View Full Version : WWE Superstar Tired from 'Being Punished'

10-01-2009, 02:06 AM
Matt Hardy controversially wrote on his Twitter page last night that he was tired of "being punished because of someone else's sins." Since his brother Jeff was arrested a few weeks back for numerous drug charges, Matt's only WWE TV appearance has been on Superstars.

We noted last week how there was talk within WWE of where to go with Matt since Jeff's arrest.


10-01-2009, 02:12 AM
Matt Hardy posted the following comments on his Myspace blog:

"Last night, since almost every WWE personality was in Boston for The Decade Of Smackdown show, we all went out to eat after the show last night. A hug tab ended up being comped, which was very cool. Everyone was gonna leave generous tips because the meal was free obviously, and we wanted to take great care of our servers. I was one of the last ones to leave, and was figuring up the tip. The tip wasn't as good as I would have liked it to have been from a couple of the guys. So I left a large tip at the end, extremely big. I joked and said it was a sin I had to pay for other people's mistakes and cheapness. I told a couple of my closest WWE friends that if I posted a tweet rephrasing the situation as "I am exhausted from being punished because of someone else's sins", that the wrestling media would pick that comment up and run with it as something completely different. Low and behold, almost every site did. Not surprising, it's what I suspected. Just another example of how they're looking for any comment they can to translate however into hits for their site and reader views. So take it from me, don't believe everything you read-fact is rarely separated from fiction when it comes to any branch of the "media entertainment market."

Well perhaps, as Matt Hardy wrote, "almost every site did", but as I noted earlier, "It wouldn't be unlike Hardy to throw something out there to get the Internet buzzing, however, so take it for what it is."

Well, that's exactly what it was - Hardy trying to create an Internet buzz for himself. Honestly, you can't blame Hardy for that. In fact, you have to admire how he tries to work the media. I certainly do.


The guy is a total attention whore as he doesnt have much going for him when he cant ride on the coattails of his brother

10-01-2009, 02:33 AM
Good or bad, we're talking about him. That should be every wrestler's goal.

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-01-2009, 02:36 AM
He's right you know. Jeff Hardy is a retard and there's no reason why he should be paying for his sins.

10-01-2009, 03:12 AM
He's right you know. Jeff Hardy is a retard and there's no reason why he should be paying for his sins.

True, but despite Jeff being a complete moron, he's snorted away more charisma than Matt coul;d ever dream of having. Don't be shocked to see Matt released with the WWE's next Spring Cleaning...assuming he makes it that far.

10-01-2009, 05:45 AM
^^ i hope your right im so sick of the hardy crap neither of them was worth the check vince cut

Shane McMahon's Ass
10-01-2009, 06:42 AM
As noted earlier, Matt Hardy posted on his Twitter account (http://twitter.com/matthardybrand) late last night that he was tired of "being punished because of someone else's sins." Hence, many speculated that his cryptic message was referring to Hardy not appearing on television sans a WWE Superstars bout since the arrest of his brother Jeff on numerous drug charges on September 11th.

Hardy wrote a blog on his MySpace page today saying he was referring to leaving a tip on a large meal that was comped by a restaurant last night as he felt the current tip was not sizable enough. Hardy also said he made a bet with a few of his closest WWE friends that the wrestling media would pick up the message and run it as something completely different. Hardy wrote: "Last night, since almost every WWE personality was in Boston for The Decade Of Smackdown show, we all went out to eat after the show last night. A hug tab ended up being comped, which was very cool. Everyone was gonna leave generous tips because the meal was free obviously, and we wanted to take great care of our servers. I was one of the last ones to leave, and was figuring up the tip. The tip wasn't as good as I would have liked it to have been from a couple of the guys. So I left a large tip at the end, extremely big. I joked and said it was a sin I had to pay for other people's mistakes and cheapness. I told a couple of my closest WWE friends that if I posted a tweet rephrasing the situation as "I am exhausted from being punished because of someone else's sins", that the wrestling media would pick that comment up and run with it as something completely different. Low and behold, almost every site did. Not surprising, it's what I suspected. Just another example of how they're looking for any comment they can to translate however into hits for their site and reader views. So take it from me, don't believe everything you read-fact is rarely separated from fiction when it comes to any branch of the "media entertainment market."


The Mac
10-01-2009, 07:23 AM
matts just not that good

10-01-2009, 08:19 PM
Bottom line: Matt Hardy has been riding Jeff's coattcoattails since forever.

Not only is Jeff the bigger moron of the two, he's also the bigger talent. Matt has put on a bunch of weight (even before his stomach surgery), and is slow, bald, and boring.

Y0UR Messiah
10-01-2009, 09:17 PM
I'll say this, Jeff is great in the ring. Matt is great on the Mic. One of the best tag teams ever. But apart...they both fall apart.

10-02-2009, 01:13 AM
Just like Matt - post something controversial to bring attention to himself, since the coattails he rode on are gone...

Wonder how much longer WWE will put up with him doing it - or come up with some other excuse to get rid of him?

10-02-2009, 03:50 AM
Matt is way better than Jeff. Jeff is just a spot monkey. The thing I like about Matt is, he doesn't have to jump off 20 foot ladders to get over. Matt Hardy has one of the lamest movesets in the company, but can still manage to get the crowd behind him. I'd be shocked if he were released anytime soon, he's a solid worker and is over with the crowd. It'd be stupid to do so.

10-03-2009, 10:37 PM
Matt is way better than Jeff. Jeff is just a spot monkey. The thing I like about Matt is, he doesn't have to jump off 20 foot ladders to get over. Matt Hardy has one of the lamest movesets in the company, but can still manage to get the crowd behind him. I'd be shocked if he were released anytime soon, he's a solid worker and is over with the crowd. It'd be stupid to do so.

I would argue that the only reason he's over is because of his brother and their time as a tag team. Fans are just used to cheering for him...Had they both come to the WWE as singles wrestlers, Matt woulda been gone years ago. Jeff may well be a spot monkey but you gotta give him his due. Without Matt, Jeff would have still been a star. Without Jeff, Matt would be working Indys for $40/night.

10-03-2009, 10:55 PM
I would argue that the only reason he's over is because of his brother and their time as a tag team. Fans are just used to cheering for him...Had they both come to the WWE as singles wrestlers, Matt woulda been gone years ago. Jeff may well be a spot monkey but you gotta give him his due. Without Matt, Jeff would have still been a star. Without Jeff, Matt would be working Indys for $40/night.

Jeff is the only reason Matt is over? No way. The feud with Kane, the feud with Edge, the feud with MVP, are you saying those did nothing for Matt? Was he riding Jeff's coat tails back then? Of course not. Sure Jeff helped by jumping off of high stuff and having the same last name as Matt, but Matt did his own thing to make himself popular.

10-04-2009, 06:19 AM
^ good point

10-05-2009, 04:58 AM
Jeff is the only reason Matt is over? No way. The feud with Kane, the feud with Edge, the feud with MVP, are you saying those did nothing for Matt? Was he riding Jeff's coat tails back then? Of course not. Sure Jeff helped by jumping off of high stuff and having the same last name as Matt, but Matt did his own thing to make himself popular.

No, he was riding Litas coat tails in two of those. I have no knowledge of the feud with mvp.