View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for December 4th, 2009

12-05-2009, 06:09 AM
We start off tonight’s show with a look back at last week’s match between Chris Jericho and Undertaker
while Batista watched from the announce table.

We are live on tape from Hampton, Virginia and your announcers are Todd ‘Smackdown is for Lovers’ Grisham and Matt ‘Silence is Golden’ Striker.

We see highlights of the issues between CM Punk and R Truth and Truth’s attempts to mess up Punk’s straight edge character. Then we see what happened last week between CM Punk and Matt Hardy.

Match Number One: CM Punk with Luke Gallows versus R Truth

Punk charges at Truth but Truth moves. Truth with punches to Punk and then Truth dances but that gives Punk time to recover and he kicks and connects with a series of shoulder in the corner. Punk kicks Truth and then the referee pulls Punk out of the way. Punk with an Irish whip and Truth floats over and does the split before hitting a jumping side kick and gets a near fall. Truth with a key lock to Punk and Punk with kicks to the head to get out of the hold. Punk with a snap mare and kick to the back. Punk with a head butt to Truth but Truth punches back. Punk with a knee and suplex attempt but Truth with a kick after escaping. Punk with a back elbow and Truth goes to the floor and Punk follows and sends Truth into the ring post as we go to commercial.

We are back and they are back in the ring and Punk with an arm bar followed by a knee and hammer lock suplex. Punk gets a near fall and kicks Truth in the back. Punk wraps Truth’s arm in the ropes. Truth with a punch and Punk with shoulders to the injured arm. Truth punches Punk more and Punk holds on to the arm and drops it on his shoulder and gets a near fall. Punk returns to the key lock and hits a short arm clothesline. Punk with a leg drop to the arm and a figure four arm bar. Punk with a double chop and a near fall. Truth pushes Punk away as he tries to recover. Punk sets for a suplex but Truth floats over and hits a clothesline and drop kick. Truth with a punch to Punk but Punk hits Truth on the arm. Truth with a hip toss and he waits for Punk to get back to his feet. Truth with a kick but Gallows trips Truth and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: R Truth by disqualification

After the match, Gallows sends Truth into the ringside barrier and then he sends Truth back into the ring. Punk lets Gallows work over Truth and he sends Truth into the ring post. Gallows holds Truth and Punk with a running knee. Punk gives Truth to Gallows for a power slam.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that they are rerunning the Wrestlemania 26 (the real 25th Anniversary) did you know graphic.

Match Number Two: Kane versus Mike Knox

They lock up and Kane with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Kane with a front face lock into a snap mare and drop kick to Knox. Kane gets another near fall. Knox runs Kane into the turnbuckles and then he punches Kane in the corner. Kane with a punch and Irish whip but he runs into an elbow by Knox and Knox with a cross body and he follows that with punches to Kane followed by an elbow drop. Knox kicks Kane in the ribs and then he connects with a forearm to the head. Knox with a shoulder to Kane followed by a kick and a near fall from a splash. Knox with a waist lock. Knox runs Kane into the turnbuckles but Knox charges into a knee and a big boot. Kane with an Irish whip and running clotheslines into the corner followed by a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top for the clothesline and Kane hits it. Kane with a choke slam set up but Knox with knees and he tries for the bicycle kick. Kane blocks it and then he hits an uppercut. Kane with a choke slam and he gets the three count.
Winner: Kane

Josh Mathews is in the back with Chris Jericho and Big Show. Josh asks Jericho about his Epsenhart Special on Monday against Degeneration X and the way he is preparing for Cryme Tyme tonight. Jericho says that he is not thinking about Monday because in ten days, the greatest tag team ever will finish off DX. Jericho talks about the components of a TLC match. Jericho asks what it will be like for Show to use his fists on a chair shot. When Big Show does it, at best you have a concussion, and at work you are in a coma. Jericho mentions that tables and he talks about how the parasites wait for the tables to come out to take pictures of the carnage with their camera phones. Jericho wonders what will happen when Jericho’s surgically repaired back is sent through a table with a choke slam. What will happen when Triple H wakes up and sees a Jericho elbow drop send him through a table. Jericho reminds everyone what he did to Shawn Michaels the last time they had a ladder match. Jericho talks about the damage that a ladder in the hands of Big Show can do. Jericho says that TLC hurts people, ends careers, and ruin people. Jericho says that they know what it takes to come out of a TLC match as the champions. Jericho says that there will be no more catchphrases or merchandise after the TLC match. The DX Mythology will end at the pay per view. We see Show make a fist as we go to commercial.

Michelle McCool and Layla are at the announce table with Josh and Matt and they have their ‘Piggie James’ shirts on.

