian with elbows and a side head lock. Kozlov with a running shoulder tackle. Kozlov sends Christian into the turnbuckles and punches him but Christian escapes. Christian with a punch and Kozlov squares up before tagging in Jackson. Dreamer tags in as well. They lock up and Zeke sends Tommy to the mat. Dreamer with a punch but Jackson with a hard slam but he misses an elbow drop. Jackson misses a charge when Dreamer moves and Jackson goes to the floor. Christian tags in and hits a drop kick that sends Jackson to the floor and he hits a baseball slide on Kozlov. Christian tries for a cross body onto Jackson but Zeke catches him. Dreamer jumps on to take Zeke down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dreamer and Christian hit a double side Russian leg sweep on Jackson and Dreamer follows it up with an elbow drop for a near fall. Jackson with a shoulder tackle that sends Dreamer into the ropes. Kozlov tags in and hits a running shoulder tackle. Jackson is tagged in and they go for the double running shoulder tackle and Jackson gets a near fall. Jackson with a double underhook followed by a knee to the chest. Kozlov tags in and he hits a series of head butts to the chest followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Kozlov with a waist lock but Dreamer gets to his feet. Kozlov runs Dreamer into the corner and connects with shoulders and forearms. Dreamer knocks Kozlov off the turnbuckles and then he kicks Kozlov. Dreamer with a clothesline from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Christian tags in and he punches Kozlov. Christian tries for clotheslines but Kozlov stays up. Christian goes for a missile drop kick but Kozlov stays on his feet. He goes up top and takes Kozlov down and gets a near fall. Christian with a knee to Kozlov and then he punches Jackson. Kozlov with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Jackson tags back in and he hits a back breaker on Christian. He hits a second one and lets Christian crumple to the mat. Jackson stretches Christian with a double under hook and a forearm to the back of the head. Jackson with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Jackson runs Christian into the turnbuckles and then he tags Kozlov back in. Kozlov with head butts to the chest followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Kozlvo with a back breaker until Christian escapes. Kozlov with a fallaway slam for a near fall. Jackson tags back in and he punches Christian in the chest and he has Christian in a double underhook again. Jackson with a butterfly suplex for a near fall and then he tags Kozlov back in. Kozlov kicks Christian and connects with a forearm and shoulders. Kozlov misses a running head butt into the corner and Christian with a corkscrew back elbow from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Jackson and Dreamer tag in and Dreamer with a series of rapid forearms and a cross body followed by punches. Dreamer with a bulldog for a near fall. Jackson with a forearm but Dreamer with a neck breaker and then Dreamer goes up top and hits a frog splash but Kozlov breaks up the cover. Christian and Kozlov go to the floor. Regal distracts Dreamer and Jackson hits the uranage for the three count.
Winners: Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson

After the match, Regal and his charges celebrate in the ring and then Regal puts Dreamer in the Regal Stretch.

We go to credits.