View Full Version : Saturday Night's Main Event - 15th Jul 2006

07-16-2006, 07:41 AM

Saturday Night's Main Event - 15th Jul 2006
Location - Dallas, Texas

Quick Results:
- Batista, Rey Mysterio and Lashley def. King Booker, Mark Henry and Finlay
- Trish Stratus and Carlito def. Johnny Nitro and Melina
- Handicap Elimination: D-Generation X def. The Spirit Squad
- Bikini Bullriding: Michelle McCool def. Victoria
- WWE Championship: John Cena def. Edge by disqualification; Edge retains the title

We are live from Dallas , Texas and your announcers are Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler from Raw; Tazz and Joey Styles from ECW; and Michael Cole and Bradshaw from Smackdown.

In the arena:
Hulk Hogan starts off the show as he comes out to see his Hulkamaniacs. Hogan poses for the fans and then he brings out ‘his daughter’ Brooke Hogan as they walk to the ring. Brooke gets on the mic after Hulk acknowledges the fan’s cheers. Brooke says that she has always dreamt about this moment when she can stand in the ring with her dad in front of everyone. She hopes that her career can be as successful as her father’s and she thanks everyone. Hulk gets on the mic and he says that he is proud of Brooke. He says that he is thankful that she looks like Linda. Hulk says that he was on the first Saturday Night’s Main Event in 1985. Thanks to the fans, Hulkamania is still running wild. Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes out with a single red rose and he enters the ring. Randy apologizes for the interruption but there is no way that he was going to sit backstage and not stand in the ring side-by-side with one of the biggest legends in the business. And he mentions Brooke as well. He provides Brooke with a rose on behalf of the Hulkamaniacs, which he says he is one. Randy says that since Hulk is a legend among legends, and since he is the ‘Legend Killer’, he challenges Hogan to a match at SummerSlam. Hulk thinks about the challenge and says that since Randy did it respectfully, he respectfully accepts the challenge. Hogan and Orton shake hands. Randy leaves the ring while Hulk and ‘his daughter’ Brooke remain in the ring.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Bobby Lashley, Rey Mysterio and Batista vs. King Booker, Finlay and Mark Henry
Referee: Nick Patrick

We have a video package for Batista that has aired on Smackdown in the past. In the segment, Batista is heard saying that he is the top of the food chain. We see footage of Mark Henry injuring Batista at the start of the year in the steel cage match on Smackdown.

The start:
Lashley and Finlay start off in a match up of two of the men in the United States Title match at SummerSlam. Lashley with shoulders in the corner and then Lashley grabs Finlay’s foot and hits a belly-to-belly suplex and then all six men are in the ring. We go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
On Unlimited, Booker and Lashley are in the ring and Booker with a knee to Lashley and then he tags Finlay into the match. Finlay punches Lashley followed by a forearm and clothesline. Finlay sends Lashley into the corner and Henry is tagged in. Mark with a head butt to Lashley and then he kicks Lashley in the corner. Henry steps on Lashley’s chest while Regal yells at Lashley. Booker tags back in and he chops and punches Lashley in the corner. Booker kicks Lashley while Sharmell cheers him on. Lashley with a slam to Booker and then he tags in Rey who kicks Booker and then eh goes up for the punches of ten. Rey comes off the ropes but he is caught in a side slam. Finlay tags back in and he kicks Rey. We return to NBC and Finlay has Rey in a rear chin lock but Rey fights out of the hold. Finlay with a clothesline and he returns to Rey’s neck. Rey backs Finlay into the corner but Finlay holds on and he connects with a forearm.

Rey holds on to the ropes and he kicks Finlay. Rey hits a springboard moonsault on Finlay but Booker and Henry break up the cover. Finlay pulls out Little Bastard and he gets the shillelagh and hits Rey while everyone else is outside the ring. Batista and Lashley check on Rey, but the referee sends Batista and Lashley to the apron. Finlay with a two count on Rey and then Booker is tagged back in. Booker kicks Rey in the corner and then he tags Henry back into the match. Henry with a head butt in the corner and that sends Rey to the mat. Henry tries for a splash into the corner, but Rey moves. Rey kicks Henry in the leg and Henry goes down. Rey with a drop kick. Henry and Rey try to make the tag and Booker and Batista are in, but the referee did not see Batista make the tag. Booker and Finlay kick Rey while the referee sends Batista back to the apron. Booker returns to the ring and he chops Rey.

