View Full Version : Do people talk to themselves when alone?

07-18-2006, 12:49 AM
We asked ourselves this question and our inner voice answered, "Sure they do." We're normal (almost) and if we do, everyone else must too. Do we need more proof? A voice tells us "Yes."

Movies and TV shows have led us to believe only "nut cases" talk to themselves. However, according to the Self-Therapy site, everyone talks to themselves, and positive self-talk is good. Negative self-talk is not. This site states that most critical self-talk originates from other people, and you should think of the person by name (maybe with a strong adjective) as the source of the negative self-talk.

In an article titled "Watch Your Mouth," Maggie Guseman states that your inner voice may be saying you're dumb, ugly, or worthless when, in fact, it isn't true. This is the voice of a society that wants everyone to be smart, beautiful, and rich, and it's keeping you from being you. The site offers a quiz so you can examine how your inner voice talks to you.

Like almost everything else, not everyone agrees that talking to yourself is good. There's even a course called "Stop Talking to Yourself" on four CDs or cassettes.

So what's the conclusion? Apparently some experts believe self-talk can be good, and others think we should all shut up. And yes, most of us do talk to ourselves.

07-18-2006, 02:19 AM
I'm all for self talk... it can help when getting work done and everything.

07-18-2006, 11:01 AM
Yeah, I talk to myself... It can help to pass the time when you are on your own!

And when I worked at Maccas, I discovered alot of the time that I was better off talking to myself as I was better company than the people I was working with. Then there was also the deliveries and I would be on my own in the walk in freezer or fridge for up to 2 hours on my own, and I would talk to myself then as well while I was in there!

Sometimes things make more sense when they are said aloud as well, instead of just the thought floating around in your head.

Sunshine Acid
07-19-2006, 06:14 AM
Hmmm, well I talk to myself alone or with people...sometimes the conversations are more interesting that way.

The real question is have you ever talked to an inanimate object?

the madscotsman
07-20-2006, 03:20 PM
I talk to myself all the time. Only cause it's the only way of getting an intelligent conversation