View Full Version : ECW on SyFy Report for October 6th, 2009

10-07-2009, 06:06 AM
We are shown a recap of last weeks ECW when Regal, Kozlov, Zeke Jackson & Ryder vs. Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, Christian and Dreamer with Yoshi getting the pin before we head to the opening video package as the fire works go off in the packed arena.

Regal heads to the ring with his round table and he welcomes us to ECW, He wishes Tiffany the best as she recovers from her injury but we(apparently) and he knows that Regal in the best man for the job to pick what happens to the ECW title

Regal then informs us that he is now number one contender before he is cut off by Mister WOO WOO WOO, Jack Ryder whom calls Regal “Bro” which annoys Regal as they argue before the ECW champion Christian walks out and tell them both that none of them deserve the title shot and Christian has proof in the form of a Janitor, Tony Atlas and Yoshi Tatsu. The Janitor deserves it as he cleaned the toilet, Atlas is a HOF so he could be more entitled that Ryder and Regal. This leads us to Yoshi ,who has pinned both Ryder & Regal but no one will pick who is the real number one contender apart from… Tiffany! Tonight Zack Ryder will face Christian, Regal will face Yoshi and Zeke/Jackson will be in a tag match next!


We are back, for the tag match

Goldust & Tommy Dreamer vs. Zeke & Kozlov

The match starts with Kozlov backing Dreamer into the corner but Dreamer fights back and tags in Goldust and after working on Kozlov’s arm they tag again before long they tag about so we have Goldust & Zeke in the ring for a little bit before Dust low bridges Zeke and Dreamer hit’s a senton to the outside. Goldust rolls Zeke back in but gets distracted by Kozlov which allow Zeke to jump Goldust and tag in Kozlov. Kozlov works on Dust before tagging Jackson back in who starts to work on the back of Dust then hit’s a massive cloth lines but Zeke misses a shoulder thrust which allows Dust to tag in Dreamer.

Dreamer starts to clear house and looks to be in control before Kozlov enters causing the distraction which allows Zeke to hit his finisher on Dreamer for the 3 count.

Winner Zeke and Kozlov

In the back, we see Regal talking to Tiffany about bragging rights and how we might see
John Cena on ECW after it before telling Regal to get ready for his match as its next


We are back for the next match of the night.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal

They circle each other as the crowd chant Yoshi’s name but Regal forgot to tie his boots up so the ref orders Yoshi to allow Regal to tie his boots. After a quick lock up, Regal stops to tie his boots up. After this, he knocks Yoshi down and then hit’s a (botched) Russian leg sweep before Yoshi hit’s a massive drop kick to the outfit as we head to a break


We are back as Yoshi kicks Regal before attempting a cross body which leads to an awkward fall to the outside before they brawl back inside and Regal locks in a cross face before dropping knees on Yoshi and going back to the submission.

Regal hit’s a butterfly suplex as the crowd chant “This is boring” before Yoshi hit’s a dragon screw leg drag before hitting a flurry of punches and kicks and ascending the top rope and missing a spinning heel kick which leads us to think Regal will knee poor Yoshi but Yoshi kicks Regal in the head for the 3(but Regal’s foot is outside the ring)

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

After the match, Regal and his round table argue with the ref before we are shown last weeks Shelton Benjamin & Sheamus match and they will wrestle on Superstars.

Zack Ryder walks to the ring for his match against the ECW champion Christian whilst Regal is still arguing with the Ref.

Zack Ryder vs. Christian

The match starts with Regal & his round table at ring side as Christian and Ryder lock up with Christian working on the arm and hitting Ryder with a massive cloth lines and attempting a drop kick which he misses so Ryder pins Christian for a 2 count. After this, Christian kicks out into a pin and gains momentum before he is cut off and gets his throat trusted into the bottom rope and rolling to the outside as we head to a break


We are back as Zack is working on the throat/neck of Christian but the Champ starts to fight back before Ryder hit’s a leg lariat and a massive elbow for a 2 count. Ryder starts to slap Christian before picking him up and hitting a swinging neck breaker as Regal looks on at the ECW champion fighting back and hitting a backwards DDT. The crowd gets behind Christian as he uses his hand and feet to knock down his opponent of the night and ascending the top rope to use a cross body.

Christian then hit’s a massive swinging DDT for the 2 count and attempting the kill switch but its blocked by Ryder and hits an awesome looking Tiger power bomb for a 2 count. Ryder rolls to the outside and is soon joined by Christian but this match ends quickly as Kozlov head buts Christian to cause a DQ

Winner via DQ Christian

Post match, Regal knees Christian in the head then attacks Ryder

ECW Thoughts

I like tonight’s opening segment as Tiffany looked pleased to be back on ECW and the way she spoke made her look like she wanted to go out there and prove a point. She is slowly becoming better on the mic(Disagree with me? Email me saying why)

Kozlov/Zeke vs. Goldust& Tommy Dreamer was a decent tag match as Dust/Dreamer are the biggest test they had so far as they normally squash jobbers. Dreamer looked in much better shape and seemed faster that normal and Dust has just improved since arriving on the extreme brand. I wouldn’t mind seeing this feud caring on.

I know I might be the only person in the world to say this but I didn’t like Yoshi vs. Regal. I just did nothing for me. If u liked it, please tell me why

Christian vs. Zack Ryder was a good match and I LOVED the Tiger power bomb Ryder did. A great match, well worth a match and it sets up Ryder face turn