View Full Version : Weaver: 'Age gives a new perspective'

11-27-2009, 02:06 PM
Sigourney Weaver has revealed that she likes being 60.

The Avatar actress told Parade that she can't understand why people lie about their age.

"I see actresses who I know are much older than I am, who now say they're 60," she said. "It's like, whatever, you know? I just can't be bothered. People are going to hire me because I'm Sigourney, not because I'm five years older or younger."

Weaver also explained that she is enjoying being older as it has given her a new "perspective" on life.

"I remember when I turned 30, I was elated," she said. "I thought, 'Ugh, the 20s are so overrated. Now I'm going to have to get serious about things'. At 40, I had my daughter Charlotte, and that was so exciting. At 50, I had just enough age really to appreciate all the good things.

"At 60, I feel - touch wood - one has all the wisdom that one's accumulated, the perspective that it's a joyous thing to work with other people.

"You have a different perspective as you get older that I think makes everything taste better and be more fun - you know you're only going to have this moment."