View Full Version : Honda U3-X unicycle New motorised U3-X unicycle is reinventing the wheel

Shane McMahon's Ass
09-26-2009, 01:42 AM
It looks ridiculous, uncomfortable and tricky to ride - yes, it's the motorised unicycle of the future.

The U3-X may resemble an oversized key fob but it is the latest effort to create a personal mobility vehicle for Japan's ageing population.

Those brave enough to try it will find all they need do is sit and lean in the direction they want to go.

Engineers have built a series of smaller, motor-controlled wheels inside the main wheel, letting the gizmo swerve in any direction and even go backwards.

Maker Honda claims the 10kg (22lb) battery-powered device is unobtrusive enough to mingle with pedestrians on pavements - although how it will handle kerbs is open to debate and we can't see much in the way of suspension.

'It'd be easier to get around so I might really use it if my legs grow weaker,' said Honda president Takanobu Ito.

'Honda engineers are always thinking about people's dreams and wishes about mobility. We will continue to work hard,' he added.

There are no plans yet to sell the device, which has a one-hour battery life and top speed of 6kph (3.7mph).

Honda president Takanobu models the U3-X in Tokyo, slightly awkwardly