The Finish:
Rey with a rana on Booker and both men are down. Rey avoids Finlay and Booker as he goes through their legs and Batista is tagged in. Batista clotheslines and slams Booker and he does the same to Finlay but with a power slam. Batista with a spinebuster to Booker. Finlay is pulled out of the ring by Lashley and they fight on the floor. Booker is in the ropes and Rey hits a 619 while Booker talks to Sharmell and Regal. Batista with a Sit Out Batista Bomb to Booker for the three count.

Winners: Batista, Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley

Vince McMahon is in the office with the Spirit Squad. Vince reminds them about the Elimination match, but there is a surprise. There will be holding cells and when one member of DX is eliminated, they will go in the holding cell. Degeneration X shows up in the split screen and they talk about what Vince McMahon must be thinking. Shawn and Hunter talk over what Vince is saying to the Spirit Squad. They suggest that Vince wants his rear end spanked. Shawn and Hunter mock the Spirit Squad where they say that the Spirit Squad are going to get their back sides beaten. Vince speaks again and he says that they will never be embarrassed by DX again. We go to commercial.

Earlier Tonight:
We go earlier tonight for highlights from the Diva Bull Riding Competition. We see all of the Divas riding the mechanical bull. Some of them stay up, but most of them fall off the bull. We will see the finals with Michelle McCool and Victoria later in the show.

Mixed Tag Team Match
Melina and Johnny Nitro vs. Trish Stratus and Carlito
Referee: Mickey Hensen

The start:
Carlito and Nitro start off the match but Nitro stops Carlito before they lock up. He tags in Melina. Due to the rules, Trish is tagged in. Melina with a kick but Trish responds with a forearm. Melina and Trish exchange forearms with Trish getting the advantage. Nitro trips Trish on the apron and then Melina with a thumb to Trish’s eye. Trish with a chop to Melina and then she chops Melina in the corner.

The Finish:
Melina with a flying hair pull after Nitro tells him to get back into the match. Nitro and Carlito tag in and Carlito with punches and a drop kick followed by a kip up. Carlito with a wheelbarrow suplex and Trish with a Lou Thesz Press to Melina and they fight to the floor. Nitro with a kick to Carlito and then he hits the lungblower for the three count after he counters a neck breaker attempt.

Winners: Carlito and Trish Stratus

In the arena:
We see two holding cells as we hear the ‘official WWE cage lowering music’. We go to commercial.

Earlier Tonight:
We see footage from earlier tonight when Kevin Von Erich came out to the crowd’s ovation. Von Erich holds up the ‘claw’ for the fans.

Handicap Elimination Match
D-Generation X vs. The Spirit Squad
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Mikey and Shawn start things off. Mikey punches and kicks Shawn in the corner and then Mitch is tagged in. Mitch comes in and he distracts Hunter and the referee. Johnny misses a megaphone shot on Michaels and Shawn hits all of the members of the Spirit Squad. Shawn tosses it to Hunter. The Spirit Squad huddle at ringside and Hunter breaks up the meeting with the air horn. Shawn with a super kick to Mitch for the three count and it is now four-on-two as we go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
On Unlimited, the Spirit Squad is outside the ring. Johnny comes in to face Hunter and he does some martial arts kicks before putting on a headband. Hunter puts one on and he waxes on and waxes off before doing the robot and the crane. Hunter with an eye poke. We are back and the Spirit Squad fall into a precarious position in the ring while Shawn and Hunter take care of the Spirit Squad. Hunter with a spinebuster to Johnny to eliminate him. Johnny joins Mitch in the cage. Ken comes into the ring and he punches Shawn. Kenny goes outside and goes to the back. Shawn chases after Kenny and punches him on the stage. Vince McMahon comes out and hits Shawn in the back with a chair.

