View Full Version : 'I would like twins', says mother of 13

Shane McMahon's Ass
11-24-2009, 01:33 AM
A pregnant mother of 13 children has refused to stop having babies until she has given birth to twins.

Sara Foss plans to conceive again after she has had her 14th child, which is due in April. 'I can't wait for my man to get me pregnant again,' she said, although she admitted it was likely to be another single child.

Ms Foss and partner Stephen Smith, who works as a canal boat builder, receive more than £4,200 in tax credits and family allowance each month. They live with 12 of their children in a three-bedroomed council house in Derby.

Ms Foss said: 'We have a lot of bunk beds and cots. All the furniture is on wheels so we can move it at bedtime. It's a squash and a squeeze but it's cosy.'

Ms Foss, 39, was just 16 when she fell pregnant with her first baby, Patrick, in 1986. A decade later, she gave birth to second son Stephen, now 13.

'Something inside me snapped after that,' she said. 'I couldn't stop. I've had a baby nearly every year since.' Then came Malachai, Peppermint, Echo, Eli, Rogue, Frodo, Morpheus, Artemis, Blackbird, Baudelaire and nine-month-old Voorhees.

Ms Foss's weekday routine starts at 4am when she gets up to make ten lots of lunchboxes. The family spends £600 at the supermarket each week.

But she is not put off. 'I am determined to keep trying,' she said. 'In fact, I won't stop until I've done it.'

11-24-2009, 02:52 PM
Is she wanting a family, a baseball team or a herd???

11-25-2009, 05:38 PM
^ no she needs to stop having kids lol