View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for December 11th, 2009

12-12-2009, 11:40 PM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report - December 11th, 2009
Report by ProWrestling.net

[Q1]A video package recapped the Batista/Taker feud…The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcomed us to Smackdown. They hyped the street fight. Batista's music hit and he came out to a mixed reaction, but mostly boos. Or at least boos on TV.

He cut a promo and said Rey didn't deserve to be in the same ring as him. He said he was going to beat up Rey again tonight. He said everyone has been booing him since he started on his quest to be world champ. He said that was fine, because it wasn't about them, it was about him. He said he didn't need Evolution, Rey, or the fans. He called for a spotlight and said that was what it was all about. It was about him being in the spotlight.

He said everything about him screamed world champ. He said Taker wasn't the dominat force everyone thought. He said he had beat Taker down for two weeks and seen fear in his eyes. He aid he had already beaten Taker and that the match at TLC was merely a formality. He said everyone should get used to saying, "World Heavyweight Champion Batista." He started to climb the turnbuckle and it cut to a graphic that hyped Punk and Gallows vs. Hardy and Truth for next…[C]

[Q2]Back from commercial, Punk and Gallows made their entrance. A video recapped the beat down on R-Truth last week. Punk got a mic and cut his standard promo. He managed to hype the Jeff DVD. He called parents who bought it horrible parents. He said they might as well give their kids magic mushrooms. He said anybody who watched it was a junkie. He and Gallows destroyed the box set as Truth's music hit.

He and Hardy came out with what Truth called a "bag of magic." Hardy opened the bag and started handing out Jeff DVDs to the crowd. Truth did his lame entrance song and Punk replied, "Straight Edge," instead of "What's up." Punk yelled at the crowd to not take the DVD. Truth got in the Ring and di his "What's up," bit and then hit Punk with the mic. Punk rolled to the floor and Gallows checked on him. Punk decided he could compete…

1. CM Punk and Luke Gallows defeated Matt Hardy and R-Truth at 8:49. Gallows and Truth started. Gallows hit several blows and tagged in Punk quickly. Punk whipped Truth. Truth ducked the clothesline and hot two of his own. He clotheslined Punk to the floor where he recovered into the break…[C]

Back at 3:23, Matt and Truth hit a double team elbow. Matt covered for two and tagged in Truth. Truth tried for a back drop, but Punk kicked him. He dropped Truth on the top rope and tagged in Gallows. Gallows hit a gut buster and stomped on Truth. He tagged Punk back in. Punk hit a sitdown suplex for two.

Gallows tagged back in and slapped on a bear hug. Truth elbowed out, but Gallows hit a bug boot and tagged in Punk. He hit a back suplex and went to the apron. Truth dropkicked Punk out of the air after Punk hit a springboard jump.

[Q3]Hardy got the hot tag and worked Punk in the corner. He hit a sitdown powerbomb for two and went to the second rope. He came off with a leg drop, but Gallows broke the count. Truth came in and hit the Lie Detector on Gallows. Gallows rolled to the floor. Punk tossed Truth to the floor and Gallows got back in his corner. Matt and Punk traded finisher teases and Hardy pushed Punk back into Gallows. The ref called this a tag and Hardy hit Twist of Fate on Punk. Gallows ran in and hit the big boot, followed by his finisher for the win. Post match, the heels celebrated on the ramp…The announce team hyped a Morrison/McIntyre face off and the street fight…[C]

Back from commercial, Eric Escobar and Vickie Guerrero argued in Spanish. Teddy Long asked Escobar what he said. Escobar said everybody thought Vickie was his mom but his mom wasn't as big as Texas. Vickie booked him against Jericho. Escobar said more in Spanish and then told Teddy he told her that her breath stank and facing anybody was better than looking at her face. She went nuts and he left while Teddy tried not to laugh…

Kane was walking backstage and ran into Knox. Knox said they were the same, both misunderstood monsters. HE said he enjoyed fighting Kane and wanted to do it again. Kane said they weren't alike and he was the only monster. He said he agreed, he did like fighting Knox because he beat him and said they could do it again tonight. Knox said Kane would leave a broken monster, but he would ride in the ambulance with him. Kane choked him and Knox said that choking someone can cause euphoria. Kane let go and walked away…Escobar made his ring entrance…[C]

Back from commercial, Jericho made his ring entrance. A video package recapped his handicapped match on Raw…

[Q4]2. Chris Jericho and The Big Show defeated Eric Escobar at 2:57. They started in each others faces and Jericho slapped Escobar. Escobar went nuts and beat him down. He hit a straight lift powerbomb for two. Jericho rolled to the floor. Vickie came out and did the "Excuse me," bit. She said the match was now a handicap match and Show made his entrance. Escobar tried to get a quick pin by roiling Jericho in the ring, but Jericho got the tag. Show tossed Escobar around and then tagged in Jericho who slapped on Walls of Jericho for the win.

