View Full Version : JR changes stance of Jerry Lawler

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-18-2009, 12:20 AM
Jim Ross has changed his stance of whether Jerry Lawler would remain with WWE should he be successful in his bid to become Mayor of Memphis. Ross had previously speculated that Lawler would resign from his broadcast position should he become Mayor. Ross wrote in his latest blog: "My guess is that if Jerry Lawler is elected Mayor of Memphis that the King will continue his role on Monday Night Raw. I can see some PR and marketing value for Memphis with their Mayor appearing on global TV on a weekly basis. Lawler's political opponents might disagree with that assessment. This race is still wide open." (credit: The Wrestling Globe Newsletter)


A Blissful Ass
09-18-2009, 04:03 AM
Nope he should quit WWE if he becoms Mayor