View Full Version : ECW on SyFy Report for October 27th, 2009

10-28-2009, 04:48 AM
We are live on tape from Rochester, New York and your announcers are Josh ‘I came from FCW first’ Mathews and Byron ‘Living the Dream’ Saxton.

We start off with the show that makes you want to watch anything else, the Abraham Washington Show. Abe’s guest tonight is ECW General Manager Tiffany. Abe does not get the reception he expects. Abe says that he is going to stop running his mouth since it is a big show. Abe threatens Tony for laughing at his comment.

Tiffany comes out and Abe is impressed with Tiffany. Abe hits on Tiffany and Tony jumps in with some lustful laughs. Abe says that Tiffany is on the hot seat because of the job that she has been doing since there was no ECW influence on Bragging Rights. Tiffany says that ECW had a tremendous impact on the pay per view because people like John Morrison and Kofi Kingston had their start on ECW. Tiffany guarantees a bigger influence next year. Abe brings up Sheamus who is no longer on the ECW roster. Tiffany says that if you don’t want to be on ECW, you don’t have to be there. Tiffany says that Sheamus could leave for good after one last match against Shelton Benjamin. Abe asks Tiffany about her arm and she says that it is healing, but before we can get the full Tiffany News Network update, Emperor William Regal and his Imperial Guards come out.

Regal implores to get what he deserves. He wants an ECW title match. Tiffany reminds Regal that he has asked her repeatedly and her answer remains the same . . . no. Regal says that he is losing his temper. Tiffany tells Regal that he is not getting an ECW title match tonight, and he might never get another shot at the ECW Title. Tiffany says that she hopes everyone enjoys tonight’s show.

Abe is about to end his show, but William Regal ends it for Abe and he throws the table and recliner aside.

We go to the announce table where Josh introduces tonight’s new announcer Byron Saxton. Byron is excited to be here tonight because of the title match. We see footage of Yoshi Tatsu beating Zack Ryder to be the number one contender.

We have a video package for Yoshi Tatsu.

We go to commercial.

We see footage from last week when Sheamus and Shelton battled after Sheamus’s match with JT Quinn.

Savannah is in the back with Shelton Benjamin and she asks him about his last match with Sheamus. Shelton did not appreciate Sheamus’ comments but maybe Sheamus was right that he should pack his bags and leave. Shelton then wondered who Sheamus was because he had to attack Shelton from behind. He calls Sheamus a coward who is high tailing it to Raw. Tonight, Sheamus will get a new found respect for the Gold Standard.

Match Number One: Sheamus (The Raw Traitor) versus Shelton Benjamin

Sheamus works on the arm but Benjamin with an arm drag take down and Sheamus goes to the floor. Sheamus with forearms to Shelton and then he sends Shelton into the turnbuckles. Shelton with kicks and punches and then he clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Shelton with an Asai Moonsault and we go to commercial.

We are back and Shelton uses the ring post to work on Sheamus’s shoulder. Shelton drops Sheamus’ arm on the top rope and returns to the ring. Shelton sends Sheamus’ shoulder into the turnbuckle. Sheamus sends Shelton into the ring post and Shelton goes to the floor. Sheamus runs Shelton’s back into the ring post and then rolls him back into the ring. Sheamus with a knee to Shelton’s back. Sheamus with a rear chin lock but Shelton gets to his feet. Shelton with a kick but Sheamus with a power slam for a near fall. Sheamus with a hard Irish whip and then he stands on Shelton’s neck. Sheamus with a knee to the back and another near fall. Sheamus returns to the rear chin lock with the knee in Benjamin’s back to add more pressure. Sheamus with a different version of a chin lock. Shelton with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and both men are down. Sheamus with a forearm but Shelton punches back and they exchange punches until Shelton gets the advantage. Shelton with a cross body and clotheslines to Sheamus. Shelton with the Stinger Splash. Shelton misses the dragon whip but Benjamin with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Sheamus with a hot shot and bicycle kick for the three count.
Winner: Sheamus

We go to commercial.

We are back and get your closed captioning ready for next week for Ozzy Osbourne.

Rosa is in the back and she talks about how happy she is to be on ECW and she talks about how she is in the best shape of her life and she keeps talking to Gregory Helms. Paul Burchill and Katie Lea Burchill interrupt the meeting and Katie tells Rosa to leave. Paul has a message for Gregory Helms to give to the Hurricane. He tells Gregory to have Hurricane meet him in the ring next week.

It is time to take a look back at the Bragging Rights pay per view because ECW had . . . a dark match?

Savannah is in the interview area with Christian. Savannah asks Christian about what he has said about Yoshi Tatsu in the past. Christian says that Yoshi Tatsu has earned the number one contender spot. He says that Yoshi makes him excited about ECW and he will be a champion someday, but not today. Christian says that he has been mentoring Yoshi and Yoshi will learn to deal with defeat tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Christian versus Yoshi Tatsu for the ECW Title

They shake hands before the match starts and then they lock up with Yoshi giving a clean break. Yoshi with a waist lock and Christian with a clean break. Yoshi with a kick to the leg but Christian blocks a second attempt. Christian with a waist lock but Yoshi with an arm drag take down for a near fall. Yoshi with a top wrist lock and Christian with a side head lock. Yoshi tries to power out of the hold but Christian maintains the hold and does not let go when Yoshi tries to send Christian off the ropes. Christian with a flap jack and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a sunset flip and a near fall. Christian with a kick but Yoshi with a back body drop and a flip senton for a near fall. Yoshi with a back slide for a two count. Yoshi with a side head lock and Christian tries to send Yoshi through the ropes but Yoshi skins the cat on the bottom rope and gets a near fall with a rollup. We go to commercial.

We are back and Christian with a side head lock on Yoshi. Yoshi runs into an elbow and then Christian goes up top for a missile dropkick but Yoshi knocks Christian off the turnbuckles to the floor with a forearm. Yoshi misses a pescado when Christian moves out of the way. Christian hits the springboard cross body onto Yoshi. They return to the ring and Christian with a near fall. Yoshi with a cross body for a near fall. Christian with a snap mare and a neck vice. Christian with a kick and a neck breaker for a near fall. Christian with a forearm and then he sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles. Christian tries for the tornado DDT but Yoshi pushes Christian away. Yoshi goes up top and hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Yoshi with kicks to Christian and a drop kick. Christian misses a charge into the corner and Yoshi with a roaring elbow but Christian kicks out. Christian tries for the Killswitch but Yoshi with a kick to the back. Christian with a drop toe hold into the ropes and then Christian chokes Yoshi on the ropes. Christian slingshots to the floor and he punches Yoshi. Christian with a missile drop kick from the second turnbuckle and then he goes up top but Yoshi blocks it and gets a two count with a jackknife cover. Yoshi with the knees to the chest and he hits the rolling snap mare but he misses the roundhouse kick. Christian with an inverted DDT for a two count. Yoshi with a kick and Irish whip but he charges into a kick. Christian with a sunset flip but Yoshi rolls through and gets a near fall after a kick. Christian with the Killswitch set up but Yoshi escapes it again. Christian with the pendulum kick and a back elbow from the turnbuckles. Christian waits for the Killswitch and he gets the three count.
Winner: Christian

After the match, Christian helps Yoshi up but the Emperor’s guards attack Christian and Yoshi. Emperor Regal makes his way into the ring and then Zeke and Vlad with a double uranage. Regal holds the title belt that Tiffany will never let him get a chance to wrestle for and he stands over Christian.

We go to credits.