View Full Version : Tommy Dreamer says to watch ECW tomorrow night

12-29-2009, 02:35 PM
Tommy Dreamer has a new blog entry up, asking fans to watch ECW On SyFy tonight for what is expected to be his final appearance for WWE.

"I need to let everyone know that tomorrow night on ECW on SYFY at 10 o clock eastern, will be the last ECW episode of the decade. I am calling upon all the WWE Universe to start a massive internet campaign. If you have ever watched or watch ECW to tune in tomorrow night. Set your DVRs, tell a friend, send emails, do what you got to do to spread the word. Tommy Dreamer is headed to the IZOD Center in New Jersey. I am going to go to the building that I have seen so many wrestling events as a kid. I am bringing my wrestling boots, because I am going to work. I am going to make the last episode of ECW this decade, Extreme!"

12-29-2009, 04:40 PM
You better do something big Tommy, I'm expecting it now.

12-30-2009, 07:23 AM
if vice is is part of this it wont be extreme