View Full Version : Jim Ross: Sunday Update...Keep Those Orders Rolling...

Black Widow
12-15-2009, 12:55 AM
Sun, 12/13/2009 - 12:23pm — J.R.
Posted in:

* Wrestling

Beautiful day here in Norman. Hope your day is going great, too. The on line business is picking up and you still have plenty of time to get your orders in for holiday delivery. "Get 'er done."

BBQ'ed Random Thoughts....

UFC in Memphis was a strong show Saturday night and had a $1M plus gross which was significant for that market. Diego Sanchez gook one hell of an ass kicking that included a massive gash in his head, a broken nose and a trip to the hospital. BJ Penn looked spectacular in his win over Sanchez. Frank Mir won easily but he looked too heavy and being too heavy isn't automatically going to provide Mir with a better chance of ever beating Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar is still dealing with intestinal issues that have yet to be made definitively public but one hears that Brock will still end up going to the Mayo Clinic to get checked over in a few weeks. Changing one's diet often times works in correcting many intestinal issues and I hope that's the case with Lesnar. Speaking from experience and after suffering, and I mean suffering, through a perforated intestine and having 13 inches of my large intestine removed I can speak from experience that Brock's issues are no fun to deal with but that he can recover in most cases. Plus Lesnar is a freak of nature and will fight through whatever it is that ails him. I hope Brock is able to fight again but only if he can get back to where he was which is the baddest dude on the planet in MMA.

I have to hand it to Frank Mir...he is seemingly attempting to "reinvent" himself and he is continuing to stroke the fires of his "hated" rivalry between himself and Lesnar. If the stars align correctly and because of the Lesnar/Mir history and Mir's marketable mouth, a Lesnar-Mir PPV bout #3 will be big money.

At least there did not seem to be any UFC, judging issues Saturday night in Memphis which was a good thing.

My appearances at two, Norman Homeland Grocery stores Saturday went great as our sauces and ketchup along with the beef jerky are doing really well sales wise in the Oklahoma based grocery stores. The wholesale business to grocery stores has more potential upside than does our restaurant.

We are working diligently to ship your orders as quickly as possible and many times ship them the same day that they are received if received Monday thru Friday as Federal Express ground doesn't pick up on Saturday or Sunday here in Oklahoma.

Lots of dialog within the Friday Night Smackdown broadcast this week. Many stories to tell heading into tonight's TLC PPV which I will be watching here at home and commenting on afterwords. So you might want to check back with us late tonight or tomorrow if time permits.

From what I understand the arena in San Antonio is virtually a sell out and may well be "clean" by the time TLC starts tonight.

I assume that WWE will utilize a three man announce booth again for TLC. I don't know this for certain but that's what occurred on the last WWE PPV. Three man booths can work if every one has a definable role, everyone doesn't always agree, and because there are three people broadcasting that the show doesn't come off sounding like a radio broadcast. Obviously, the goal is to get noticeably better than the last time three men were used on a PPV.

A great start for the show would be Christian vs. Benjamin in their Ladder Match for the almost forgotten ECW Title as both men say that they are going to steal the show and I hope that they can safely pull that goal off. These are two of my favorite WWE wrestlers.

There are 7 bouts booked at TLC and 6 of them are title bouts. I have no idea what to expect but would guess that at least 2 titles will change hands and maybe more.

I don't have it confirmed but with this specialty themed TLC event named as it is I would surmise that the TLC bout featuring DX vs. Jericho/Show will close the show or at least that would be my pick. HBK losing in his home town would surprise me but I'm certainly not saying that outcome isn't possible. I like surprises in wrestling and hope that we see plenty of them tonight on PPV.

It would be fun to share with you some of the really unique inscriptions that I have signed for folks who have purchased our personally, autographed cookbooks for the holidays. Some were really funny and definitely creative.

Many of you are emailing me about the proposed change in the ECW TV format on Tuesday nights on Sy Fy but I have spoken to no one about this matter. It could and may occur but I am not privy to that info....not that I'm complaining.

Congrats to Mark Ingram for becoming the first Alabama football player to win the Heisman Trophy. It's hard to believe that a program as great as 'Bama's had never had a Heisman winner in their long history. The sophomore running back was genuinely moved by his winning college football's most coveted prize and it was refreshing to see raw, natural emotion in an athlete.

OU has stated preparation for the Sun Bowl, of which I expect to attend, and to play Heisman runner-up Toby Gerhart of the Stanford Cardinal. Hopefully, the Sooners can "get up" for this bowl game and end this challenging season on a positive note.

Two of the matches that I am looking forward to tonight in particular are the traditional bouts featuring Morrison vs. McIntyre for the IC Title and Orton vs. Kingston. It's nice for wrestlers to have a last name, yes...that one name stuff is often times a pet peeve...and it will be fun to see a non specialty bout or two on a PPV event loaded with specialty bouts. All four of these men have multiple and differing reasons to really rise to the occasion tonight. I've said it many, many times that when opportunity faces one right between the eyes then go out and turn heads no matter the circumstances surrounding one's bout.

I'm looking forward to tonight's PPV and am pleased that I'm not privy to "insider" info that would tarnish the way I watch the show.

Not related to any thing in particular but if wrestling fans have to watch a wrestling TV show too intently and have to remember an overload of verbiage to make the show relevant then one can make a case that said TV show is "overwritten."

Wrestling talk is and always will be a viable element inside a wrestling TV presentation but if there is too much of it then it waters down the prioritized talk and makes it mean less. The average fan who watches TV today wants to escape their daily issues and challenges and not have to over think things while watching TV especially when it comes to pro wrestling or at least that's my take on it.

Thanks for your business and remember than orders we receive today will most likely be shipped Monday.

I'm looking forward to an interesting week for many reasons but now my mind is returning to the NFL and then to TLC on PPV later tonight.

Boomer Sooner!



12-15-2009, 07:33 AM
thanks for the post Ryan