View Full Version : 12/26 raw report from albany, ny

12-27-2009, 07:09 PM
WWE Raw Live Event from the Times Union Center in Albany, NY:

The arena was about 80% packed, the entire lower floor was packed, middle level was packed except for a few seats, the upper level had no one.

Road Agent by the entrance was I.R.S. Mike Rotunda. He was taking notes during the show.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts. WWE’s physician & security guard sat next to Roberts at ringside. The physician was also the timekeeper. Roberts would bring the wardrobe of the superstars to backstage at the start of each match.

Show started right at 7:30 p.m. according to the arena’s clock, which was right above the ring. Roberts and John Cone came down to the ring. Everyone stood for the National Anthem.

The 1st Match was Goldust vs. Paul Burchill. Ref: John Cone. Nice back & forth match. It went about 7 minutes. Goldust won with the Golden Age. Goldust got the crowd cheering nicely and had a good pop.

Roberts told everyone to look at Kelly Kelly. Kelly was in the crowd towards the superstars entrance. She was wearing a shirt that showed her belly & jeans. She asked a little boy where Wrestlemania 26 is this year? He said Phoenix and Kelly said "Congrats, you win 4 free tickets to tonight's show!" (lol) Kelly then showed the family where they were going. Kelly sounded like nails against a chalkboard on the mic.

2nd Match: Maryse, Katie Lea, & Alicia Fox vs. Melina & Bella Twins. It was a Santa’s Little Helper Match with Special Guest Referee: Santino Marella. Santino got in the ring and almost rolled his way out the other side. Santino then grabbed Roberts to goof with him. Katie Lea got in the ring and took off her Santa Hat and put it on Santino. Maryse grabbed Roberts and laughed, she then did the same to Santino and “flirted” with him. Melina & Bellas walked around the ring shaking hands with everyone before the match. Maryse, Alicia and the Bellas wore skirts. Melina wore a Leopold print singlet and Katie wore her normal attire. One of the Bellas never got tagged in. Maryse, Katie & Melina worked most of the match. Katie was having trouble keeping her pants up. Maryse, as always, was great working as a heel. Alicia talked with Maryse when they were on the apron. They had a funny part in the match where The face divas rode the heels like horses spanking them. Melina gave Maryse a few extra as she tried to escape the ring. Santino got rolled over by Maryse/Melina. In the end, Maryse & Alicia were knocked out of the ring, Maryse & Alicia then backed away from the ring with her sitting on her knees and having her hands in the air as Melina hit the last call on Katie for the win. The faces celebrated with Santino as Maryse told Alicia to pull Katie out of the ring. The Match went a little over 10 minutes. It was a very fun match with some good wrestling, better then most of the Diva Matches on TV as of late.

3rd Match: Miz vs. MVP in a WWE United States Championship Title Match. Ref Jack Doan. Before the match Miz cut a 3 minute promo that was nicely done, saying how he is going to be the greatest champion of all time. He stopped the fans from saying his catchphrase (ala Mr. Kennedy). Miz got a nice amount of heat. Match went about 10 minutes, with Miz reversing the Playmaker into the Skull Crushing Finale. Ok match.

4th Match: Legacy vs. Primo & Evan Bourne. Ref John Cone. Before the match Cody said how the fans may boo them but on Tuesday they all will be lining up to buy Ted DiBiase’s new movie “Marine 2”. Bourne got a big pop when he was introduced. Primo’s pants seemed to be big on him. Bourne hit a lot of drop kicks. Bourne sold a clothesline by DiBiase very well and the crowd let out a big gasp at the way Evan landed. Cody tried to hit a moonsault but missed Evan and hurt his groin. Ted appeared to be laughing at Cody who was down for about 30 seconds or more. The finish came when Bourne missed Cody when he jumped out of the ring and DiBiase hit Dream Street for the win. Match went over 10 minutes.

5th Match: Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry. Ref Jack Doan. Swagger came out and did a great job of being a heel even faking a kid out that he would shake his hand. Swagger did his pushups in the ring. Mark Henry came out and shook hands with everyone on the way to the ring even reaching out to two little kids. Ok back & forth match. Henry scared Swagger out of the ring when he got in. Swagger in the beginning of the match kept telling Doan that Henry was pulling his hair. During the match Swagger stood on the apron yelling at the fans and Henry snuck up and stood behind him, Swagger sold it greatly jumping off the apron and fallen into the barrier. Henry hit a lot of headbutts. Swagger worked on Henry’s knee throughout the match. Henry hit the World’s Strongest Slam in about 8 minutes. Henry then got the crowding cheering with his hands.

Roberts brought two kids into the ring and he said the kids names and he said the WWE Security Guy’s name (Craig or Greg? Something) and he laughed about it. Roberts plugged WWE Cups at the stands and plugged the WWE Merch shirts & programs saying that John Cena took time out today to sign some programs. After 10 Minute Intermission the show resumed. Many people were not back yet as the hallways get really backed up at the Times Union Center.

