View Full Version : Carlito interview

09-12-2009, 07:57 AM
-- Canada's SLAM! Wrestling site features an interview with Carlito. Interviewer Greg Oliver reported "the frustration was evident" as Carlito talked about being left off Sunday's WWE Breaking Point PPV. "Whatever spot I can get, you know what I mean?", Carlito said. "I do what I can. If it happens, it happens. If not, there's always the next pay-per-view." Carlito added that he's much happier now wrestling as a heel. "I always hated being a babyface. To me, I feel more, I guess, freedom as a heel. I like antagonizing people, and just getting on their nerves. That's more my style."

A Blissful Ass
09-12-2009, 09:18 AM
I can see Carlito getting Fired soon