View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for September 18th, 2009

09-19-2009, 11:21 AM
Hamilton, Ontario Canada

A video airs recapping how the Undertaker got screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship following the Second Montreal Screwjob at WWE Breaking Point this past Sunday.

A limo is then shown entering the arena. As the camera zooms in, GM Theodore Long steps out of the backseat, receiving a loud chorus of “boos” from the live crowd. GM Long is welcomed by a group of security officers. As the officers escort him to his locker room, GM Long cautiously looks around, perhaps for any sudden danger from the Undertaker.

The opening SmackDown video then plays and immediately following it, Justin Roberts welcomes everyone to the newest member of the SmackDown roster, Batista! As the crowd erupts with a massive ovation, JR shouts, “He is back, the animal is back here on Friday Night SmackDown!” Batista, who is dressed up in street clothes, makes his way down to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Batista takes a second to absorb the electricity filtering throughout the arena before claiming that his contract had recently expired on RAW. “And for the first time in my career, I got to choose where I wanted to be. No drafts, no trades, my choice! And I chose to be here on SmackDown!” Batista calls SmackDown the “A” show and adds that he cannot wait to get started.

At this point, Chris Jericho’s music hits and out he comes dressed in his usual tuxedo. Jericho grabs a microphone.

Jericho welcomes Batista back to SmackDown, but quickly puts him down by saying that he makes him sick. “You’re just like that other injury prone loser, Edge, pandering to these parasites and begging for cheers.” As Jericho continues, he claims that he is the “man” on SmackDown and that everyone knows it.
Batista responds that he was told that in order to be the man, you have to beat the man. So, he challenges Jericho to a match. Before Jericho could make a decision however, Batista lays him out with a spinebuster.

Batista celebrates up the ramp as we go to break.

Backstage, Jericho barges into Big Show’s locker room and asks Show where he was when Batista assaulted him in the ring. Show told Jericho that he thought Jericho would handle things by himself. Jericho said that he would when he beats Batista in a match later on tonight. As Jericho marches off, Show tells Jericho to cool it down.

We are told by JR and Todd Grisham that still to come is an exclusive interview with WWE referee, Scott Armstrong, the official who was involved in the Undertaker screwjob this past Sunday.


Back, we see Dolph Ziggler taking his seat next to JR and Grisham on commentary.

The Friday Night Delight, John Morrison, makes his way down to the ring and receives a nice pop.

Mike Knox is then introduced as Morrison’s opponent. As Knox makes his way down to the ring, we see a footage of Knox, who recorded a conversation earlier on in the day. It’s about Restless Leg Syndrome. In the same video, Knox says that he will make Morrison suffer.

Match 1: John Morrison v. Mike Knox

As the match gets underway, Morrison immediately applies a headlock on Knox. Knox shoves Morrison off and catches Morrison with a shoulder-block. As Morrison starts crawling to the corner, Knox kicks him several times. Suddenly, Morrison catches Knox with a Pelé kick and proceeds to send him out of the ring. Morrison then leaps off the ropes and connects with a nice Asai moonsault.


Back, Knox is in control of Morrison as he has a sleeper hold applied. We learn that during the break, Knox had slammed Morrison against the steel post which explains why Knox is in control at this point. As Morrison struggles to break free from the sleeper hold, Knox drills Morrison with a bicycle kick, but gets only a 2 count. Knox then shows some frustration on drops a knee onto Morrison’s lower back 2 times, but once again gets a 2 count. Knox then decides to punish Morrison with not one, but two consecutive backbreakers. As Knox tries for a third time, Morrison suddenly catches Knox with a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Following a 2 count, Morrison connects with his signature running knee to the face followed by a standing Shooting Star Press! After yet another 2 count, Morrison attempts the Moonlight Drive, but Knox shoves Morrison away. Morrison comes charging back at Knox, but Knox knocks the wind out of Morrison with a running crossbody. 1…2…No! Morrison kicks out! Knox then tries for Knox Out (Spinning Reverse STO), but Morrison sends Knox crashing to the turnbuckle. As a dazed Knox stumbles, Morrison springboards off the ropes and strikes Knox with the flying chuck kick. Morrison then goes to the ropes and connects with Starship Pain for the hard fought win.

