View Full Version : JR: Tuesday Update..Fedor..JR needs your feedback..Mean Gene.

11-04-2009, 05:58 PM
Happy Tuesday...good of you to check out our site. We appreciate the visit and hope that you consider placing an order while you are here.

As you can see, I'm blogging more than normal because of my decreased travel schedule these days. Blogging keeps me busy plus I enjoy writing.

We've updated our Q&A Section of the site FYI.

I'll also be writing later today for WWE.com about Raw and other WWE oriented things. I hope that you'll pay them a visit.

BBQ'ed Random Thoughts hot out of the smoker....

Raw Thoughts:

I liked Ozzie and Sharon Osbourne's role on Raw Monday night. It wasn't overkill and it played to their strengths. Ozzie, honestly, pleasantly surprised me with his performance and his wife is really sharp which has likely saved Ozzie's arse over the years. They are a prime example of where a "reality show" has helped their personas and made them relevant again to a new audience.

The continued evolution of Sheamus, the big Irish guy with no last name, is something that I'm enjoying. Hopefully, this build will be consistent and not rushed as it is obvious to me that Sheamus, the big Irish guy with no last name, has marketable potential. I like his size, physicality, and obvious toughness and he also has a strong work ethic and desire to not just be a player to be be a main event player. Sheamus is one of the most intriguing personas in WWE right now for my money. Can you imagine how fast Sheamus would progress if he were managed by a red hot, mouthpiece who was relevant in today's marketplace?

Good to see Kofi Kingston, who's now from his original homeland, continue to get his at bats. Kofi and Orton represent in ring youth which is a really good thing on which to build. Kofi's next few months of TV exposure will be crucial in his development as fans seem to be curious as far Kofi can go. I happen to feel that Kofi has a distinctive upside. However, too many stubbed toes or false starts seem to be the kiss of death with many of today's fans.

Until the duo of Jericho and Big Show lowered the boom on the heroes Monday night, Raw felt like a somewhat, light hearted broadcast which isn't an indictment. I never felt any serious "fan angst" watching the show until the last few in ring minutes. For a PG rated TV show, this feedback isn't unusual or negative. It's simply what it is.

It's easy to see that the WWE Divas are "smart, sexy and powerful" but what else good do they represent? Just curious.

DX's commentary on the main event was entertaining. For a former Raw announcer, their remarks were amusing. At least it was a change of pace and was a new element added to the presentation.

Key term is "new" of which the business needs an abundance.

Got a nice phone call this morning from "Mean Gene" Okerlund who was calling from Sarasota, Florida. Gene is way ahead of me in the restaurant biz and is a great source of feedback for me in our efforts to build our J.R.'s BBQ Brand. Gene is feeling well, which is the main thing, and is still making a few times a month trek up to WWE land to do work in the WWE TV studio. I encourage you to check out a "Mean Gene's Burgers and Pizza" and let me know your thoughts.

I think that Gene and I could co-host some interesting and fun shows on WWE 24/7 On Demand down the road. Who knows, that might be my next "WWE calling." First things first is to get the facial nerves to come to life of which there is no time table unless you know something in that regard that I don't.

Big nite for CBS and Strikeforce this Saturday night as they broadcast the network TV debut of Fedor Emelianenko, who is being positioned as the baddest MMA fighter alive. I might suggest that CBS air multiple and different personality profiles on the Russian heavy hitter prior to his fight during the show as no one knows if the fight will end in seconds, or not, one way or another. Will CBS continue to stick their toe in the MMA water if they don't pop a great TV rating this Saturday night? To CBS this MMA vehicle is one dimensional, it's all about the TV rating as producing a MMA event isn't as expensive as producing a multi week TV series. MMA is essentially an action adventure, reality show, sporting event but it will all still come back to the television rating CBS earns and creating stars that the viewer is interested in, intrigued with and are willing to emotionally invest.

