View Full Version : Jericho/RAW Correction

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-10-2009, 07:03 AM
Phil V. sent along the following:

During Chris Jericho's promo before his match he was saying something about putting DX through SOLID OAK tables. Folding tables like they use are not made out of solid oak but plywood. You can tell when the announcer tables break that they are made of plywood as well. So its more like they will be putting DX through Solid Plywood Tables.


12-10-2009, 07:20 PM
NO WAY MAN ... Rly those arent News ..

12-10-2009, 08:56 PM
Its Still A Table .. Pfft ..I can't believe some sad person has watched a table break to be able to tell its plywood :L.

12-10-2009, 09:07 PM
Whereas I agree with the replies you all have posted, I had to point out that they are not plywood at all...plywood would garner too many long splinter like objects that could cause serious harm as someone crashes through them. They types of tables they use, I have used in businesses I have worked in and they are pressed fiberboard or a form of mulched and pressed ground wood that would not actually harm anyone going through them. The rubber on the side is the most dangerous part, as Bob Holly found out in that ECW match, where he got cut badly.

12-10-2009, 09:17 PM
^Like this guy said. The tables are basically made of sawdust so they break easily. The announce tables could be plywood, seeing as they dont actually break, more collapse. But either way this isn't news worthy really. Would the person that reported this be happy if Jericho had said he'll be putting them through 'solid sawdust tables'? What kind of doosh does it take to report something like this lol

12-10-2009, 10:39 PM
wow thanks mr technical