View Full Version : JR Blogs: Bret Hart's WWE Return, Austin & Rock Update,

12-30-2009, 09:51 PM
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We still have several affordable packages that still feature FREE SHIPPING in the USA for your added convenience. We'll ship 'em right out and we certainly appreciate your business.

The Bret Hart content on Monday Night Raw really added to the overall viewing experience of the program. I watched the show from start to finish and I felt like it was one of the better Raw broadcasts WWE has presented in several weeks.

To say that I did not feel compelled to be sitting there at ringside with so many new developments on tap would not be truthful.

What a great video package on Bret Monday night and it was timely as many younger fans likely were not as familiar with the WWE Hall of Famer since his last appearance on WWE TV was in November of 1997 excluding his HOF, TV exposure.

Ironically, Bret will return to WWE TV from Dayton, Ohio the site of the 1993 King of the Ring that I had the opportunity to broadcast. Bret won the tourney which was my 2nd WWE PPV after debuting at WM9 in Las Vegas.

Happy to hear that Ole Anderson is out of the hosptial after being admitted for a short while for an infection in his legs, as I understand it. Ole was one of the toughest men I ever encountered in the biz and was a classic antagonist inside and outside the ring. Ole has had health issues in recent years and even though he's likely not going to put me on his Christmas card list I have great respect for him and hope that his health improves. Ole Anderson had great ring psychology and with Gene Anderson was one of the best tag teams that I ever saw. If any human being on Earth was born to be a wrestling villain it was Ole Anderson.

With Bret Hart returning to Raw as the G.M. next week, some fans are curious as to what that does to the chance of a return in the same role for either Dwayne Johnson or Steve Austin. I don't have an answer to that question but I do feel that both men will eventually return to Raw in either the guest G.M. capacity or another role that provides them a "one off' opportunity to entertain their fans and to promote what it is that they are involved....likely their films.

We are continuing our personalized, autographed JR's Cookbook offer that sold so well during the holidays. It's still less than $20 and that includes the inscription of your choosing and FREE SHIPPING. Check it out in our store.

John Cena was all over ESPN on Tuesday promoting his Fiesta Bowl activities in conjunction with WWE's WM26 presentation in Phoenix. O.K., Glendale. I hope John enjoys the Fiesta Bowl better than I as the last two Oklahoma trips to the desert resulted in two Sooner loses to Blise State, of which Torrie Wilson has never allowed me to forget, and to West Virginia after their then coach, Rich Rodriquez, skipped town to take the Michigan job. The stadium however is awesome and will be a magnificent site for Wrestlemania 26.

Check out our Facebook page at http://facebook.dj/jrbbq/. Join the friends list if you would like to stayed in touch.

Timbaland is a major player in the music industry but he sort of came and went Monday night in Hartford. I think the festivities of the evening especially the return next week of Bret Hart made the genuis, music producer feel like he just stopped by, had a cup of coffee and hopped back into his limo.

It is regetful that my pal Mike Leach is in the eye of the storm out in Lubbock at Texas Tech. Mike is a little quirky, without question, but he has a great heart and is a funny, engaging and talented football coach. Sounds like someone's Mama and Daddy might have over reacted at their son's alleged plight. Tech saves $800K in bonus money to Mike if he is terminated with cause prior to December 31. Firing Mike Leach would be a huge mistake by the folks in Lubbock.

Since becoming ill in October, I can't begin to tell you how many doctor's appointments that I have had and how many times I have given blood for "more tests." Well, the latest tests were not stellar but once again my primary physician feels that the specialist has over reacted to some degree regarding the diagnosis. Thus far I have been "diagnosed" with MS and borderline diabetes not to mention stress issues and high blood pressure. Living with these diagnosis hasn't been the most fun that I've had but, as the King would say, one can't grieve forever.

The good news is that I do not have MS, that my diabetes issues are reverseable with a strict diet and exercise regime of which I have immersed myself in, and that I have to do all I can to reduce unnecessary stress in my life. Sounds like Florida Gators' coach Urban Meyer, huh?

I have been on a major diet for about 6 weeks and have become a regular at the gym. I'm "over the hump" regarding my diet and exercise program and have been feeling great. I still have my "issues' with Bells palsy #3 but it's improving. The right eye problems are prevelant but I'm dealing with them. Some days are better than others. It's no hill for a stepper as my Dad used to say. Many, many other folks have it so much worse and my problems are minor, solvable and will allow me to get back in the saddle some day. When that day does come I am positive that I will be better than ever if for nothing else because I'm going to be much healthier.

In the mean time we are in the process of making some major changes that affect my stress level. They are going to be tough changes to make but are necessary for the long haul. We'll have more on these matters over the next few weeks.

Bottom line, I am hopeful that my health continues to improve and that I am able to return to ringside sooner than later. Whether that is weekly, monthly or some other combination thereof is still to be determined but I am determined to get back in the game.

If you haven't tried our Hot, BBQ Sauce or our Chipotle Ketchup then you don't know what you're missing. Try some today. Plus, we are getting rave reviews by those that have tried our Beef Jerky. Those items are waiting for you as we speak.

My travel issues for the Sunday Bowl on New Year's Eve day have been solved and I'm flying to El Paso on Wednesday morning and returning right after the game with the OU team. The game will be on CBS Thursday and I will be on the Sooner sideline likely wearing a black hat...duh.

Boomer Sooner!


12-31-2009, 07:37 AM
wow thanks for this John