View Full Version : WWE Announcer News & Notes: Finkel, Roberts & Mayhew

Shane McMahon's Ass
10-01-2009, 06:53 AM
-- As noted earlier here on the website, new WWE ring announcer Lauren Mayhew did ring announcing for the dark match at last night's tapings and also sang the national anthem
. According to sources, she is being held off of TV so she can first familiarize with the job.

-- Howard Finkel made the following comments on his Twitter in regards to the RAW announcing position: "Good luck 2 Justin Roberts as Raw ring announcer. And to those who wanted me back on Raw, thanks for your kind words and support!"

-- Former AWA and AWF announcer Mick Karch sent out the following announcement today: Within the next few weeks (hopefully), my friend Scotty Jameson at Northwest Community Television in the Twin Cities will be interviewing me for a career retrospective. Many times over the years, people have asked me to relate stories about my days as a wrestling fan, announcer, etc., and I felt the time was right to put it all down in DVD form. I am looking for your suggestions as to which questions you would like answered. I already have many submitted to me from various sources, but I sincerely want to address those that are of interest to you; my years as a fan, how I got started, my days as a "backyard" wrestler (!), the AWA and the Verne Gagne years, the AWF years, "Saturday Night at Ringside," my favorite and least favorite wrestlers to interview, my tryout offer with the WWF, whatever. Please, no sarcastic suggestions or silly questions. Rather than just talk about what I think is noteworthy, I'd rather use your ideas as a guideline. If you have any questions that you think would be interesting to answer on a 'shoot' tape, please email them to me at SLICKMICK51@comcast.net. If you can do so on or before October 7th, I would greatly appreciate it.