View Full Version : JR: Jeff Hardy Laying Low, Lilian Garcia's Replacement, SmackDown Special

09-24-2009, 07:04 AM
Here's some BBQ'ed Random Thoughts....

Being in Tulsa brought back many great memories of my first job in the wrestling biz. I was earning a whopping $125 per week, all in, under independent contractor status with no benefits whatsoever except the opportunity to learn the unique inter workings of the wrestling biz. I still feel as if I am still in the wrestling biz even though I'm likely in the minority on that slant.

Why have all wrestling, TV shows, at least the one's that I see, eliminated time limits for their matches? Same for live events. Is it to distance one's self from the 'rasslin business? Makes no sense to me and eliminates the opportunities for individuals to compete to a draw which naturally provides them the opportunity to have a return match. With thin rosters and an overall lack of quality depth, the occasional draw would not hurt my feelings or any storyline.

Back to Tulsa, I really appreciate the reception that I received from the fans there Tuesday night attending the Smackdown taping. My wife said it was the "loudest ovation of the night" but we have to remember that she is biased when it comes to her husband. Nonetheless I really appreciated how I was received in the beautiful, new BOK (Bank of Oklahoma) Center in Tulsa. This venue would be great for a WWE PPV but I'll not hold my breath on that suggestion waiting on the suits to pull the trigger on that idea.

Friday Night Smackdown seemed to return to more wrestling than talk this week after last week's broadcast that had its fair share of verbalization.

Word has it that Jeff Hardy is "laying low" these days and diligently preparing to meet the challenges that await him. The more I hear of this legal matter the more I think that there is MUCH more to this story than meets the eye and that Jeff Hardy is far from being a drug trafficker. To even think the latter is ridiculous. I feel confident that in the coming weeks that Jeff will have his day to reconcile this matter and to better address it publically. Until then, Jeff is wise to remain silent and not feel obligated to tweet, etc his fans as no one needs or deserves any information on this issue until the proper time. Just from what I have been able to ascertain, this case looks much worse on paper than it actually is but let's all allow the legal process to address this matter and remember that we, as citizens of the United States, are innocent until proven guilty.

The SD/ECW talents left Tulsa Wednesday morning for Dallas to catch a flight to Madrid, Spain and then on to France which equates to 4 day tour.

On the international front, I know that Guadalajara is sold out and Leon , Mexico is "this close" to selling out.

Nice and Paris, with two dates, are "clean" as well. That's a talents dream when they are able to stay multiple nights in one hotel room and perform in one city more than once such as they will this week in Paris, France, no less. These are some the great days in a wrestler's career that often times become cannon fodder for the "poor me" stories from embattled wrestlers who end up saving zilch and bemoan the fact that they were on the road 300+ days per year and that their schedule, certainly not their lack of self discipline, egocentric nature or their childish behavior, to cause all their post wrestling woes.

I don't know the details of what going to occur as it relates to replacing Lilian Garcia, whose last night on the job was this past Monday, but I suspect that Justin Roberts, the current SD ring announcer, might get that nod. That's just speculation on my part but Justin does a really nice job and is a reliable, professional young man. I think getting a female who also sings to do Lil's role has its challenges. However, it's obvious that a new ring announcer is needed and someone will be introduced next week or so it would seem. The young lady who worked in Tulsa Tuesday night seem to sing the National Anthem quite well.

What's the over/under on the size of the entourage that travels with Reverend Al Sharpton as he prepares to host Raw next Monday night in Albany, New York? I am anxious to see how the good Reverend interfaces with the many, unique back stage entities at Monday Night Raw as we all know that Rev Al can verbalize with the best of them if given the platform and opportunity to do so. Perhaps he will lecture Legacy on "respecting thy fathers."

Man, that Kanye West statement made here got some stretch. I expressed my opinion that I felt like the WWE would never offer Kayne West $10M to do any thing. I stand by that statement but in no way do I speak for WWE. Perhaps he's up for Lilian's old gig.....not really DAWG.

BTW one of my favs, Cedric the Entertainer, likes him some WWE Divas. Nothing wrong with that Ced.

Question of the Week....why does ECW's Zach Ryder say, "Wooo, Wooo?" I don't have a clue. Perhaps it's to get folks like us to talk about him. I do know that "Wooo" isn't a Ric Flair, "WHOOO!"

It looks as if there will be a grand total of three bouts contested inside "Heck in a Cell" one week from this Sunday in Newark, New Jersey which will be, without fail, referred to as being in the "shadow of New York City." How far is the arena from the Bada Bing?

I will be flying into Newark the morning of the PPV from Miami where the battered and bruised Oklahoma Sooners battle the Miami Hurricane the day before in South Florida. I wish that the TV Gods would make up their minds as to when kickoff will be so I can finalize my plans. My noon eastern time kickoff sort of went by the wayside with Miami playing so well and this game shaping up to be a big one especially if injured OU QB Sam Bradford returns which I feel will be a long shot.

Tickets are still available for the SD 10th Anniversary Show in Boston which should be a good night. Some fans want to see an ample array of highlights while others want live action. I have no idea what we will receive but I do know that all three WWE brands will be on hand for the last broadcast prior to the "Heck in a Cell" PPV.

Thanks for checking out our site. I will be updating more Q&A's ASAP and I invite you to check out our on line store and place an order today and take advantage of our FREE SHIPPING offers.

Boomer Sooner!


09-25-2009, 06:30 AM
thanks for the update Kellie