View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Spoilers for October 16th, 2009

10-14-2009, 04:00 AM
John Morrison and The Miz had a really good Dirt Sheet, which ended with a stare-down and Miz backing down and leaving.

An R Truth-Drew McIntyre promo, followed by Truth walking backstage was next. They met in a match to determine the last spot on Team Smackdown for the PPV.

McIntyre won via countout after he threw Truth back-first in to the ringside steps.

We went backstage with Rey Mysterio and Batista. Batista said that he isn't sure about his match against Rey because they are like brothers. Batista said that they will both have to do what is needed to win at the PPV. Rey said that this is one time he wishes they could team up, but with Punk being so jaded it shouldn't be too hard and The Underaker, well Rey reminded us that he is a former champ and can do what it takes to win.

Taker appeared in the Tron. To paraphrase, he said it has been said that history has a way of repeating itself but not in my yard. Teddy Long, Scott Armstrong and Punk are all tempting fate in trying to take the title from Hell's grip. Once you enter Hell's Gate, there is no way out and at Bragging Rights Punk, I will take your soul, but next week in their match he will read Punk his last rights.

Rey vs. Batista is up next. Rey hit the 619 on Dave, then jumped off of the outside rope onto his shoulders, Dave went for a Batista Bomb but Rey turned it into a
hurricanrana and got the win. After the match they celebrated together and hugged then Rey pandered to the crowd.

Batista left the ring and Rey stood on top of the different ring posts posing. Punk came out and hit Rey. Batista came out and made the save. Batista picked Rey up and they left together, posing on the stage.

Dark Match:

Taker came out with his fire pyro to take on Punk. Taker looked stiff or like he was walking with a limp.

It looks like Punk is working his ass off for this match. Taker is taking it easy and to me he visibly looks like he's hurting. Punk kicked out of the Chokeslam only to lose to the Tombstone. The Undertaker does his typical exit, except he raised his hand that has World Title. Fire erupted on the stage.

Tony Chimmel thanked us and reminded us how we can watch Smackdown this week.