Kenny brings Shawn back to the ring and Nicky is tagged in. Nicky is tossed onto Michaels for a splash but Nicky can only get a two count. Nicky with a sleeper while Vince comes to ringside. Shawn escapes with a belly-to-back suplex. Kenny goes up top and he misses the leg drop when Shawn moves out of the way. Hunter tags in and he punches Kenny, Nicky, and Mikey. Hunter with a high knee to Mikey. He follows that with a Facebuster to Nicky and then he throws him over the top to the floor. Hunter with a spinebuster to Mikey. Hunter tries for the Pedigree, but Mikey stops Hunter.

The Finish:
Hunter with a double clothesline to Mikey and Kenny. Hunter hits a Pedigree on Nicky for the three count to make it a two-on-two situation. Michaels with a super kick to Mikey and Hunter pins him to make it two-on-one. Hunter slams Kenny and then Michaels goes up top for the elbow drop. Michaels taunts Vince as he sets up for Sweet Chin Music and he hits it. Hunter hits a Pedigree for the three count to win the match.

Winners: D-Generation X

The Aftermath:
After the match, Vince takes the key from the referee and he hits the referee. Vince opens the cage and he wants them to go after Degeneration X. They tell Vince to turn around and he is met with a super kick and he goes into the cage. Hunter locks the cage and then Hunter and Shawn climb the cage to celebrate. We go to commercial.

In the arena:
The Great Khali is in the ring with Khosrow Daivari. Daivari says that one week from tomorrow, the Undertaker will step into the first Punjabi Prison Match with the Great Khali. Once and for all the Dead Man’s legacy will be buried by the one true phenom of the WWE and the one true giant of the WWE. While Daivari continues to talk, the Big Show and Paul Heyman come out to the ring. Show stands face to face with Khali and Paul takes the mic for Show. Show says that Khali is a big boy. He tells Khali a little about himself. He tells Khali that he is the Big Show and he is seven foot and 500 pounds of extreme champion. He mentions that he is the only person to hold the WWE, WCW, and ECW titles. Show says that Khali is a big man and one day they will need to find out who the real giant is. That is not why he is here. He is here to put Khali over. The way that Khali has single handedly dominated the Undertaker. Khali has Taker’s number and how he beat Taker. Taker’s music plays and the lights go out. Taker walks out to the ring. Michael Cole talks about how Taker returned last night after being away for a few months. Taker removes his jacket and hat and then he punches Khali in the chest but they have no effect on him. Taker clotheslines Khali over the top rope to the floor. Show tells Taker to back off but he attacks Taker from behind. Show and Taker exchange punches with Taker getting the advantage. Show with a knee to Taker but Taker sets for the choke slam. He also grabs Khali. Khali and Show grab Taker and they give Taker a double choke slam. Show and Khali leave the ring and we go to commercial.

Big Show and Heyman walk in the back and Todd Grisham wants to get a few comments from Show. Show says that the Great Khali has Taker’s number. The Great Khali is not an extreme giant. The Great Khali is not the ECW champion. He says that if you want to see an extreme giant, check out the Big Show on SciFi on Tuesday nights. Show tells Todd that he is challenging Taker for the ECW title on Tuesday night. After he is done with Taker on Tuesday, Khali can have what is left for the Great American Bash.

Extreme Rules Match
Sabu vs. Stevie Richards
Referee: Mike Posey

The start:
Sabu throws a chair into the ring before the bell rings. Richards backs into the corner when Sabu charges at him. Richards does it again. Sabu grabs the chair and then he throws it at Richards’s head. Sabu with Air Sabu to Richards. Sabu with the triple jump moonsault to Richards for a two count. Sabu goes outside the ring and he gets a table and brings it into the ring. Sabu kicks Richards in the head before he sets up the table.

The Finish:
Richards hits Sabu from behind and then he punches Sabu in the corner. Richards charges into the corner, but Sabu moves. Sabu clotheslines Richards onto the table. Sabu pulls the table into the center of the ring and the table collapses on one side. Sabu goes up top and he hits the Arabian Facebuster for the three count.