Match Number Two: Mickie James versus Beth Phoenix versus Natalya in a Number One Contender Match

All three women are in the ring and Beth with a forearm to Natalya before Beth and Mickie lock up. Beth misses a charge into the turnbuckles. Mickie with a head scissors to Natalya and then Beth sends Mickie to the apron and then Mickie is sent to the floor. Beth and Natalya get face to face and they push each other a few times. Natalya with a side head lock and Beth does not go down on a shoulder tackle. Beth tries for a shoulder tackle and Natalya stays up. Mickie returns to the ring and then she is sent back to the floor. Beth and Natalya with a double clothesline and both women are down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Natalya works on Mickie’s back while Beth is in the corner. We see footage from the commercial break of Mickie hitting a Thesz Press from the turnbuckles on Beth. We are back to the match action and Natalya with a reverse chin lock. Beth punches Natalya and Natalya with a forearm that staggers Beth. Mickie with a neck breaker to Natalya for a near fall that is broken up by Beth. Beth tries for a slingshot suplex but Mickie floats over and Natalya with a near fall on a rollup. Beth sets for a power slam but Natalya with a drop kick to Mickie’s back and Mickie with a near fall. Natalya with a discus clothesline to Mickie and she sets for the Sharpshooter but she takes too long and Beth hits the Glam Slam on Natalya but Mickie with a drop kick that sends Beth to the floor and Mickie gets the three count on Natalya.
Winner: Mickie James

After the match, Josh Mathews interviews Mickie in the ring and he asks Mickie about getting her shot at Michelle. Mickie says that she feels like she is on top of the world. She has her sights set on not only becoming the WWE Women’s Champion again, but they are on Michelle. Michelle has gone far beyond personal. After all of the hurtful things Michelle has done and the twisted things Michelle said, Michelle loves to talk. Mickie says that she is going to shut up Michelle permanently. Then she comments how Layla is close to Michelle’s rear end. Mickie pushes Michelle and then she attacks Layla. Michelle and Layla throw Mickie into the ring. Maria with a spear to Layla and then she punches Michelle. Mickie with a Thesz Press to Michelle and then Michelle and Layla leave the ring.

Batista is in Teddy Long’s office and Batista tells Teddy that Rey does not deserve to be in the same room as him, let alone another match. Teddy points out that Batista and him don’t see eye to eye thanks to Batista’s change of attitude. Teddy says that Rey deserves a rematch under his terms. Teddy says that Rey Mysterio gets a street fight against Batista next week. Batista wants to know that his hold harmless agreement is still valid. Batista is not happy that Taker is going to be able to call him out and wonders if Teddy is really in charge.

John Morrison walks into the dressing room and see Matt Hardy playing Smackdown vs. Raw. Morrison talks about his match with McIntyre which is next. We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: John Morrison versus Drew McIntyre

Before the match starts, McIntyre gets on the mic and he says that the Intercontinental Title has gone to Morrison’s head. McIntyre tells Morrison that he hurts people. Morrison punches McIntyre before he can finish and McIntyre pushes Morrison.

Morrison with a single leg trip and then he works on the arm before hitting a side Russian leg sweep and a raised arm standing shooting star press for a near fall. McIntyre with kicks to Morrison’s knee and then he kicks Morrison in the head. McIntyre with a European uppercut and he connects with a forearm and kick to the midsection. Morrison with a kick and then Morrison drops down and kips up before hitting a Pele kick for a near fall. McIntyre sends Morrison to the apron and Morrison with a punch and he tries for a shoulder but McIntyre knows what is coming and hits a knee. McIntyre sends Morrison into the ring post and McIntyre’s momentum sends him over the top rope to the floor. They return to the ring and McIntyre with a near fall. McIntyre with punches to Morrison followed by a back elbow for a near fall. McIntyre with a seated abdominal stretch. McIntyre pulls Morrison down by the hair and then kicks Morrison. McIntyre with an arm bar and cross face. Morrison punches McIntyre and he gets out of the hold. McIntyre with a kick to the midsection and Morrison tries to float over in the corner but McIntyre with a knee and a near fall. McIntyre with forearms across the chest as we go to commercial.

We are back and Morrison with an arm drag but McIntyre with a clothesline for a near fall. McIntyre stomps on Morrison’s head. McIntyre and Morrison with punches to each other and the referee has to pulls McIntyre off Morrison. McIntyre tries for the double underhook DDT but Morrison drops down to stop McIntyre. Morrison kicks McIntyre and connects with a forearm but McIntyre with another kick. Morrison with a kick to the head and to the leg. Morrison with forearms and jabs. McIntyre fights back but Morrison with a flying shoulder tackle and leg lariat for a near fall. Morrison with the Shining Wizard for a near fall. Morrison with an Irish whip and he sets for the springboard spin kick but McIntyre kicks Morrison in the back of the leg and gets a near fall. McIntyre with a clothesline followed by a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Morrison with a European uppercut and drop kick that sends McIntyre into the corner. Morrison pulls McIntyre into position but McIntyre goes to the apron and he drops Morrison on the top rope. Morrison with a springboard spin kick to McIntyre on the apron. Morrison pulls McIntyre from under the ring but McIntyre pulls Morrison into the cross bar of the ring. McIntyre pulls Morrison into the ring and then he hits the double underhook DDT for the three count.
Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to commercial.

