View Full Version : WWE Undertaker R.I.P Tour 14th nov 09 Dublin

11-15-2009, 04:30 AM
well was full sell out

tony chimmil ring announcer

match 1

WWE Intercontinatal Championship
John Morrison Vs Matt Hardy

this was bit of strange one but good match teased both as heels but hardy was well over with the crowd john morrison got quite bit of heat

in the end morrsion won with starship pain

after match shook hands matt hardy hit twist of faith

Winner : still Intercontinal champion John Morrison

Match 2

Zach ryder vs Shelton Benjumn

this was A crap match but in the end Shelton won with his finisher

Winner Shelton Benjumn [/B

Match 3

Drew Mc Intyre vs Finaly

b4 match started drew was talkingabouthow disapointed he was that he wasw touring europe in england wales irealnd but not scotland and askked all fans were he think he hated most we said england lol but he was like no ireland etc nice back forth match with drew mc tyre winning with legs on rope after match was somethingwrong as tony chimmil and ref were arguing

Winner [B]Drew Mc Intyre

Match 4

WWE Diva s tag team match

Mickie James & Katie lee burchil vs Micheele McCool & beth Phoenix

this was good match and it ended when katie got pin on beth phoenix

winner s Mickie James & Katie lee Burchil

Match 5

Goldust vs E. Jackson

this was funny match but well jackson won with his rock bottom / chokeslam move

Winner E.Jackson

Match 6

Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio

This was typical match between these 2 was pretty good

in the end rey won with 619 / frogsplash

Winner Rey Mysterio


Match 7


Christian vs William Regal

this was great match christian playing to crowd putinghis arm up in air we cheered pointed to regal we booooo d this went on for while lol

in the end christain won with the Killswitch

after match regal said he is never ever coming back to dublin lol

Winner still ECW Champion Christian

Match 8

R Truth vs E eskabar ( or somethin like that lol

well this match was well lasted 4 seconds R truth winning roll up pin

Winner Match R Truth

Match 9

Main Event


Undertaker vs Cm Punk

This was stupid main event which lasted all but 6 mins including entrance

cm punk hit go to sleep but taker didn lie down in casket in the end taker hit tombstone and rolled cm punk into it closed the lid

Winner Still World Champion Undertaker

undertaker was limping Pretty BAD

all in all disapointing show no big show no jerichio no batista

Biggest pops

1 Finaly
2 matt hardy
3 rey Mysterio
4 Undertaker
5 Christain

Biggest Heat

1 John Morrison ( dunno why )
2 Drew Mc Intyre
3 William Regal
4 Cm Punk
5 Dolph Ziggler