Winner: Sabu

The Aftermath:
After the match, Sabu hits another Arabian Facebuster on Richards.

We see Randy Orton talking to Brooke Hogan in the garage. Joey Styles talks about Brooke Hogan’s new album and it is time to see Brooke’s new video. After the video, Brooke and Randy are still talking. Hulk comes up behind Randy and tells him that he will see Orton at SummerSlam. Orton leaves while Brooke gets into the car. Hogan goes around the back of the car and Orton hits the RKO on the trunk. Brooke gets out of the car and wants to know what happened. We go to commercial.

Bikini Bullriding Contest
Michelle McCool vs. Victoria
Referee: Mickey Hensen

We go to Todd Grisham and the finals of the Diva Bull Riding Contest. The two contestants will be timed for how long they stay on the bull. The first finalist is Michelle McCool. Michelle lasts twelve seconds. The second finalist is Victoria . She lasts seven seconds so Michelle is the winner. Michelle talks smack and then Victoria breaks Michelle’s yardstick.

Winner: Michelle McCool

Edge and Lita are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Edge (c)
Referee: Michael Chioda

The start:
Edge leaves the ring before they lock up and he leaves with Lita, but Cena goes out after him and he punches Edge back to the ring. Edge with a thumb to Cena’s eye. Cena drops Edge across the top rope but when Cena charges at Edge, Edge low bridges and Cena goes over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
On Unlimited, Cena is on the floor while Edge remains in the ring during the referee’s count. Edge punches Cena on the apron and then he drops Cena’s throat across the rope. Cena holds on but Edge punches Cena again and Cena falls to the floor. Edge suplexes Cena back into the ring from the apron and he gets a two count. Edge punches Cena but Cena stays on his feet. Edge with jabs to Cena followed by another punch and Cena goes down. Edge stands over Cena but Cena punches Edge. Edge with a drop kick to Cena. We are back and Cena punches Edge but Edge kicks Cena and hits a clothesline while Edge leans on the ropes. Edge stalks Cena and then he punches him in the corner. Edge puts Cena on the top turnbuckle and then he connects with a forearm before going up top.

Edge with a superplex but Edge slips on the ropes as he hits the move and both men are down. Lita checks on Edge while the referee counts. Cena punches Edge as he backs Edge into the ropes. Lita grabs Cena’s foot and that allows Edge to hit a clothesline and a kick to the head for a two count. Edge punches Cena but Cena responds with punches of his own. Edge punches Cena to applause while Cena punches back to boos. Cena gets the final punch in and then he hits two clotheslines, a flying shoulder tackle, a belly-to-back into a side slam, and then he does the five knuckle shuffle to finish the ‘moves of doom’.

The Finish:
Cena gets Edge up for the FU and he hits it. Lita pulls out the referee when the referee gets to two. The referee bounces off the ringside barrier. Cena sees Lita outside the ring and that allows Edge to get back up. Edge misses a spear when Cena moves. Cena with a drop toe hold and puts Edge in the STFU. Lita punches the referee when he tries to get back into the ring. When Edge appears to tap, the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: By disqualification, John Cena, but still WWE Champion, Edge

The Aftermath:
Cena cannot believe what happened. Edge gets up and he spears Cena before rolling out of the ring to the floor. Edge celebrates with Lita and the WWE Title belt. Cena hits a plancha onto Cena and he punches Edge and slams his head into the ring steps. Cena rearranges the ECW announce table and he hits Edge with one of the monitors. Cena yells at Lita before he picks up Edge and then Cena thinks about giving Edge an FU through the table. Cena gets on the ring steps and then he hits the FU through the announce table. Cena returns to the ring while we see Edge laying with what was left of the ECW announce table. Cena asks if they know what he is capable of as we go to credits.

Report: PWInsider.com

Ian Diago
07-23-2006, 11:26 AM
thanx a lot

07-23-2006, 04:34 PM
Thanks. Nice to see that Batista is back, haven't watched WWE in a bit.

07-25-2006, 03:18 AM
man i love brooke hogan =)