View Full Version : Commentary Errors During WWE TLC PPV

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-14-2009, 06:18 AM
Ryan Bychkowski sent along the following: I'm watching WWE TLC right now, and unless I'm mistaken, I'm pretty sure I just heard Matt Striker say "it's been 20 years since Texas has seen an Intercontinental title change". What short memories they have. The IC belt changed hands earlier this year in Houston at Wrestlemania 25 when Rey Mysterio beat JBL. Plus, there have been a few other IC title changes in Texas in the last few years too.

Ryan also sent this one in: "The last time a WWE Champion was born from outside of the United States...16 years ago...Yokozuna". Are they serious? Do the names Bret Hart or Edge mean anything? This commentary has been nothing short of abysmal tonight.


12-14-2009, 07:30 AM
thanks for the post Krist

12-14-2009, 10:49 AM
I also noticed Jerry Lawler say "WWF TL.....wait let me say that again (laughs) WWE TLC brought to you by"

Black Widow
12-14-2009, 11:15 AM
heres another one.. not a botch but dumb as hell..

cole: what exactly do you need to do in this match..

its a ladder match you dumb fuck climb it get the belt duh

WWE need to train these commentators a little more

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-14-2009, 11:47 AM
^^Lol Thanks for that add-on Ryan

12-14-2009, 03:58 PM
the commentating was horrible last night

they botched several counts when it would be a 1 count they would say it was a 2 count

those 3 were pretty bad last night