View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for October 9th, 2009

10-10-2009, 10:04 AM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report - October 9th, 2009
Report by Chris Shore, ProWrestling.net

[Q1]A video recapped Taker’s win at HIAC…The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Jim Ross and Todd Grisham welcomed us to Smackdown. They hyped Taker appearing later, Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho, and Batista vs. CM Punk…Teddy Long was introduced and he was in the ring. He congratulated Undertaker on his win. He put over Smackdown as the best brand. He mentioned the Cena/Orton match and said Cena was welcome back to Smackdown if he lost.

CM Punk’s music hit and he came to the ring. He came to the ring and said Smackdown didn’t need John Cena.

Punk said Long needed to pay attention to Smackdown and not a Raw wrestler. He said if Long was going to name a number one contender, he was a due an automatic rematch. He said Long had him facing Batista in “this dump.” He said he wanted Batista in the same match he beat him in, a submission match. He said he wanted Scott Armstrong as the ref and he wanted Teddy ringside. He said he would tell Teddy when and where all this went down. Teddy started to argue and Vince’s music hit.

Vince made his entrance and Teddy Long introduced him. Vince said he was trying to support Teddy but his patience was wearing thin. He said Teddy’s announcement was going to upset Punk and Taker. He said Teddy was antagonizing Undertaker and needed to stop. He said was about to announce a Fatal Fourway for the world title at Bragging Rights. He said it would be Taker, Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Batista in the match. He introduced a participant in the first match…Rey Mysterio. Rey made his ring entrance and Punk talked junk to Teddy Long. Punk left the ring looking pissed…

[Q2][C]Back from commercial, Jericho made his ring entrance. A still shots package recapped the tag title match at HIAC…

1. Rey Mysterio defeated Chris Jericho at 11:25. Mysterio hit some quick offense and Jericho rolled to the floor. Rey hit a plancha on the floor. He rolled Jericho in and got clobbered when he tried to get in. Jericho hit a standing suplex for two. He pinned Rey in the corner and then whipped him to the opposite corner. He ran in and Rey got the feet up. Rey hit a flying leg scissors, but Jericho reversed the next jump into a face slam. He hit a slingshot hangman into the second rope. HE let Mysterio stand and then slid him out of the ring in a head first slide. Mysterio landed hard and recovered into the break…

Back at 5:53, Jericho had a chin lock on Rey. Rey made his feet and elbowed out. He hit a roll up for two. Jericho hit a surprise running insaguri for two. He dropped Rey stomach first on the rope and Rey fell to the floor. Jericho went to the floor and rolled Rey back in for two. He set him on the top and tried to take the mask off. Mysterio elbowed him to the mat and hit a West Coast Pop and a springboard crossbody for two. He set up for the 619, but Jericho grabbed him and tried for Walls of Jericho. Rey hooked an inside cradle for two. Jericho hit a spinning back breaker for two. Rey slipped out of the next grab and set up for 619 again. Jericho reversed again and locked in the Walls.

[Q3]He drug Rey to the center of the ring and Rey escaped. He tried for a sunset flip, but Jericho rolled through and tried for Walls again. Rey hit a kick to the head and Jericho dropped to the second rope. Rey hit 619, followed by the splash for the win. Post match, a video recapped the highlights of the match…The Raw Rebound video from last night played…Word Up was next and the word was “Eve.” As in Eve. The Diva. Her match with Michelle McCool is next…[C]

Back from commercial, the announce team hyped the main event again…Eve made her ring entrance alone. McCool was out next…

2. Michelle McCool defeated Eve Torres at 3:18. The Divas traded strikes for the first 45 seconds. McCool slid to the floor and Eve gave chase. McCool slid in and tried to kick Eve, but Eve grabbed her foot and hit clothesline. She reached for McCool and got tossed into the corner. McCool hit a sitting knee in the corner and continued to beat on Eve. Eve fought back and hit a front flip back splash for two. She set McCool in the corner and tried for her cartwheel elbow, but McCool kicked her. She hit a big boot for the win. Post match, a video recapped the highlights…

[Q4]The announce team hyped Taker’s appearance again…[C]

Backstage, Vickie was all over Escobar in Teddy’s office. Teddy came in and Vickie tried to punk him for not putting Escobar on the show and for messing with the Undertaker. Teddy said, “Mr. McMahon,” and Vickie cut him off. She asked if he was trying to blame Vince. Escobar said something in Spanish and walked off. Vickie reminded Teddy he was still on probation and walked out…

John Morrison made his ring entrance, followed by Ziggler. The announce team sold Ziggler as being so close, yet so far…[C]

3. John Morrison defeated Dolph Ziggler to retain the Intercontinental Championship at 9:41. Both men started out with mat wrestling. The announce team sold Ziggler’s amateur background. Morrison hit an inverted back breaker and a side Russian leg sweep out of nowhere for two. Morrison hit a Pele kick, but Ziggler slid out of the next attempt and hit a belly to back for two.