I hear Gina Carano is currently making a movie but CBS not having her in some role for this broadcast is a mistake. Plus, CBS should have capitalized on the female genre with a women's bout Saturday if at all possible and if for nothing else the curiosity factor of women competing. Strikeforce has to differentiate themselves from the big dog, UFC, and utilizing women fighters is one way to do so.

It is also imperative for CBS to make me care about the other fighters while continuing to hype their cash cow Fedor and enhance his image. One piece of irony here is that Fedor will likely be the overwhelming fan favorite in the main event even though he is fighting an American in Chicago. The Average Joe doesn't know Fedor's opponent, Brett Rogers, which doesn't help build Fedor...win, lose, or draw.

We are looking to develop another Jalapeņo Honey Mustard product in early 2010. I have several names on my mind for the new product but would be interested in your suggestions, too. Specialty mustards and ketchups are potential winners for us along with our BBQ Sauces which has much more competition on the grocery store shelves.

Our team will meet with the folks from Homeland Grocery Stores on Friday November 13 at JR's in Norman to talk about our 4 store trial of our 2 BBQ Sauces and our dee-licious Chipolte Ketchup.

Hopefully, once we establish our track record in Homeland, the folks at Reasor's Grocery chain in Eastern Oklahoma will give us a shot as well. Right now we are only looking to develop our brands in Oklahoma grocery stores for many reasons. Namely, many grocery stores will charge small company's slotting fees for shelf space of which takes the bulk of one's profits and if we can't make a dollar or two we shouldn't be in the game.

We are "thinking" of doing a limited time offer of personally autographing our JR's Cookbook's for the holiday, gift giving season. These books would be personalized, would include free shipping and would sell for under 20 bucks. Does that offer have any merit in your view?

Another question, if Lash LeRoux and I join forces to sell some of his amazing artwork here on the site as in signed and numbered limited edition pieces, what/who would you like to see and are you cool with another interesting gift item that is under $20? We can't utilized other's intellectual property that's trade marked but we can do many other illustrations.

I'm loving watching WWEClassics.com in my spare time. If you haven't checked it out, I strongly suggest that you do.

Speaking of WWE.com, their staff sent me the most heart felt and neatest "Get Well" card that I have received thus far. What a great team of hard working, young people who I am privileged to be around.

Dusty Rhodes won his Texas, minus 20 point bet with fellow WWE HOF'er Gerry Brisco as Texas dominated OSU in Stillwater last Saturday night 41-14. I'm not sure what was wagered but my Okie friend Brisco will likely have to either feed "The Dream' or listen to lots of Longhorn talk. The 'Horns should not lose another game including the Big 12 Title tilt which would likely put them in the National Title Game against either Florida or Alabama. UT has it rolling which isn't easy for a Sooner fan to say but one has to give the Texas team their due. I like Colt McCoy for the Heisman, too, which will still likely go to Tim Tebow.

Speaking of Florida, suspending linebacker Brandon Spikes for one half of Florida's game this for Spikes' eye gouging incident seems a little weak. I fully understand the "what goes on in a football pile" BS but trying to adversely affect an opponent's vision by gouging another player's eyes seems to warrant more than a 30 minute trip to the wood shed. Spikes is a great player which is probably why he wasn't suspended for at least a game.

I am "tentatively" planning on traveling up to Lincoln, Nebraska this weekend to catch my first ever game there. OU-Nebraska resonates to me of my late father who loved the rivalry built on respect and not on swagger or overstated emanations. It all depends on how I feel come the end of the week.

Ndamkong Suh, Husker defensive tackle will be earning LARGE dollars next year in the NFL and is one of the most amazing big men I've seen in years in college football. Suh (Soo) is one of the most dominate D-Linemen in college football this year along with OU's #93 Gerald McCoy. Both McCoy and Suh will most likely be top 5 picks in the 2010 NFL draft. The OU-Nebraska game is on ABC Saturday night in Lincoln. I expect to hear from my old pal Taz this week about the game as he is a big fan of the Huskers and has been for years.

Thanks for your continued support of our products here on line and products ordered today will be shipped tomorrow. Be well.

Boomer Sooner!