Post-Match: Following the replays, Morrison grabs a microphone. He turns his attention to Ziggler, who is still sitting and the announcers table. Morrison tells Ziggler that although he is trying to make a name for himself, the only name the WWE Universe will be calling him following the Hell in a Cell PPV will be “Mr. Ziggles.” Ziggler gets up from his seat and heads to the back as Morrison gets up on the turnbuckle a raises the Intercontinental Championship above his head.

The announcers take us back to Breaking Point where Undertaker was screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship.

Backstage, Josh Matthews is standing with referee Scott Armstrong. Matthews asks Armstrong why he did what he did and Armstrong replies that he has asked himself that same question many, many times. Armstrong adds that, “If you don’t own the business, you answer to somebody that owns the business. I answered to somebody that’s much higher than in the position that I’m in, I’ll just leave it at that. I’ve been around this for 30 years. I’ve got wife and kids, I love them. They’re the reason for my season, so to speak. I was asked to do something that I knew was wrong. It made me sick to my stomach walking into that ring knowing what was going to happen. It is something I am not proud of, but I make no excuses. I did what I had to do to keep my job.”

Still to Come: Chris Jericho vs. Batista


The lovely Melina made her way down to the ring.

The Women’s Champion, Michelle McCool, was out next. She limped down to the ring, selling her leg injury.

Match 2: Melina v. Michelle McCool

As soon as the bell rings, Melina charges at McCool, but McCool flees to the ropes and the referee orders Melina to back up. Finally, the divas lock up. As they do, McCool gets in a cheap shot and uppercuts Melina. McCool then Irish Whips Melina to the ropes, but Melina comes away with a nice flip reversal followed by a kick to the forehead of McCool. This causes McCool to roll onto the outside of the ring. Melina tells McCool to get back in the ring, but McCool doesn’t want to. Melina leaves the ring and chases McCool, but McCool quickly slides back into the ring and slams Melina’s head into the mat several times before applying a sit-down dragon sleeper. As Melina attempts to fight out of the hold, McCool drops Melina onto the mat below. McCool then puts Melina in the corner and chokes Melina with her foot until the referee orders her to break the hold. With Melina trying to catch a break on the apron, McCool tries for a baseball slide, but Melina dodges it, causing McCool to crash onto the outside floor. As McCool makes it back to her feet, Melina leaps off the apron and catches McCool with a Lou Thes Prez. Melina then brings McCool back into the ring where she hits a modified hair-pulling facebuster for a 2 count. Melina then tries for an Irish Whip, but McCool strikes Melina with a big boot. After Melina kicks out at 2, McCool attempts the Gory Special, but Melina reverses it into the Last Call for the win.

Post-Match: Melina celebrates her win up the ramp and she gives some lucky fans a high five.

Backstage, GM Long appears to be a bit paranoid as he is constantly walking back and forth telling his securities to watch his back. Mr. McMahon appears and dismisses the security guards. Mr. McMahon congratulates GM Long for signing Batista to SmackDown, but asks why he double-crossed the Undertaker at Breaking Point. GM Long tries to speak, but Mr. McMahon cut him off and told him to get into the ring and explain it to the WWE Universe. As GM Long prepares to leave, Mr. McMahon asks GM Long if he has any idea what the Undertaker would do to him if he were to see him.


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GM Long’s music hits and out he comes down to the ring with his security officers. The crowd continues to “boo” him. Long grabs a microphone…

After publicly welcoming back Batista, Long shifts his attention to the Undertaker. “I admit that all of this was pre-planned to prevent the Undertaker from becoming the World Heavyweight Champion.” Long says that he isn’t proud of his actions and that he is afraid of the Undertaker. Long said that he did what he did, because he needed to keep his job. Long then apologizes to the WWE Universe as well as the Undertaker and asks the Undertaker to find it in his heart to forgive him.