[Q5]Maria came down to the ring and cheered Dolph on. The ref told her to get away from the ring and she went and got a chair and sat down. Ziggler had a chin lock on. Morrison tried to fight out, but Ziggler dropped him in the corner and stomped on him while yelling, “New champion!” Morrison fought back, but Ziggler hit a scoop slam for two. He mounted Morrison and punched him in the face. He rolled Morrison over and locked in a seated armbar. Morrison stood up and hit an Electric Chair.

Morrison worked his offense. He hit the leg lariat and standing shooting star press for two. He hit a flying crossbody that spilled both men over the top rope. Cool spot. Ziggler rolled Morrison back in the ring and set the chair beside the ring. He crawled back in and worked on Morrison. He hit a drop kick and reached out for the chair. Maria had taken the chair and sat down again. Ziggler looked at her all pissed and stood up. He turned into a Chuck kick for a Morrison win. Post match, a video showed how the ending played out…

The announce team introed an Undertaker hype video…

Back from commercial, a video recapped the end of the Ziggler/Morrison match. Backstage, Maria was trying to get Dolph to talk to her. Dolph dumped her. Maria cried…poorly…Rey was shown in his locker room. Batista came in and they put each other over and then claimed they would win the world title in the fourway.

[Q6]R-Truth made his lame ass entrance. At least he used the ramp. Matt Hardy came out to Jeff’s pop. JR said we wouldn’t believe who they are facing and we would find out next…[C]

Back from commercial, Drew McIntyre and Kane made separate entrances…

4. Drew McIntyre and Kane defeated Matt Hardy and R-Truth at 3:54. Matt and Drew started out. Matt took early control and tagged in Truth. McIntire locked in a head lock. Truth backed him up and Kane got a blind tag. Truth hit a kick on McIntyre, but turned into a big boot from Kane. Kane slammed Truth and he and McIntyre worked in and out on Truth. Truth hit a drop toe hold on Kane and tagged in Hardy. McIntyre tagged himself in and Matt cleaned up. He hit a side effect and covered, but Kane broke it up. All four men were in the ring and the ref got Kane and then Truth out. As he was putting Truth out, McIntyre pushed Hardy into Kan who punched him hard. McIntyre hit his finisher for the win…

[Q7][C]Back from commercial, Undertaker was introduced and he made his ring entrance. I have got to admit, I welcome the return of my bathroom break now that he’s back. Taker cut his promo about the weaknesses of each of his three opponents and said he would take all their souls…The announce team hyped the main event for next…[C]

Back from commercial, a Smackdown DVD video aired…Batista made his ring entrance. The announce team hyped the Fatal Fourway with entrance videos from the new Raw vs. Smackdown video game.

[Q8]CM Punk made his ring entrance. Batista chased him from the ring before the bell could ring…

5. CM Punk defeated Batista at 11:24. Punk went to the floor again as soon as the bell rang. The first lock up was in the ropes. Batista broke clean and Punk attacked. Batista reversed a whip attempt in the corner and hit a follow up clothesline. Punk slid to the floor again. He got in and Batista pounded on him in the corner. Punk stood on the apron and hit a hangman drop. He came off a springboard and Batista kicked him out of the air. He set up for the Batista Bomb and Punk escaped to the floor again. Batista looked frustrated into the break…[C]

Back at 5:44, Batista tackled Punk. He hit a suplex for two. He worked Punk in the corner. Punk managed to slip away and hit a couple of kicks. Batista went to the ankle and Punk escaped to the floor. Batista followed and Punk caught him with a kick as he started to get in the ring. He followed with a knee drop across the ropes for two. Punk went to the chin lock. Batista hulked up, but Punk hit a swinging neckbreaker for two. He slapped on a figure four headlock and talked junk.

Batista powered out and reversed a neckbreak attempt into a slam. Batista went crazy and flattened Punk in the corner. He whipped Punk and caught him for a powerslam for two. He charged at Punk and got dropped with a drop toes hold. Punk hit the knee in the corner and went for the bulldog. Batista pushed him off, but Punk kicked him back to the corner. He went for the high knee again, but Batista caught him and hit the Spinebuster. Punk rolled to the floor and Batista followed. Batista tried for the Batista bomb, but Punk grabbed the ropes. Punk kicked away and fell in the ring. The ref hit ten and counted Batista out. Post match, Punk gloated…and got Batista Bombed to end the show…

10-10-2009, 06:33 PM
Whoever wrote this is an idiot, bashing R-Truth and the Undertaker? Whatever.