6th Match: Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero. Ref Jack Doan. Match was very quick. Chavo punched Masters, Masters got put in a head lock, Masters tried the Masterlock, Chavo got free and he locked it again and won in about 3 minutes. Much of the fans were not back yet by the time it finished.

7th Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton. Ref John Cone. Kingston got a BIG pop when he came out, he's defiantly a big star now and I can see him winning the Rumble. Orton was very slow walking down the isle to the ring. Orton would not lock up with Kingston at the start. Orton put Kingston in a head lock for 3 minutes and you could see Kingston talking to him about what they were going to do in the match. Kingston then hit a lot of his big moves and jumped threw the ropes onto Orton. Orton hit a DDT on Kingston then put Kingston in a head lock for over 5 minutes! Then Kingston hit some of his big booms, punching Orton in the corner, hitting the Boom Boom Boom, then Orton hit a RKO and Kingston kicked out. They traded punches and then Orton hit the RKO again for the win. Kingston took awhile to get up and the match went over 20 minutes. The match was very boring during the two long head locks.

8th Match: Big Show vs. Triple H. Street Fight. Ref Jack Doan. HHH got a Big pop when he came out. HHH played off the crowd for about 2 minutes getting a lot of cheers. Big Show had control of the start of the match. Big Show hit some headbutts and was laughing. Big Show missed HHH and fell to the outside. Big Show threw HHH into the guardrail. Big Show leaned over and scared a few little kids to death (very funny). Big Show pulled HHH back into the ring. HHH took control of the match with 3 microphone shots to Big Show’s head. HHH then hit Show 3 times with a trashcan. Show sold it and fell down to the mat. HHH tried to cover him but Big Show threw him off. Big Show hit a Scoop Slam almost ontop of the trash can but Doan ran and moved it out of the way. Big Show was laughin. Big Show then put up his arms in a DX sign. Big Show slammed HHH into the trash can then stood on the rest of the can to make it squished. Big Show tried to get the crowd to be quiet to smack HHH’s chest but they booed and HHH took back control of the match. Big Show put HHH in a bearhug and Doan got a 2 count but HHH came back, smacked Show in the face. Show brought a Chair into the ring but missed and hit himself, HHH hit a DDT then got his sledgehammer. Show knocked it away. Big Show hit a chokeslam, HHH kicked out, Big Show went for a KO punch but missed and HHH hit him with the hammer for the win. HHH went to hit Show with the Hammer again but he rolled out of the ring and Doan & Cone helped him to the back. HHH then shook EVERY single person’s hand at ringside to the isle all the way to the back and around the back of the isle. Match went over 20 minutes.

Main Event: Sheamus vs. John Cena. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref John Cone. Sheamus before the match cut a promo saying how he is the WWE Champion and he wont lose it ever to Cena. He put down the NY crowd. Sheamus appears to be in way better shape then he was when he faced Tyler Reks in a Superstars match in Albany in August (that was re-taped the night after in Boston) (I guess he was a good work out partner lol). Cena came out to a MONSTROUS Pop. They locked up and Sheamus had the control at the start. They went back and forth for awhile. Sheamus taunted the crowd. Sheamus Irish wiped Cena into the guard rail which scared a security guard. Cena was then thrown into the steel steps. Sheamus hit a Standing Side Slam but Cena kicked out. Cena hit a nice diving leg drop bulldog for a 2 count. Sheamus hit 2 leg drops. Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Sheamus kicked out and hit a Big Boot for 2. Cena put Sheamus in the STF but Sheamus grabbed the rope. Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment but Sheamus got free and hit a low blow for the DQ finish. Cena then hit the Attitude Adjustment on Sheamus after the match. Cena said how Sheamus cant always get away and that he will win back the title Monday night he said he hoped Sheamus could hear him as he lye in the ring as the Champ is Still Here. Match went over 20 minutes.

It was a very fun good show, one of the best WWE shows I have seen next to New Years Revolution 2006 was the best

My Stars of the show
4. Swagger did a great job as a heel taunting the crowd. And seemed to have a good match better then his on TV.
3. Maryse She did a great job in and out of the ring and looked hot doing so. She even said on twitter she was wrestling sick (as way Dibase)
2. Sheamus. Sheamus did a good job in the ring and as a heel.
1. HHH. Had a great match and was awesome to the crowd.

My Favorite Matches
3. WWE Championship Title Match. A Good match and good promo by Sheamus
2. Divas Match, better then most Divas Matches on TV. You had the perfect formula Maryse/Melina/Katie did a great job in the ring as was sexy as well (as was Alicia but not the best heel work).
1. Street Fight. A Great Match by the two, where you couldn’t even tell Big Show had surgery a few weeks ago.

My Most Disliked Matches
2. Masters/Chavo was way to short.
1. Orton/Kingston way to much stalling and the head locks lasted way to long.

Biggest Pops
5. The Divas (crowd got quiet while one of the Bella’s and Katie where in the ring)
4. Bourne
3. Kingston
2. HHH
1. Cena

Most Heat
5. Swagger
4. Miz
3. Big Show
2. Sheamus
1. Randy Orton