GM Long gathers his security and cautiously walks towards the back.

At last, GM Long arrives at his limousine. He dismisses his security and quickly gets into the vehicle. GM Long tells the driver to get him out of here. Suddenly, the doors lock. GM Long looks confused and as he looks at the driver, he sees the Undertaker! Undertaker turns around and tells GM Long to buckle up. The lights within the limo change as smoke begins to fill. Undertaker drives off with GM Long locked in the back seat as we head into the break.


JR and Todd Grisham go over the incident that had occurred just minutes ago.

Justin Roberts is in the ring and asks everyone to please welcome the only Straightedge World Heavyweight Champion in history, CM Punk.

Punk’s music hits and out comes the champ to a chord of “boos.” Punk grabs a microphone.

“I told you so,” Punk started. “Seems like I’m out here saying that a lot to you people right? The truth is that I said that I would beat Jeff and I did, I told you so. I told you that I would get rid of Jeff Hardy forever and I did, I told you so. Then I said that I would make the Undertaker tap out to the Anaconda Vice and you laughed? But then I did just that.”

The crowd gives Punk a shower of “boos.”

“I came out here to confront the Undertaker in my ring, in my yard. I came out here to stick my World Heavyweight Championship in his face and look him in the eye and say to him ‘I told you so’.” Punk continues that these people are now going to finally give up just like the Undertaker did. Punk then concludes by reminding everyone that Straightedge means ‘I’m better than you’.

Still to Come: Chris Jericho vs. Batista


The announcers inform us that Kane will take on the Great Khali later on tonight.

Cryme Time makes their way down to the ring accompanied by Eve Torres.

Canada’s own, the Hart Dynasty, are then introduced as Cryme Time’s opponent. They are, as always, accompanied to the ring by Natalya.

Match 3: Cryme Time v. Hart Dynasty

Shad and Smith start things off. Shad starts off in control as he takes Smith down with a quick shoulderblock. Not long after however, Smith takes control as he strikes Shad with a quick uppercut followed by several kicks to the mid-section of Shad. After mocking JTG on the apron, Smith Irish Whips Shad to the corner, but Shad bounces back with a massive clothesline followed by a modified gord-buster for a 2 count. JTG is then tagged in and he dropkicks Smith right out of the ring. Kidd tries to come in for a cheap shot, but Shad takes him out. The Hart Dynasty recover as we go to break.


As we return, we see Smith take Shad down with a clothesline for a 2 count. Smith then tags out to Kidd, who comes in and dropkicks big Shad right in the temple. Following another near fall, Kidd kicks Shad several times before applying a sleeper hold. As Shad tries to break free, Kidd tags in Smith and they double team Shad. Smith then applies a modified reverse chin lock, but Shad shoves Smith off and drills Smith with a big boot. Fortunately for Smith, he landed in his corner and so he quickly tagged out to Kidd. Kidd quickly came in and struck Shad with several kicks. Finally after some time, Shad caught a break as he clobbered Kidd with a massive clothesline. With both men down, Shad made the hot tag to JTG. JTG came in a dropkicked Kidd followed by a unique backbreaker. JTG then knocked Smith off the apron and connected with a leg lariat from the middle rope on Kidd for a 2 count. Moments later, as Kidd tried to fight back, JTG took Kidd down with a modified neckbreaker. 1..2..No! Smith broke up the count. Shad got in the ring to fight off Smith, but Smith sent Shad crashing onto the outside floor. At this point, Kidd crawled onto the apron as Natalya tried to get into the ring. Eve held onto Natalya’s leg and the referee attended to the divas to restore some order in the match. In the mean time, as JTG tried to grab Kidd from the apron, Smith struck JTG with a devastating boot to the temple. As JTG fell back, Kidd recovered and hit a front suplex for the win.

