View Full Version : Punk Interview - Inside

10-20-2009, 06:19 PM
CM Punk was part of a brief chat at TheState.com today to promote tonight's Smackdown taping in Columbia, South Carolina. Punk was pretty hilarious in delivering sarcastic answers in most of the chat.

On his dream Wrestlemania opponent:

"Last year, before I was in the MITB match, it was Rey. This year, it's still Rey. Mania is a long ways aways right now, so it's hard to say where i'll end up....but I do need a haircut...."

Who Punk would like to face in WWE that he hasn't yet:

"If you think about it, you haven't really even seen me warm up....Cena, hbk, hhh...."

Whether Punk will be going overseas to wrestle for the troops this year:

"Yes, as of now, I am scheduled to head to Iraq."

How long he plans on continuing to wrestle:

"I've been wrestling 12 years now non stop with a little pit stop for a fractured skull. It's hard to say when i'll stop, but I don't want to wear out my welcome OR do this forever. There is life after wrestling."

If he could wrestle anyone from the past, who would it be:

"Harley Race. And he would kill me. But I would come back from the dead."

10-21-2009, 06:30 AM
thanks for this John

A Blissful Ass
10-21-2009, 10:40 PM
HHH and HBK would make mince meat of him