View Full Version : SNME - Off air notes / Dark Matches

07-16-2006, 07:48 AM
Some extra info from SNME 15th jul 2006:

Dark Match: Paul London def. Rene Dupree after a victory roll - Dupree has grown out his hair and shaved his beard. Crowd was very behind London.

-Mark Henry was injured in the 6 man tag team match. Henry was helped to the back after the match by referees, Finlay and Regal.

-After cameras went off the air the bonus dark match was
Handicap Match: The Undertaker def. The Great Khali & Umaga when Taker pinned Umaga after a leg drop. Khali got tied up in the ropes and it looked like Taker was going to Tombstone Umaga but instead he scoop slammed him and followed up with a leg drop for the win.

Biggest Pops:
1. Batista
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Rey Mysterio

Most Heat:
1. Edge
2. Randy Orton
3. Lita