Post-Match: As the Hart Dynasty celebrated, JR pointed out how the Hart Dynasty had just cheated.

Backstage, Melina walked into Maria’s locker room, but no one was there. Melina glanced at the walls and they were plastered with at least a hundred pictures of the interaction between McCool and Ziggler from last week. Melina realized that Maria would be devastated and so she started to quickly take the pictures down until Maria walked in. Maria blamed Melina of putting the pictures up and told Melina that if she thought something was going on, she should’ve spoken with her first.


The Great Khali made his way down to the ring accompanied by Ranjin Singh.

Kane was then introduced as Khali’s opponent.

Match 4: Great Khali v. Kane

Bell rang and Khali shoved Kane into the turnbuckle. Khali then slapped the chest of Kane, but Kane quickly responded with an uppercut of his own. The two continued to brawl and they went outside of the ring. Seconds later, Kane grabbed a chair from ringside and smashed Khali over the head with it. The referee called for the DQ.

Post-Match: Kane dragged Khali near the steel steps. Kane placed Khali’s left leg in between the steps and smashed it simultaneously several times. Kane headed back up the ramp as Singh attended to Khali.


The announcers informed us that Khali was stretcher out the arena during the break.

Charlie Haas was in the ring ready to wrestle R-Truth.

Truth’s music hit, but out came Drew McIntyre dressed in formal clothing. McIntyre grabbed a microphone.

McIntyre stated that Truth could not make it to the ring, because he had an accident backstage. McIntyre concluded that because Truth could not compete, Haas was declared the winner by forfeit. McIntyre offered a handshake from Haas and the two shook hands. Shortly after Haas turned away, McIntyre grabbed him and hit a double arm DDT.


The announcers went over the Hell in a Cell PPV card.

Chris Jericho made his way down to the ring as the announcers recalled the events that led to this main event match-up.

Batista was then introduced and he received a nice pop.

Main Event: Chris Jericho v. Batista

As the bell rang, Jericho slapped Batista in the face. The Animal retaliated by ramming Jericho in the corner and delivered several shoulders strikes. Batista then Irish Whipped Jericho to the ropes and Jericho tried a quick crossbody, but Batista caught him and drilled him with an Oklahoma slam for a 2 count. As Batista lifted Jericho, Jericho suddenly struck Batista’s knee with a low dropkick. Batista crawled onto the apron and Jericho dropkicked him again, sending Batista crashing onto the outside floor. Jericho then boasted to the crowd as we saw Big Show watching the match on a TV set in the back. Jericho slammed Batista’s face in the announce table and continued to work on him with blows to the head. Jericho applied a hold, but Jericho took over with blows to the head. Batista hit a side slam to Jericho and clotheslined him in the corner. Jericho went to for a Lionsault, but he missed and Batista went for a spine buster which was countered by a running enzigiri for a near fall. Jericho then went up to the top rope and as he came down, Batista caught him with a clothesline. Batista then signaled for a spear, but Jericho side-stepped it causing Batista to crash into the steel post. Jericho quickly pulled the tights and rolled the Animal up, but got a 2 count. As Jericho lifted Batista, the Animal surprised Jericho with a kick and attempted the Batista Bomb, but Jericho revered it into the Walls of Jericho. As Batista made it to the ropes, Jericho signaled for Code Breaker, but Batista caught him and reversed it into the Batista Bomb. 1…2…3 Match over!

Post-Match: As Batista celebrated, we saw Big Show looking on in disappointment in the back. Josh Matthews approached him and asked Show a question regarding Batista. Show responded that he would take Batista on next week. Back in the ring, Batista posed for the crowd as the show rolled off the air.

Quick Match Results:
-Match 1: John Morrison def. Mike Knox
-Match 2: Melina def. Michelle McCool
-Match 3: Hart Dynasty def. Cryme Time
-Match 4: Great Khali def. Kane (DQ)
-Main Event: Batista def. Chris Jericho


09-19-2009, 11:54 PM
thanks for the results Kellie, I didn't have time to watch it this week