View Full Version : JR comments on Austin/Flair going to TNA

Shane McMahon's Ass
11-30-2009, 05:14 AM
Jim Ross posted the following at JRsBarBQ.com:

"Will Steve Austin ever go to TNA? That's a question for Steve but my educated guess would be no. I don't think Steve has any intention of ever wrestling again as he focuses on his movie career which is both time consuming and challenging for the 'new guy.' Steve is and always will, be a fan of the wrestling business but he's building a body of work in the movie business and has been involved in, I think, 3 or 4 productions this year alone which is a helluva, challenging schedule."

"Will Ric Flair ever go to TNA? Again, that's a "Naitch" question but the chances of Flair doing some work with TNA especially now that Hulk (Hogan) is headed there is much more likely than had Hulk not joined TNA in my opinion. Bottom line is that the above questions re: Austin and Flair can only be definitively answered by those two men but at least I addressed the questions of which we have been inundated.


11-30-2009, 07:14 AM
thanks for the post Krist