View Full Version : Kelly Kelly Interview

11-24-2009, 06:53 PM

Interview with Kelly Kelly


The WWE invaded the UK & Europe once more this November, as both Raw & SmackDown blew the rooves off in sold out arenas in true WWE style, in front of rabid crowds.

As the Superstars were about to jet off back to the America to prepare for Survivor Series, We caught up with WWE Diva Kelly Kelly to ask about her time in WWE, since she debuted in ECW almost 4 years ago.

* Q
Before entering the world of sports entertainment you were a professional dancer, was that what you wanted to be as a child?
* A
Um, no. I was a gymnast; I was never really a dancer. I was a gymnast for like ten years.

* Q
Did you watch wrestling when you were growing up?
* A
I did. I watched it with my dad and we'd always have to sneak because my mum would always be like "I don't want you watching that". But its funny now, my mum and my dad are like my number one supporters!

* Q
Did you have any wrestlers that you particularly liked when you were growing up?
* A
I loved Stone Cold, he was my favourite. I just thought he was so cute.

* Q
What was your initial reaction when the modelling agency that you were working for told you that they had been contacted by WWE?
* A
It was a little shocking like "Oh my gosh". I never thought in a million years that they would have known who I was or that they would have wanted me to work for them. So when I got the call, I dropped everything. I was going to college, it was my first year and I dropped everything. I left my family and moved to Kentucky and was like "this is the dream of a life-time".

* Q
How did the wrestlers of OVW react when you turned up with no previous wrestling experience?
* A
I was the first model that had been hired and brought down to a training facility so, of course, they had their judgements. But I knew I had to get tough skin and that I wasn't just a pretty face and then I got in there and wrestled with the guys. They got used to me after they saw I wasn't just there to look cute. I earned their respect.

* Q
Do you remember your first match? Who was it against?
* A
The first one has to be against Ariel on ECW. She was the vampire girl.

* Q
Did it go well?
* A
No, because I was still learning. I took a while.

* Q
You were the youngest diva ever in WWE. Did that make it harder or easier to fit in?
* A
It was actually really hard because I had just finished high-school. It was hard but, a lot of the guys took me under their wing and showed me the ropes and how to deal with travelling and that kind of thing. They took really good care of me.

* Q
When you were first called up to the main WWE roster you were still travelling back to OVW every week to perform there as well...
* A
Yes for about a year and a half I did that. I was working Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and then I would fly back to work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday for OVW so it was 24/7.

* Q
That's crazy! Did you get any time to rest?
* A
Not really! I found time at night. I wasn't old enough to go out so I would go back to my apartment and just watch TV.

* Q
Where does the name Kelly Kelly come from?
* A
When I started it was just Kelly, and from there it just ended up being Kelly Kelly. I think it was from the Cheers episode where the girl's like "Kelly Kelly" and they have the Kelly Kelly song.

* Q
Do you miss the days of Extreme Expose?
* A
No I can't say I do! I loved the girls but my dancing skills where not up to par. I tried to keep up with them but I have to say I wasn't the best dancer.

* Q
You spent a lot of time on the ECW brand. Do you prefer the hardcore style of matches?
* A
I was probably one of the first girls that got hit with a Singapore Cane in a match which is pretty interesting! But I liked it, I liked how there was all the blood and that stuff. It made me a lot tougher being around all that stuff.

* Q
Woman's champion Michelle seems to be getting people's backs up recently, what do you make of her?
* A
I can't say I've really ever worked with her. I don't think what she's doing is nice. I think she's a bully and I don't think its right so, next time I get her in the ring I'll show her who's boss!

* Q
Who do you get on best with in your upcoming Survivor Series Elimination Match team? So like, Mickie James or Eve Torres. Or Melina or Gail Kim?
* A
I have to say I get on with all of them really well, we're all really close, so, all of them!

* Q
What have your experiences of the UK been like?
* A
I've been over here probably 5 or 6 times now and I love it. The shopping is probably my favourite part, just seeing all the different styles, every year it changes. It's different to the States. I like venturing out and exploring and seeing the sights. The people are great, very nice and very welcoming, so it's been great.

* Q
What's the favourite match that you've ever been involved in?
* A
I loved working with Beth Phoenix, she's a great competitor, she's amazing at what she does, she really gave me a run for my money every time I got in the ring with her, and so I loved working with her.

* Q
What's the best match of all time?
* A
I loved whenever Trish and Lita worked together; they always pulled off the best matches. I loved watching them when I first started watching old matches; I loved them working together. I can't name a particular one. For guys it would have to be Stone Cold and The Rock, that's my all time favourite.

* Q
What was it like filming the Timberland music video with your fellow WWE divas?
* A
It was great! It was so much fun! I always thought "I want to be in a music video" and I got to be in one so it was good. It was really fun.

* Q
Who are your role models in wrestling and who do you look up to?
* A
I have to say Trish Stratus, the big one. She's the ultimate diva. That's what I aim to be like I guess! I am always watching Lita's stuff.

* Q
Which Diva's past and present do you look to for inspiration as your career develops further?
* A
I'd have to say Trish Stratus again, definitely. She came in as a model too and ended up being the ultimate diva of all time so that's what I aspire to be like.

* Q
When can we expect Kelly Kelly to win a title?
* A
After four years it's about time! It's very aggravating, I want it so bad, I'm just waiting for my chance, my opportunity to be able to go for it; so hopefully very soon.

* Q
If you couldn't wrestle any more what career would you have liked to have had?
* A
Maybe go back to school and get my degree. I always wanted to be an anchor woman so maybe that, or open my own gymnastics and cheerleading gym or something like that.

* Q
That's the last question. Thank you very much for your time; it's been a real pleasure. Have a fantastic time on the rest of the tour, and good luck!
* A
Thank you! Bye!

11-25-2009, 07:29 AM
thanks for the post John