Post match, they cut a promo in the ring. Jericho said they were going to change Hunter's and Shawn's lives forever because they were going to destroy them. Show said they should remember their faces, because they were the end of DX. Their music hit and Show left the ring as Jericho celebrated up the ramp…Drew McIntyre was shown backstage heading towards the ring…[C]

Back from commercial, Drew McIntyre made his ring entrance in street clothes. The announce team hyped his title match at TLC. Drew got a mic and asked why after the CEO personally signed him to a contract he was left off his publication. He said John Morrison was on the cover and pointed out he beat Morrison last week. A viodeo recapped the match.

He asked why the fans believed in Morrison. He said the idea of Morrison beating him was as true as the Loch Ness Monster or William Wallace's portrayal in Braveheart. He said after Sunday, Morrison would no longer be champion.

[Q5]Some bag pipe music played and Morrison came out as William Wallace in battle. He cut a promo in a Scottish accent and said McIntyre would not disrespect Wallace. They argued back and forth in Scottish accents and Morrison used his sword to keep him away. They actually butted heads with the sword and Morrison had a small cut open over his left eye.

Morrison said McIntyre would not win the IC at TLC. McIntyre challenged Morrison to drop the sword and fight. Morrison tossed the sword to the floor and asked McIntyre why he thought he was so special because, "a senile old man" gave him an endorsement. Wow. He attacked McIntyre who escaped into the crowd. Morrison's music played and he posed in the ring…

A video package recapped the beating Rey took from Batista at the PPV. As usual, great package. The announce team hyped the street fight…[C]

[Q6]Back from commercial, Kane made his ring entrance. Knox was out next. A video recapped their match from last week…

3. Kane defeated Mike Knox at 2:55. Kane took quick control. He hit a snap mare and went for the dropkick but Knox rolled to the floor. Kan tried to drag him in by the hair, but Knox hit a hangman and went to work. He hit the pump kick and then several blows in the corner. He tried for a splash, but Kane got the knees up.

Kane hit the sitting dropkick and then the sidewalk slam for two. Kane went top the top, but Knox ducked the clothesline. Kane landed on his feet and Knox hit the cross body for two. He setup Kane for a back breaker, but Kane reversed into a surprise chokeslam for the win…The DX/Hornswoggle video bit from Raw played…[C]

Back from commercial, Mickie James and Maria made their entrance to Mickie's music. A video recapped the triple threat match and subsequent brawl from last week. McCool and Layla came out wearing tops that said Piggy James again. The announce team hyped the Women's championship match at TLC. Striker said he caught Mickie's hat and that it smelled like bacon bits. I sh## you not…

4.Mickie James and Maria defeated Michelle McCool and Layla at 1:57. Maria and McCool started. Maria slung McCool around a bit, but McCool took control. McCool took out Mickie and worked Maria in the corner. Maria hit a flying head scissors off a whip and tagged Mickie. McCool quickly tagged out. Mickie worked Layla and then tried to take out McCool. She dropped to the floor. Mickie turned around and Layla charged. She pushed Layla and Layla ran into McCool who had climbed back up. Mickie rolled up Layla for the win.

[Q7]Post match, McCool and Layla argued in the ring as the faces celebrated up the ramp…The announce team hyped the street fight…[C]

The Raw Rebound video recapped Cuban's time on Raw…The announce team ran down the TLC card from the ring…Rey Mysterio made his ring entrance…[C]

[Q8]Back from commercial, Batista made his ring entrance…

5. Batista defeated Rey Mysterio in a street fight at 11:10. Rey went right at Batista, but Batista hit a shoulder block to take control. He hard whipped Rey to the corner and stomped on his head. Batista ground his shin and forearm into Rey's head. Batista slammed Rey and then slapped him around. Mysterio escaped the next lift and hit a chop block.

Rey got in a ton of kicks, and then a drop toe hold to setup 619. Batista rolled to thr floor and Rey hit a baseball slide. They ran cat and mouse in and out of the ring and Rey hit another baseball slide that drove Batista into the rail. Batista recovered on the floor into the break…[C]

Back at 6:10, Batista had Rey bent backwards across the post. A video showed Batista whipping Rey into the stairs during the break. Batista whipped Rey with a TV cable and then drove his face into the announce table. He gorilla pressed Rey and dropped him on the table again. He rolled Rey back in the ring and put a chin lock on.

He broke the hold to sit on Rey. He pushed Rey to the ropes and Rey hit a kick. They both hit the ropes and Batista clotheslined Rey. Batista went to the floor and got a chair. He lifted Rey for the Batista Bomb and Rey slipped out. Rey hit a drop toe hold on the chair, followed by the 619 and the springboard splash for two.

Mysterio grabbed the chair and attacked Batista. He hit him on the back and Batista staggered away. Rey raised the chair and Batista hit the spear. He followed with a spine buster and stomped the mat. He picked up the chair and hit Rey in the head for the win.

Post match, Batista put the chair around Rey's head and went to the second rope. He was about to jump off when the lights went out. Hell's Bells tolled and the lights came on. Rey was gone and Taker was in the ring. Batista jumped towards him and Taker punched him out of the air. Taker beat down Batista in the corner and picked up the chair. Batista escaped to the floor. They stared off as Undertaker's music played to end the show…