View Full Version : Mum-to-be falls pregnant again

Black Widow
09-25-2009, 07:16 PM
A MUM-TO-BE has shocked doctors by falling pregnant while already EXPECTING.

Julia Grovenburg and her husband Todd were stunned to learn she would be giving birth to two babies — but they would not be twins.

Julia, 31, had an ultrasound believing she was just over eight weeks pregnant with one baby.

But docs told her TWO tots had been conceived — separated by two-and-a-half weeks.

The scan showed that one of the babies was clearly more developed than the other.


Julia said: "When she said, 'and baby number two has got a healthy little heartbeat', - I just started gagging.

"We feel blessed to have something so rare and as of this point they're perfectly healthy."

Hubby Todd added: "We were both in shock.

"We were trying to put the timelines together and everything."

The couple, from Arkansas, are first expecting a baby girl they have already called Jillian, who is due on December 24.

Next up will be a baby boy, Hudson, due on January 10.

The unusual pregnancy is called superfetation — which means conceiving when already pregnant.

Dr Patrick O'Brien, consulting obstetrician and spokesman for Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), in London, said only one case a year is reported worldwide.

He said: "It's a rare thing because when you conceive, your hormones change dramatically.

"Those changes stop you ovulating and they stop you conceiving."

Tests will be performed when the babies are born to find out how it happened.

The Source & Video (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2655148/Pregnant-woman-falls-pregnant.html)

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-26-2009, 01:08 AM
WHOA! I swear to god i'd be shitting myself if this happened to me

Thanks Ryan