We are back and Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring. We see the footage from last week when her relationship with Eric Escobar ended and unlike the problems with William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, and the master of the shorty robe Vladimir Kozlov; there will be no reconciliation.

Vickie throws out an emphatic Excuse Me or three. She says last week she was publicly humiliated by her ex-boyfriend, Eric Escobar. She says that he had the audacity to raise his voice at her and question her personal hygiene. She tells Eric that is a big mistake because Eric is going to face the consequences. In addition to being beautiful and powerful, she is fair. Vickie has had enough of the crowd’s reaction and throws out another excuse me. She tells Eric to come to the ring and apologize and then beg her to forgive her. Vickie threatens Eric’s job security.

Eric comes to the ring and he seems to be a lot happier while Vickie is still very surly. Eric asks Vickie if she wants him to apologize to her. Eric says that he is very very sorry. He says that he is sorry that they ever met. Eric says that he is sorry that he wasted his time with Vickie. He says that he is sorry that he got to see Vickie wearing her negligee. Vickie screams and then she tells Eric that is it. Vickie tells Eric that she could fire him and end his career tonight. However, that is too easy. Instead, Eric will have to pay. Eric is in a handicap match against the Hart Dynasty and that match starts now.

Match Number Four: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd versus Eric Escobar in a Love Hurts Handicap Match

Kidd starts off and he punches Smith on the apron before punching Kidd. Escobar with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner followed by a hip toss. Escobar with a drop kick and Kidd backs into the corner. Escobar tries for a belly to back suplex but Kidd lands on his feet and he hits a drop kick to the knee. Smith tags in and hits a running boot followed by a European uppercut. Smith with a boot to the midsection and then he connects with cross faces. Kidd tags back in and he kicks Escobar while Smith holds Escobar. Kidd with a back kick and Escobar with Sky High for a near fall. Smith tags back in and he misses a clothesline. Escobar with a clothesline and a modified flatline for a near fall. Smith runs Escobar into the turnbuckles and then Smith hits a Saito suplex. Kidd tags back in and they hit a springboard Hart Attack for the three count.
Winners: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd

After the match, Tyson escorts Vickie Guerrero into the ring and then Smith holds Escobar for Vickie and Vickie yells at Eric before she slaps him. Smith kicks Escobar in the ribs.

CM Punk and Luke Gallows are in the interview area and Josh Mathews arrives and asks them about Luke’s metamorphosis. Luke says that his previous existence was not his fault. The people he loved, his friends, and his family were no better than the common street pusher. He was forced to walk around in a comatose state due to a prescription pill addiction. Luke says that someone came around to fix that. Punk says that no one will ever take advantage of him like that again. Punk says that anyone else can have the same recovery. Gallows says that he was lost but now he is found. He says that he hopes all of the other lost souls can adopt the straight edge lifestyle and see CM Punk as their savior.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to run through the card for TLC.

Match Number Five: Cryme Tyme versus Chris Jericho and Big Show

Jericho and JTG start things off and Jericho with a kick and he sends JTG into the turnbuckles. Jericho with shoulders and forearms to the back. JTG with a sliding punch followed by a rollup for a near fall. JTG with a leap frog neck breaker for a near fall and Jericho goes to the floor. JTG with a baseball slide to Jericho while Jericho spends too much time focusing on Shad on the apron. JTG goes to the turnbuckles for a leg lariat and a near fall. Jericho clips JTG when JTG spends too much time worrying about Show. Jericho kicks JTG in the back. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex and then he chokes JTG in the ropes. Jericho raises his fist in the air and then he kicks JTG in the ribs and then puts JTG in a chin lock. Jericho with a knee lift but JTG with a wraparound clothesline and both men are down. Shad and Show tag in and Show with a punch to Shad for the three count.
Winners: Chris Jericho and Big Show

After the match, Jericho and Show talk about how it was just one punch that took care of Shad.

We go to commercial.

Undertaker’s music plays as the lights go down and the building is bathed in a sea of blue. Taker makes his way to the ring deliberately, but not in an Orton-esque vipery speed.

Batista attacks Taker from behind with a steel chair and then he kicks Taker in the back. Batista sends Taker into the ring steps and then he picks up the chair again and he hits Taker in the back with the chair followed by a chair shot to the chest. Batista sends Taker into the ring steps one more time. Batista chokes Taker with the chair. Batista sends Taker into the ring and he hits Taker in the head with the chair. Batista picks up the title belt for a second before dropping it to go back to Taker. Batista with a spinebuster onto the chair and then he stands over Taker with the title belt. Batista kicks Taker while Taker convulses in the ring as he struggles to get back to his feet.

We go to credits with a brief preview of next week’s Street Fight between Batista and Rey Mysterio.


12-05-2009, 07:00 PM
Someone told me I would be shocked by this week's Smackdown? I guess they could've been talking about McIntyre going over Morrison....